Det förknippas i Västtyskland starkt med förbundskanslern Konrad Adenauer och dess arkitekt[förtydliga] näringsministern Ludwig Erhard. Det har blivit begrepp inte bara för den ekonomiska återhämtning som Västtyskland gjorde efter andra världskriget utan förknippas ofta även med landets återinträde i den internationella gemenskapen.
Interview with Gunther Harkort Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 1949-1952.
Interview with General Lucius D. Clay Deputy to U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1945; deputy military governor, Germany (U.S.) 1946; commander in chief, U.S. Forces in Europe and military governor, U.S. Zone, Germany, 1947–49; retired 1949.
Interview with General William Henry Draper Jr. Chief, Economics Division, Control Council for Germany, 1945–1946; Military Government Adviser to the Secretary of State, Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, 1947; Under Secretary of War, 1947; Under Secretary of the Army, 1947–1949;
Picture of demonstration against dismantling (7 June 1949) Workers in the Ruhr demonstrate against the dismantling of their factories by the Allied forces of occupation. (requires Flash Player) - CVCE