Asam lemak oméga-3

Rupa-rupa lemak dina katuangan
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Asam lemak n−3 (katelah asam lemak ω−3 atawa asam lemak oméga-3) nyaéta kulawarga asam lemak teu jenuh nu mibanda tungtung beungkeut ganda karbon-karbon dina posisi n−3; nyaéta beungkeut katilu ti tungtung métil asam lemakna.

Asam lemak n−3 nu penting salaku zat gizi di antarana asam alfa-linolénat (ALA), asam éikosapéntaénoat (EPA), jeung asam dokosahéksaénoat (DHA), nu teu jenuhna laloba. Awak manusa teu bisa nyieun asam lemak n−3 de novo, tapi bisa ngabentuk asam lemak n−3 karbon-20 teu jenuh (kawas EPA) jeung asam lemak n−3 teu jenuh karbon-22 (kawas DHA) tina asam lemak n−3 karbon-18. Ieu parobahan lumangsung paheula-heula (kompetitif) jeung asam lemak n−6 nu tumali raket jeung analog kimia turunan asam linoléat. Boh asam α-linolénat n−3 atawa asam linoléat n−6 sarua pentingna nu kudu aya asupanana tina katuangan. Sintésis asam lemak n−3 nu leuwih panjang tina asam linolénat dina jero awak kaéléhkeun ku analogna anu n−6. Ku kituna, akumulasi asam lemak n−3 ranté panjang dina jaringan leuwih jétu mun diala langsung tina katuangan[rujukan?].


Rujukan lianna

  • Robson, A. 2006. "Shellfish view of omega-3 and sustainable fisheries." Nature 444, 1002.
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  • Bell, J.G., et al. 2004. "Essential fatty acids and phospholipase A2 in autistic spectrum disorders." Prostaglandins Leukot.Essent.Fatty Acids 71(4):201–204.
  • Bartram, Thomas, 1998, Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, p. 271.
  • Ohara, K. "The n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acid/dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia." Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2007 Mar 30;31(2):469–474.
  • Richardson, A.J., and M.A. Ross. 2000. "Fatty acid metabolism in neurodevelopmental disorder: a new perspective on associations between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia and the autistic spectrum." Prostaglandins Leukot.Essent.Fatty Acids 63(1–2):1–9.
  • Young, G., and J. Conquer. 2005. "Omega-3 fatty acids and neuropsychiatric disorders." Reprod.Nutr.Dev 45(1):1–28.
  • Hibbeln JR, Nieminen LR, Blasbalg TL, Riggs JA, Lands WE. Héalthy intakes of n−3 and n−6 fatty acids: estimations considering worldwide diversity. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 Jun;83(6 Suppl):1483S–1493S.
  • Scher, J., and Pillinger, M. "15d-PGJ2: The anti-inflammatory prostaglandin?" Clinical Immunology. 2005 Feb; 114(2):100–109

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