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Lista över kommuner i departementet Seine-et-Marne

Seine-et-Marnes läge i Frankrike.
Seine-et-Marnes läge i Frankrike.

Detta är en lista över de 514 kommunerna i departementet Seine-et-Marne i Frankrike. Om en kommun deltar i ett samarbetsorgan för kommuner (Communauté d'agglomération eller Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle) anges detta inom parentes efter kommunens namn.

I departementet Seine-et-Marne, finns följande samarbetsorgan:

  • CAMM (Communauté d'agglomération de Marne et Chantereine)
  • CAMG (Communauté d'agglomération de Marne et Gondoire)
  • CAMX (Communauté d'agglomération du Pays de Meaux)
  • CAM (Communauté d'agglomération Melun-Val de Seine)
  • SAMVE (Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle du Val-d'Europe)
  • SANS (Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle de Sénart-Ville Nouvelle)
  • SAMVM (Syndicat d'agglomération nouvelle du Val-Maubuée)

INSEE-kod Postnummer Kommun
77001 77760 Achères-la-Forêt
77002 77120 Amillis
77003 77760 Amponville
77004 77390 Andrezel
77005 77410 Annet-sur-Marne
77006 77630 Arbonne-la-Forêt
77007 77390 Argentières
77008 77440 Armentières-en-Brie
77009 77890 Arville
77010 77720 Aubepierre-Ozouer-le-Repos
77011 77570 Aufferville
77012 77560 Augers-en-Brie
77013 77120 Aulnoy
77014 77210 Avon
77015 77480 Baby
77016 77167 Bagneaux-sur-Loing
77018 77700 Bailly-Romainvilliers (SANVE)
77019 77118 Balloy
77020 77970 Bannost-Villegagnon
77021 77130 Barbey
77022 77630 Barbizon
77023 77910 Barcy (CAMX)
77024 77750 Bassevelle
77025 77118 Bazoches-lès-Bray
77026 77560 Beauchery-Saint-Martin
77027 77890 Beaumont-du-Gâtinais
77028 77120 Beautheil
77029 77390 Beauvoir
77030 77510 Bellot
77031 77540 Bernay-Vilbert
77032 77320 Beton-Bazoches
77033 77970 Bezalles
77034 77115 Blandy
77035 77940 Blennes
77036 77970 Boisdon
77037 77590 Bois-le-Roi
77038 77350 Boissettes (CAM)
77039 77350 Boissise-la-Bertrand (CAM)
77040 77310 Boissise-le-Roi (CAM)
77041 77760 Boissy-aux-Cailles
77042 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel
77043 77750 Boitron
77044 77720 Bombon
77045 77570 Bougligny
77046 77760 Boulancourt
77047 77580 Bouleurs
77048 77780 Bourron-Marlotte
77049 77470 Boutigny
77050 77620 Bransles
77051 77480 Bray-sur-Seine
77052 77720 Bréau
77053 77170 Brie-Comte-Robert
77054 77940 La Brosse-Montceaux
77055 77177 Brou-sur-Chantereine (CAMM)
77056 77890 Burcy
77057 77750 Bussières
77058 77600 Bussy-Saint-Georges
77059 77600 Bussy-Saint-Martin
77060 77760 Buthiers
77061 77130 Cannes-Écluse
77062 77400 Carnetin
77063 77515 La Celle-sur-Morin
77065 77930 Cély
77066 77320 Cerneux
77067 77240 Cesson (SANS)
77068 77520 Cessoy-en-Montois
77069 77930 Chailly-en-Bière
77070 77120 Chailly-en-Brie
77071 77460 Chaintreaux
77072 77171 Chalautre-la-Grande
77073 77160 Chalautre-la-Petite
77075 77144 Chalifert
77076 77650 Chalmaison
77077 77910 Chambry (CAMX)
77078 77260 Chamigny
77079 77430 Champagne-sur-Seine
77080 77560 Champcenest
