Универзитет Нотр Дам
Универзитету Нотр Дам (енгл. University of Notre Dame, ND) је високошколска установа у Саут Бенд, САД , Индијана .[ 7] Овај универзитет основали су 1842 године француски мисионари.
Burns, Robert E (2000). Being Catholic, Being American: The Notre Dame Story, 1934–1952, Vol. 2 . ISBN 0268021635 . . 632pp. excerpt and text search
Corson, Dorothy V. A Cave of Candles: The Spirit, History, Legends and Lore of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's (2006), 222pp.
Hesburgh, Theodore M (2000). God, Country, Notre Dame: The Autobiography of Theodore M. Hesburgh .
McAvoy, Thomas T (1963). „Notre Dame, 1919–1922: The Burns Revolution.”. Review of Politics . 25 (4). JSTOR 1405842 . : 431–450.
McAvoy, Thomas T. Father O'Hara of Notre Dame (1967)
Massa, Mark S (1999). Catholics and American Culture: Fulton Sheen, Dorothy Day, and the Notre Dame Football Team. . 278 pp.
O'Brien, Michael. Hesburgh: A Biography. (1998). 354 pp.
O'Connell, Marvin R. Edward Sorin. (2001). 792 pp.
Pilkinton, Mark C (2011). Washington Hall at Notre Dame: Crossroads of the University, 1864–2004 . University of Notre Dame Press. 419 pp.
Rice, Charles E., Ralph McInerny, and Alfred J. Freddoso. What Happened to Notre Dame? (2009) laments the weakening of Catholicism at ND
Robinson, Ray (1999). Rockne of Notre Dame: The Making of a Football Legend. . 290 pp.
Sperber, Murray (1993). Shake Down the Thunder: The Creation of Notre Dame Football. . 634 pp.
Yaeger, Don and Looney, Douglas S (1993). Under the Tarnished Dome: How Notre Dame Betrayed Its Ideals for Football Glory . . 299 pp.
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