Di nagara ieu aya Sudetenland, di mana baheula aya séké bangsa Jérman, tapi saenggeus Perang Dunya II, kalobaannana didéportasi sanajan masih loba urang Céko nu mibanda nami Jérman.
Saenggeus labuhna nagara éta dina Perang Dunya I, Céko jeung tatanggina Slowakia ngagabung jeung ngawangun républik merdéka Cékoslowakia dina 1918. Négara anyar ieu boga étnis Jérman minoritas nu loba, nu nuju ka bubarna Cékoslowakia wanci Jérman sukses nganéksasi minoritas éta liwat Pasatujuan Munchen dina 1938, jeung Slowakia miboga otonomi nu leuwih gedé, jeung nagara dinamian "Céko-Slowakia". Slowakia salajengna misah deui dina 1939 jeung sisa nagara Céko ieu dikawasaan ku Jérman.
Dumasar kana konstitusi, Républik Céko mangrupa hiji nagara démokrasiparleménter nu pupuhu nagarana hiji présidén nu dipilih ku parlemén pikeun masa jabat 5 taun. Présidén mibanda hak véto dina législasi, hak imunitas, jeung bisa ngabubarkeun parlemén dina kaayaan katangtu. Anjeunna ogé milih perdana menteri sarta anggota kabinét dumasar kana proposal ti perdana menteri.
Parlemén Céko (Parlament) mangrupa hiji parlemén bikameral nu diwangun ti Poslanecká sněmovna nu kasusun ti 200 korsi nu masa jabatna 4 taun jeung Sénát nu kasusun ti 81 korsi nu masa jabatna 6 jeung 2 taun.
↑Slovak language is defined as official language together with Czech language by several laws – e.g. law 500/2004, 337/1992. Source: http://portal.gov.czArchived 2005-04-10 di Wayback Machine. Cited: "Například Správní řád (zákon č. 500/2004 Sb.) stanovuje: "V řízení se jedná a písemnosti se vyhotovují v českém jazyce. Účastníci řízení mohou jednat a písemnosti mohou být předkládány i v jazyce slovenském..." (§16, odstavec 1). Zákon o správě daní a poplatků (337/1992 Sb.) „Úřední jazyk: Před správcem daně se jedná v jazyce českém nebo slovenském. Veškerá písemná podání se předkládají v češtině nebo slovenštině..." (§ 3, odstavec 1). http://portal.gov.czArchived 2005-04-10 di Wayback Machine
↑Citizens belonging to minorities, which traditionally and on long-term basis live within the territory of the Czech Republic, enjoy the right to use their language in communication with authorities and in front of the courts of law (for the list of recognized minorities see National Minorities Policy of the Government of the Czech RepublicArchived 2012-06-07 di Wayback Machine). The article 25 of the Czech Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms ensures right of the national and ethnic minorities for education and communication with authorities in their own language. Act No. 500/2004 Coll. (The Administrative Rule) in its paragraph 16 (4) (Procedural Language) ensures, that a citizen of the Czech Republic, who belongs to a national or an ethnic minority, which traditionally and on long-term basis lives within the territory of the Czech Republic, have right to address an administrative agency and proceed before it in the language of the minority. In case that the administrative agency doesn't have an employee with knowledge of the language, the agency is bound to obtain a translator at the agency's own expense. According to Act No. 273/2001 (About The Rights of Members of Minorities) paragraph 9 (The right to use language of a national minority in dealing with authorities and in front of the courts of law) the same applies for the members of national minorities also in front of the courts of law.