77081 77390 Champdeuil
77082 77720 Champeaux
77083 77420 Champs-sur-Marne (SANVM)
77084 77660 Changis-sur-Marne
77085 77600 Chanteloup-en-Brie
77086 77720 La Chapelle-Gauthier
77087 77540 La Chapelle-Iger
77088 77760 La Chapelle-la-Reine
77093 77320 La Chapelle-Moutils
77089 77370 La Chapelle-Rablais
77090 77160 La Chapelle-Saint-Sulpice
77091 77610 Les Chapelles-Bourbon
77094 77410 Charmentray
77095 77410 Charny
77096 77590 Chartrettes
77097 77320 Chartronges
77098 77370 Châteaubleau
77099 77570 Château-Landon
77100 77820 Le Châtelet-en-Brie
77101 77126 Châtenay-sur-Seine
77102 77167 Châtenoy
77103 77820 Châtillon-la-Borde
77104 77610 Châtres
77335 77124 Chauconin-Neufmontiers (CAMX)
77106 77169 Chauffry
77107 77390 Chaumes-en-Brie
77108 77500 Chelles (CAMM)
77109 77160 Chenoise
77110 77570 Chenou
77111 77700 Chessy (SANVE)
77112 77760 Chevrainvilliers
77113 77320 Chevru
77114 77173 Chevry-Cossigny
77115 77710 Chevry-en-Sereine
77116 77320 Choisy-en-Brie
77117 77730 Citry
77118 77410 Claye-Souilly
77119 77370 Clos-Fontaine
77120 77440 Cocherel
77121 77090 Collégien
77122 77380 Combs-la-Ville (SANS)
77123 77290 Compans
77124 77600 Conches-sur-Gondoire
77125 77450 Condé-Sainte-Libiaire
77126 77440 Congis-sur-Thérouanne
77127 77170 Coubert
77128 77860 Couilly-Pont-aux-Dames
77129 77840 Coulombs-en-Valois
77130 77580 Coulommes
77131 77120 Coulommiers
77132 77700 Coupvray (SANVE)
77133 77126 Courcelles-en-Bassée
77134 77560 Courchamp
77135 77540 Courpalay
77136 77390 Courquetaine
77137 77560 Courtacon
77138 77390 Courtomer
77139 77181 Courtry (CAMM)
77140 77154 Coutençon
77141 77580 Coutevroult
77142 77580 Crécy-la-Chapelle
77143 77124 Crégy-lès-Meaux (CAMX)
77144 77610 Crèvecœur-en-Brie
77145 77390 Crisenoy
77146 77183 Croissy-Beaubourg (SANVM)
77147 77370 La Croix-en-Brie
77148 77840 Crouy-sur-Ourcq
77149 77160 Cucharmoy
77150 77165 Cuisy
77151 77320 Dagny
77152 77190 Dammarie-lès-Lys (CAM)
77153 77230 Dammartin-en-Goële
77154 77163 Dammartin-sur-Tigeaux
77155 77400 Dampmart
77156 77140 Darvault
77157 77440 Dhuisy
77158 77940 Diant
77159 77520 Donnemarie-Dontilly
77161 77130 Dormelles
77162 77510 Doue
77163 77139 Douy-la-Ramée
77164 77830 Échouboulains
77165 77820 Les Écrennes
77166 77250 Écuelles
77167 77126 Égligny
77168 77620 Égreville
77169 77184 Émerainville (SANVM)
77170 77250 Épisy
77171 77450 Esbly
77172 77940 Esmans
77173 77139 Étrépilly
77174 77157 Everly
77175 77166 Évry-Grégy-sur-Yerre
77176 77515 Faremoutiers
77177 77220 Favières
77178 77167 Faÿ-lès-Nemours
77179 77133 Féricy
77180 77150 Férolles-Attilly
77181 77164 Ferrières-en-Brie
77182 77320 La Ferté-Gaucher
77183 77260 La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
77184 77940 Flagy
77185 77930 Fleury-en-Bière
77186 77300 Fontainebleau
77187 77480 Fontaine-Fourches
77188 77590 Fontaine-le-Port
77190 77370 Fontains
77191 77370 Fontenailles
77192 77610 Fontenay-Trésigny
77193 77165 Forfry
77194 77130 Forges
77195 77390 Fouju
77196 77410 Fresnes-sur-Marne
77197 77320 Frétoy
77198 77760 Fromont
77199 77470 Fublaines (CAMX)
