(6-4)DNK fotolijaza (EC, DNK fotolijaza, H64PRH, NF-10, phr (6-4), PL-(6-4), OtCPF1, (6-4) PHR, At64PHR) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom (6-4) fotoprodukt pirimidin-lijaza.[1][2] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
- (6-4) fotoprodukt (u DNK) 2 pirimidinski ostaci (u DNK)
Ovaj enzim je flavoprotein (FAD).
- ^ Hitomi, K., DiTacchio, L., Arvai, A.S., Yamamoto, J., Kim, S.T., Todo, T., Tainer, J.A., Iwai, S., Panda, S. and Getzoff, E.D. (2009). „Functional motifs in the (6-4) photolyase crystal structure make a comparative framework for DNA repair photolyases and clock cryptochromes”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106: 6962—6967. PMID 19359474.
- ^ Schleicher, E., Hitomi, K., Kay, C.W., Getzoff, E.D., Todo, T. and Weber, S. (2007). „Electron nuclear double resonance differentiates complementary roles for active site histidines in (6-4) photolyase”. J. Biol. Chem. 282: 4738—4747. PMID 17164245.
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