Межа Ваксмана—Бакала — це обчислена верхня межа спостережуваного потокунейтрино високих енергій на основі спостережуваного потоку космічних променів високих енергій. Оскільки найбільш високоенергійні нейтрино утворюються в тих самих взаємодіях, що й космічні промені, спостережувана швидкість створення останніх накладає обмеження на перші. Межа названа на честь Елі Ваксмана та Джона Бакала[1].
Alemany, R.; Burrage, C.; et al. "(2019). Summary Report of Physics Beyond Colliders at CERN".[2]
Gives a sense of the colliders at CERN that can help with this data set
Bradascio, F.. (2019). "Search for high-energy neutrinos from AGN cores". Proceedings of Science.[3]
Another peer reviewed article, this source allows for further information into parts of AGN that is included in the initial article.
Kachelriess, M.. (2022). "Extragalactic cosmic rays". FOS: Physical Science[4]
A journal reviewed article describing extra-galactic cosmic rays
Kachelriess, M.; Semikoz, D.V. (2019). "Cosmic ray models".Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 109, 103710.[5]
Peer reviewed journal that gives a broad understanding of cosmic ray models and different experiments
Kajita T. Atmospheric neutrinos and discovery of neutrino oscillations. Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci.[6]
Gives information about neutrinos - journal reviewed document
Kimura, S.. (2022). "Neutrinos from Gamma-ray Bursts". FOS: Physical Sciences.[7]
The peer reviewed journal article above works to give a further insight in to high energy neutrinos from GRB's, which is discussed in the original article by Bahcall and Waxman and gives a further insight into the paper
Letessier-Selvon, A. (2001). "Establishing the GZK cutoff with ultra high energy tau neutrinos". AIP Conference Proceedings.[8]
This is a peer reviewed source, and it works to add details about other factors and components necessary for our analysis
Piran, T. (1999). Gamma-ray bursts and the fireball model.Physics Reports, 314(6), 575–667.[9]
journal reviewed article that gives a brief insight into how the fireball method works.
Kronberg, P. (2003). "Intergalactic Magnetic Fields". Physics Today, 55[10]
The journal reviewed article above gives more information on the intergalactic magnetic fields mentioned above in the paper
Waxman, E; Bahcall, J (1998). "High energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources: An upper bound".Physical Review D, 59(2).[1]
This paper is a peer reviewed paper made by the authors Waxman and Bachall and gives a good overview of the overall topic chosen
↑Alemany, R. (2019). Summary Report of Physics Beyond Colliders at CERN. arXiv:1902.00260.
↑Bradascio, Federica (2019). Search for high-energy neutrinos from AGN cores. 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2019). Т. 36. с. 845. arXiv:1908.05170. Bibcode:2019ICRC...36..845B.
↑Kachelriess, M. (2022). Extragalactic cosmic rays. 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference. 12-23 July 2021. Berlin. с. 18. arXiv:2201.04535. Bibcode:2022icrc.confE..18K.