77200 77890 Garentreville
77201 77370 Gastins
77202 77690 La Genevraye
77203 77910 Germigny-l'Évêque (CAMX)
77204 77840 Germigny-sous-Coulombs
77205 77165 Gesvres-le-Chapitre
77206 77120 Giremoutiers
77207 77890 Gironville
77208 77114 Gouaix
77209 77400 Gouvernes
77210 77130 La Grande-Paroisse
77211 77720 Grandpuits-Bailly-Carrois
77212 77118 Gravon
77214 77410 Gressy
77215 77220 Gretz-Armainvilliers
77216 77880 Grez-sur-Loing
77217 77166 Grisy-Suisnes
77218 77480 Grisy-sur-Seine
77219 77580 Guérard
77220 77760 Guercheville
77221 77600 Guermantes
77222 77390 Guignes
77223 77520 Gurcy-le-Châtel
77224 77515 Hautefeuille
77225 77580 La Haute-Maison
77226 77850 Héricy
77227 77114 Hermé
77228 77510 Hondevilliers
77229 77610 La Houssaye-en-Brie
77230 77890 Ichy
77231 77440 Isles-les-Meldeuses
77232 77450 Isles-lès-Villenoy (CAMX)
77233 77165 Iverny
77234 77450 Jablines
77235 77440 Jaignes
77236 77480 Jaulnes
77237 77600 Jossigny
77238 77640 Jouarre
77239 77970 Jouy-le-Châtel
77240 77320 Jouy-sur-Morin
77241 77230 Juilly
77242 77650 Jutigny
77243 77400 Lagny-sur-Marne
77244 77760 Larchant
77245 77148 Laval-en-Brie
77246 77171 Léchelle
77247 77320 Lescherolles
77248 77450 Lesches
77249 77150 Lésigny
77250 77320 Leudon-en-Brie
77251 77127 Lieusaint (SANS)
77252 77550 Limoges-Fourches
77253 77550 Lissy
77254 77220 Liverdy-en-Brie
77255 77000 Livry-sur-Seine (CAM)
77256 77650 Lizines
77257 77440 Lizy-sur-Ourcq
77258 77185 Lognes (SANVM)
77259 77230 Longperrier
77260 77650 Longueville
77261 77710 Lorrez-le-Bocage-Préaux
77262 77560 Louan-Villegruis-Fontaine
77263 77520 Luisetaines
77264 77540 Lumigny-Nesles-Ormeaux
77265 77138 Luzancy
77266 77133 Machault
77267 77570 La Madeleine-sur-Loing
77268 77700 Magny-le-Hongre (SANVE)
77269 77950 Maincy
77270 77580 Maisoncelles-en-Brie
77271 77570 Maisoncelles-en-Gâtinais
77272 77370 Maison-Rouge
77273 77230 Marchémoret
77274 77139 Marcilly
77275 77560 Les Marêts
77276 77100 Mareuil-lès-Meaux (CAMX)
77277 77610 Marles-en-Brie
77278 77120 Marolles-en-Brie
77279 77130 Marolles-sur-Seine
77280 77440 Mary-sur-Marne
77281 77120 Mauperthuis
77282 77990 Mauregard
77283 77145 May-en-Multien
77284 77100 Meaux (CAMX)
77285 77350 Le Mée-sur-Seine (CAM)
77286 77520 Meigneux
77287 77320 Meilleray
77288 77000 Melun (CAM)
77289 77171 Melz-sur-Seine
77290 77730 Méry-sur-Marne
77291 77990 Le Mesnil-Amelot
77292 77410 Messy
77293 77130 Misy-sur-Yonne
77294 77290 Mitry-Mory
77295 77950 Moisenay
77296 77550 Moissy-Cramayel (SANS)
77297 77570 Mondreville
77298 77520 Mons-en-Montois
77299 77250 Montarlot
77300 77470 Montceaux-lès-Meaux (CAMX)
77301 77151 Montceaux-lès-Provins
77302 77140 Montcourt-Fromonville
77303 77320 Montdauphin
77304 77320 Montenils
77305 77130 Montereau-Fault-Yonne
77306 77950 Montereau-sur-le-Jard (CAM)
77307 77144 Montévrain
77308 77230 Montgé-en-Goële
77309 77122 Monthyon
77310 77480 Montigny-le-Guesdier
77311 77520 Montigny-Lencoup
77312 77690 Montigny-sur-Loing
77313 77940 Montmachoux
77314 77320 Montolivet
77315 77450 Montry
