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Puck — американський щотижневий сатиричний журнал, який виходив у 1871-1918. Це був перший успішний гумористичний журнал у США, який містить барвисті ілюстрації, карикатури та політичну сатиру на злободенні питання [2].
Ця стаття містить неперекладені фрагменти іноземною мовою. Ви можете допомогти проєкту, переклавши їх українською.
It's "up to" them. Illustration shows Uncle Sam offering on one hand a soldier and on the other a "School Teacher" to a group of reluctant Filipinos, telling them that the choice is theirs. 1901
Exposed to the world's contempt.Illustration shows a larger-than-life "Spirit of Civilization" pointing with contempt to a man on a pedestal labeled "Russia"; standing around the pedestal are John Bull, Uncle Sam, and symbolic representatives of other nations. 1903
Running amuck. Illustration shows a drunken Russian man holding a jug of vodka and wildly swinging a bloodly sword at a wasp representing Japan. John Bull and Uncle Sam sit in the background. 1904
"The ex-scarecrow of Europe". Illustration shows the Russian Bear as a soldier with rifle turned into a scarecrow labeled "Russia"; a crow labeled "Japan" bites its nose, another crow labeled "England" is perched on its cap, and a crow labeled "Germany" is flying around its head, a crow labeled "Turkey" is on the ground at its feet, and a crow labeled "China" is perched on the rifle butt. All these crows, and several others on a fence nearby, are cawing with laughter at the scarecrow. 1904
"The Russian crown". 1905
Columbia wearing a warship bearing the words "World Power" as her "Easter bonnet", cover of Puck (April 6, 1901)
Rapid Transit to Sheol - Where We Are All Going According to the Reverend Dr. Morgan Dix, by Joseph Ferdinand Keppler, 1888
"The Evil Spirits of the Modern Day Press". Puck US magazine 1888; Nasty little printer's devils spew forth from the Hoe press in this Puck cartoon of Nov. 21, 1888.
« The Country is in a dreadful state! » par Joseph Keppler, nouvelle série, номер 2 (березень 1877)
« Look before you eat » par Opper, номер 366 (12 березня 1884)
« Jack The Ripper » par Tom Merry (édition londonienne, 21 вересня 1889)
« The Harem Girl » par Bert Green (29 березня 1911)
« The Queen of Hearts » par Walter Dean Goldbeck (25 березня 1914)
« The Lie of the Last Minstrel » par Ralph Barton (19 травня 1917)