77316 77250 Moret-sur-Loing
77317 77720 Mormant
77318 77163 Mortcerf
77319 77160 Mortery
77320 77120 Mouroux
77321 77480 Mousseaux-lès-Bray
77322 77230 Moussy-le-Neuf
77323 77230 Moussy-le-Vieux
77325 77480 Mouy-sur-Seine
77326 77176 Nandy (SANS)
77327 77370 Nangis
77328 77760 Nanteau-sur-Essonne
77329 77710 Nanteau-sur-Lunain
77330 77100 Nanteuil-lès-Meaux (CAMX)
77331 77730 Nanteuil-sur-Marne
77332 77230 Nantouillet
77333 77140 Nemours
77336 77610 Neufmoutiers-en-Brie
77337 77186 Noisiel (SANVM)
77338 77940 Noisy-Rudignon
77339 77123 Noisy-sur-École
77340 77140 Nonville
77341 77114 Noyen-sur-Seine
77342 77890 Obsonville
77343 77440 Ocquerre
77344 77178 Oissery
77345 77750 Orly-sur-Morin
77348 77167 Ormesson
77347 77134 Les Ormes-sur-Voulzie
77349 77280 Othis
77350 77330 Ozoir-la-Ferrière
77352 77390 Ozouer-le-Voulgis
77353 77710 Paley
77354 77830 Pamfou
77355 77520 Paroy
77356 77480 Passy-sur-Seine
77357 77970 Pécy
77358 77124 Penchard (CAMX)
77359 77930 Perthes
77360 77131 Pézarches
77361 77580 Pierre-Levée
77363 77181 Le Pin
77364 77165 Le Plessis-aux-Bois
77365 77540 Le Plessis-Feu-Aussoux
77366 77165 Le Plessis-l'Évêque
77367 77440 Le Plessis-Placy
77368 77160 Poigny
77369 77470 Poincy (CAMX)
77370 77167 Poligny
77371 77515 Pommeuse
77372 77400 Pomponne
77373 77340 Pontault-Combault
77374 77135 Pontcarré
77376 77410 Précy-sur-Marne
77377 77220 Presles-en-Brie
77378 77310 Pringy
77379 77160 Provins
77380 77139 Puisieux
77381 77720 Quiers
77382 77860 Quincy-Voisins
77383 77370 Rampillon
77384 77550 Réau (SANS)
77385 77510 Rebais
77386 77760 Recloses
77387 77710 Remauville
77388 77260 Reuil-en-Brie
77389 77000 La Rochette (CAM)
77390 77680 Roissy-en-Brie
77391 77160 Rouilly
77392 77230 Rouvres
77393 77540 Rozay-en-Brie
77394 77950 Rubelles (CAM)
77395 77760 Rumont
77396 77560 Rupéreux
77397 77730 Saâcy-sur-Marne
77398 77510 Sablonnières
77399 77710 Saint-Ange-le-Viel
77400 77515 Saint-Augustin
77402 77320 Saint-Barthélemy
77403 77160 Saint-Brice
77405 77750 Saint-Cyr-sur-Morin
77406 77510 Saint-Denis-lès-Rebais
77401 77260 Sainte-Aulde
77404 77650 Sainte-Colombe
77407 77310 Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry
77408 77470 Saint-Fiacre
77409 77130 Saint-Germain-Laval
77410 77950 Saint-Germain-Laxis (CAM)
77411 77169 Saint-Germain-sous-Doue
77412 77930 Saint-Germain-sur-École
77413 77860 Saint-Germain-sur-Morin
77414 77160 Saint-Hilliers
77415 77660 Saint-Jean-les-Deux-Jumeaux
77416 77370 Saint-Just-en-Brie
77417 77510 Saint-Léger
77418 77650 Saint-Loup-de-Naud
77419 77670 Saint-Mammès
77420 77230 Saint-Mard
77421 77320 Saint-Mars-Vieux-Maisons
77423 77320 Saint-Martin-des-Champs
77424 77320 Saint-Martin-du-Boschet
77425 77630 Saint-Martin-en-Bière
77426 77720 Saint-Méry
77427 77410 Saint-Mesmes
77428 77720 Saint-Ouen-en-Brie
77429 77750 Saint-Ouen-sur-Morin
77430 77178 Saint-Pathus
77431 77140 Saint-Pierre-lès-Nemours
77432 77320 Saint-Rémy-la-Vanne
77433 77120 Saints
77434 77480 Saint-Sauveur-lès-Bray
77435 77930 Saint-Sauveur-sur-École
77436 77169 Saint-Siméon
77437 77165 Saint-Soupplets
77438 77400 Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes
77439 77148 Salins
77440 77260 Sammeron
77441 77920 Samois-sur-Seine
77442 77210 Samoreau
77443 77580 Sancy
77444 77320 Sancy-lès-Provins
77445 77176 Savigny-le-Temple (SANS)
77446 77650 Savins
77447 77240 Seine-Port (CAM)
77448 77260 Sept-Sorts
77449 77700 Serris (SANVE)
77450 77170 Servon
77451 77640 Signy-Signets
77452 77520 Sigy
77453 77115 Sivry-Courtry
77454 77520 Sognolles-en-Montois
77455 77111 Soignolles-en-Brie
77456 77650 Soisy-Bouy
77457 77111 Solers
77458 77460 Souppes-sur-Loing
77459 77171 Sourdun
77460 77440 Tancrou
77461 77520 Thénisy
77462 77230 Thieux
77463 77810 Thomery
77464 77400 Thorigny-sur-Marne
77465 77940 Thoury-Férottes
77466 77163 Tigeaux
77467 77130 La Tombe
77468 77200 Torcy (SANVM)
77469 77131 Touquin
77470 77220 Tournan-en-Brie
77471 77123 Tousson
77472 77510 La Trétoire
77473 77710 Treuzy-Levelay
77474 77450 Trilbardou (CAMX)
77475 77470 Trilport (CAMX)
77476 77440 Trocy-en-Multien
77477 77760 Ury
77478 77260 Ussy-sur-Marne
77479 77360 Vaires-sur-Marne (CAMM)
77480 77830 Valence-en-Brie
77481 77370 Vanvillé
77482 77130 Varennes-sur-Seine
77483 77910 Varreddes (CAMX)
77484 77580 Vaucourtois
77485 77123 Le Vaudoué
77486 77141 Vaudoy-en-Brie
77487 77000 Vaux-le-Pénil (CAM)
77489 77710 Vaux-sur-Lunain
77490 77440 Vendrest
77491 77250 Veneux-les-Sablons
77492 77510 Verdelot
77493 77390 Verneuil-l'Étang
77494 77670 Vernou-la-Celle-sur-Seine
77495 77240 Vert-Saint-Denis (SANS)
77496 77370 Vieux-Champagne
77498 77450 Vignely (CAMX)
77500 77710 Villebéon
77501 77250 Villecerf
77504 77710 Villemaréchal
77505 77470 Villemareuil
77506 77250 Villemer
77507 77480 Villenauxe-la-Petite
77508 77174 Villeneuve-le-Comte
77509 77154 Villeneuve-les-Bordes
77510 77174 Villeneuve-Saint-Denis
77511 77230 Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin
77512 77510 Villeneuve-sur-Bellot
77513 77124 Villenoy (CAMX)
77514 77270 Villeparisis
77515 77410 Villeroy
77516 77130 Ville-Saint-Jacques
77517 77410 Villevaudé
77518 77190 Villiers-en-Bière
77519 77560 Villiers-Saint-Georges
77520 77760 Villiers-sous-Grez
77521 77580 Villiers-sur-Morin
77522 77114 Villiers-sur-Seine
77523 77480 Villuis
77524 77520 Vimpelles
77525 77230 Vinantes
77526 77139 Vincy-Manœuvre
77527 77540 Voinsles
77528 77950 Voisenon (CAM)
77529 77580 Voulangis
77530 77560 Voulton
77531 77940 Voulx
77532 77160 Vulaines-lès-Provins
77533 77870 Vulaines-sur-Seine
77534 77390 Yèbles
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2002 compilation album by RainbowPot of GoldCompilation album by RainbowReleased5 February 2002Recorded1975-1983GenreHard rockLength74:13LabelSpectrum MusicRainbow compilation albums chronology Classic Rainbow(2001) Pot of Gold(2002) All Night Long: An Introduction(2002) Professional ratingsReview scoresSourceRatingAllMusic[1] Pot of Gold is a budget-priced compilation album by the British hard rock band Rainbow, released in 2002. Track listing Still I'm Sad (Jim McCarty, Paul Sa…

American audio equipment company Skullcandy Inc.TypeSubsidiaryIndustryAudioFounded2003FoundersRick Alden and Cris WilliamsHeadquartersPark City, Utah, U.S.Key peopleJason Hodell (CEO)ProductsHeadphonesAudio equipment, audio accessoriesRevenue$266.3 million (2015)[1]OwnerMill Road Capital[2] Skullcandy Inc. is an American company based in Park City, Utah, that markets Technology headphones, earphones, hands-free devices, audio backpacks, MP3 players, and o…

ستانلي ولز   معلومات شخصية الميلاد 21 مايو 1930 (93 سنة)  المملكة المتحدة،  وكينغستون أبون هال  مواطنة المملكة المتحدة  عضو في الجمعية الملكية للأدب  الزوجة سوزان هيل (23 أبريل 1975–)  الحياة العملية المواضيع دراسات أدبية  [لغات أخرى]‏  المدرسة الأم كلية ل…

Formula One racing car rp20 redirects here. For the European social media conference, see re:publica 2020. Racing Point RP20An RP20 driven by Sergio Pérez during the 2020 Formula One pre-season testing.CategoryFormula OneConstructorRacing PointDesigner(s)Andrew Green (Technical Director)Akio Haga (Chief Designer)Ian Hall (Chief Designer) Bruce Eddington (Chief Engineer, Composites) Dan Carpenter (Chief Engineer, Mechanical Design) Andrew Brown (Head of R&D) Jonathan Marshall (Head of Vehicl…

”Inside the Bar is a song written in 1917 by the English composer Edward Elgar, with words by Sir Gilbert Parker. It was published by Enoch & Sons in 1917. In its original version it is a part-song for four baritones with a piano part marked accompaniment ad lib., but it was also arranged by the composer as a song for solo voice with piano accompaniment, and for a group of two tenors and two basses. It is sub-titled A Sailor's Song, and dedicated to the singers Charles Mott, Harry Barratt,…

This article's lead section may not adequately summarize its contents. Please help improve the lead by writing an accessible overview. (October 2012) Not to be confused with Military ranks and insignia of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Military ranks and insignia of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Military ranks (1992–1997) Supreme Armed Forces Commander The Supreme Armed Forces Commander was held by only one person during the ARBiH's existence, Alija Izetbegović. Generals - Gene…

William Howard TaftPresiden Amerika Serikat ke-27Masa jabatan4 Maret 1909 – 4 Maret 1913Dicalonkan olehWarren HardingWakil PresidenJames S. Sherman, (1909-1912) tidak ada (1912-1913)PendahuluTheodore RooseveltPenggantiWoodrow WilsonKetua Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat ke-10Masa jabatan11 Juli 1921 – 3 Februari 1930PendahuluEdward WhitePenggantiCharles HughesSementara Gubernur KubaMasa jabatan29 September 1906 – 13 Oktober 1906Ditunjuk olehTheodore RooseveltPendah…

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (يوليو 2019) رون غولدمان معلومات شخصية الميلاد 21 فبراير 1947 (76 سنة)  مواطنة الولايات المتحدة  الحياة العملية المدرسة الأم جامعة جونز هوبكينزمعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجي…

Luke McLean McLean nel 2012 con la maglia del Benetton Treviso Dati biografici Paese  Australia Altezza 191 cm Peso 96 kg Rugby a 15 Union  Italia Ruolo Utility back Ritirato 2019 Carriera Attività di club[1] 2007 Perth Spirit4 (16)2007-09 Calvisano30 (80)2009-10 Benetton14 (31)2014-15 Sale Sharks7 (10)2017-19 London Irish27 (15) Attività in franchise 2010-14 Benetton44 (35)2015-17 Benetton25 (0) Attività da giocatore internazionale 2008-17 Italia8…

областьИвановская Промышленная область Страна  СССР Входит в РСФСР Включает 7 округов (до 23 июля 1930 года), 60 р-нов, 1 836 с/с Адм. центр Иваново История и география Дата образования 1 октября 1929 Дата упразднения 11 марта 1936 Площадь 123 080 км² Население Население 4 407 700 чел. …

1982 single by Donna SummerLove Is in Control (Finger on the Trigger)Single by Donna Summerfrom the album Donna Summer B-sideSometimes Like ButterfliesReleased1982GenreSynth-funk[1]Length4:19LabelGeffen (US)Warner Bros. (Europe)Songwriter(s) Quincy Jones Rod Temperton Merria Ross Producer(s)Quincy JonesDonna Summer singles chronology Who Do You Think You're Foolin' (1981) Love Is in Control (Finger on the Trigger) (1982) State of Independence (1982) Love Is in Control (Finger on the Trig…

1993 short story collection by Haruki Murakami The Elephant Vanishes U.S. First edition coverEditorGary FisketjonAuthorHaruki MurakamiOriginal title象の消滅Zō no shōmetsuTranslatorAlfred Birnbaum, Jay RubinCountryJapanLanguageJapaneseGenreShort story collectionPublishedMarch 31, 1993 (Knopf)Media typePrint (hardcover)Pages327ISBN0-679-42057-6OCLC26805691LC ClassPL856.U673 E44 1993 The Elephant Vanishes (象の消滅, Zō no shōmetsu) is a collection of 17 short stories by J…

2012 Indian filmI Love MeTheatrical posterDirected byB. UnnikrishnanWritten bySethuProduced byVyshakh RajanStarringAsif AliUnni MukundanAnoop MenonIsha TalwarKadambari JethwaniCinematographySatheesh KurupEdited byManojMusic byDeepak DevDistributed byVyshaka CinemaRelease date 21 December 2012 (2012-12-21) CountryIndiaLanguageMalayalam I Love Me is a 2012 Indian Malayalam thriller film directed by B. Unnikrishnan and written by Sethu.[1] It stars Unni Mukundan, Asif Ali, Is…

Earthwork in England Nico DitchNico Ditch running west near Levenshulme53°27′03″N 2°10′37″W / 53.4508°N 2.1769°W / 53.4508; -2.1769LocationGreater Manchester, EnglandDesignerAnglo-SaxonsTypeDitch and earthworkLength6 mi (9.7 km)Width4–5 yards (3.7–4.6 m)Completion date5th – 11th centuryDismantled dateLarge sections lost to urban expansion Nico Ditch is a six-mile (9.7 km) long linear earthwork between Ashton-under-Lyne and S…

Regional airline of Japan J-Airジェイ エア IATA ICAO Callsign JL JALJLJ JAPAN AIRJ-AIR FoundedApril 1991; 32 years ago (1991-04) as JAL Flight AcademyCommenced operationsNovember 1996; 27 years ago (1996-11) as J-AirHubsOsaka–ItamiSapporo–ChitoseFocus citiesFukuokaKagoshimaFrequent-flyer programJAL Mileage BankAllianceOneworld (affiliate)Fleet size32Destinations17Parent companyJapan AirlinesHeadquartersItami Airport, Osaka, JapanKey peopleTs…

The Nowy Sącz GhettoStreet in the Nowy Sącz Ghetto, c. 1941 Sącz Nowy Sącz wartime location, south-east of Auschwitz during the Holocaust in occupied PolandNowy Sącz GhettoLocation of Nowy Sącz in Poland todayLocation49°38′00″N 20°43′00″E / 49.6333°N 20.7166°E / 49.6333; 20.7166Date1939–1942Incident typeImprisonment, mass shooting, forced labor, starvation, deportations to death campsPerpetratorsNazi SS, Orpo police battalionsCampBełżec extermination…

Architectural structure in City of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK The Mortonhall Crematorium is a multi-denominational crematorium in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is an example of Basil Spence's post-war expressionist style. Opened in 1967, the crematorium is set in mature woodland and is a Category A listed building. A walled memorial garden opened there in December 2015. Design Main chapel, Mortonhall Crematorium Garden of Remembrance, Mortonhall Crematorium Mortonhall Cemetery, Edinburgh Architects Spenc…

System to transmit information by hand This article is about the system to transmit information by hand-held devices. For the mechanical system using signalling towers, see Optical telegraph. A US Navy crewman signals the letter 'U' using flag semaphore during an underway replenishment exercise (2005) Flag semaphore (from the Ancient Greek σῆμα (sêma) 'sign' and -φέρω (-phero) '-bearer'[1]) is a semaphore system conveying information at a distance by means of visual signals wit…

1995 studio album by Tha Dogg PoundDogg FoodStudio album by Tha Dogg PoundReleasedOctober 31, 1995 (1995-10-31)RecordedDecember 1994 - April 1995StudioCan-Am Studios (Tarzana, Los Angeles)Dre's Crib (Los Angeles)GenreWest Coast hip hopgangsta rapG-funkLength71:19LabelDeath RowInterscopePriority[1]ProducerSuge Knight (exec.)Dr. Dre (also exec.)Dat Nigga DazDJ PoohKuruptTha Dogg Pound chronology Dogg Food(1995) Dillinger & Young Gotti(2001) Singles from Dogg Food…

American media communications agency (1996–) OMDTypeSubsidiary of Omnicom Media GroupIndustryAdvertising, MarketingFoundedOctober 1996; 27 years ago (1996-10) in Paris, FranceHeadquartersNew York City, United StatesNumber of locationsOver 140 offices in 80 countriesArea servedWorldwideKey peopleGeorge Manas, CEOServicesMedia Planning, OMD Worldwide is a media communications agency.[1][2] It is a subsidiary of Omnicom G…

German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer (1523–1593) Valentin Naboth (also spelled Valentine Naibod or Nabod) (13 February 1523[notes 1] – 3 March 1593), known by the latinized name Valentinus Nabodus, was a German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer. Symbolum Valentini Naibodae Sceptrum Jovis Fulmineum Cum Inscriptione: NEC PROCUL A JOVE[2] Life and academic career Valentin Naboth was born in Calau (Niederlausitz)[notes 2] to a formerly Jewish family. He…

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