Prvi pisani trag o šećernim štapićima datira iz 1837. godine iz zapisa sa Izložbe dobrotvornog mehaničkog udruženja (енгл.Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association).[4]Recept za ravne štapićaste bombone od mente, bele boje sa crvenim prugama, objavljen je 1844. godine.[5] Slatkiš se pominje i u literaturi iz 1866. godine, [6] ali bez mnogo opisa izgleda i ukusa. Mesečnik The Nursery je 1874.[7] godine objavio članak povezivajući ove štapiće sa proslavom Božića, a časopis Babyland je 1882. pomenuo upotrebu šećernih štapića kao ukrase na božićnom drvetu.[8]
Hrišćansko poreklo
Godine 1670, horovođa u Kelnskoj katedrali želeo je da otkloni buku koju su deca stvarala tokom tradicije živih jaslica na Badnjoj večeri. Zatražio je od lokalnog proizvođača slatkiša da napravi nekakav duguljast slatkiš koji će poklanjati deci.[9][10][11][12] Da bi opravdao praksu davanja slatkiša deci tokom bogoslužunja, zatražio je da se štapići oblikuju tako da na vrhu imaju kuku, što bi decu asociralo na pastirski štap i pastire koji su došli da posete bebu Isusa.[9][10][11] Takođe, zatraženo je da slatkiš bude bele boje kako bi asocirao na bezgrešnost Isusovog života. Vremenom se proizvodnja i konzumiranje slatkiša proširila u druge delove Evrope, gde su se najčešće darivali tokom rekonstrukcije Rađanja.[9][10][11] Time je šećerni štapić postao poznati božićni i novogodišnji slatkiš.[3]
Kao i kod drugih slatkiša iz tog perioda, prvobitna proizvodnja je bila ručne izrade. Konditorski proizvođač Bunte Brothers iz Čikaga, prvi su patentirali mašinu za proizvodnju bombona, početkom 1920-ih godina.[13] Godine 1919. u gradu Olbani u saveznoj američkoj državi Džordžiji, Robert Mek Kormak je počeo proizvodnju božićnih štapića za lokalne kupce. Sredinom veka, njegova kompanija postala je jedna od vodećih svetskih proizvođača bombona. U početku, proizvodnja šećernih štapića je bila ograničena jer je radna snaga morala ručno da savija vrhove štapića koji su silazili sa trake, kako bi se dobio karakteristični oblik. Ovakva proizvodnja imala je preko 20% škarta, odnosno, preko 20% štapića je prilikom savijanja pucalo. Godine 1957, rimokatoličkisveštenik[14] koji je letnju pauzu koristio za rad u kućnoj radionici slatkiša, patentirao je svoj izum koji je automatizovao uvijanje bombona i njihovo rezanje.[15]
^ абAmerican Christmas Tree Journal. National Christmas Tree Association. 2005. стр. 40. „St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on the anniversary of his death in 343 A.D. The candy cane is said to represent the crozier, or bishop's staff, of St. Nicholas.”
^ абHartel, Richard W.; Hartel, AnnaKate (28. 3. 2014). Candy Bites: The Science of Sweets. Springer Science & Business Media. стр. 53. ISBN9781461493839. Приступљено 8. 1. 2015. „The candy cane is said to have its origins at Christmas time in Germany circa 1670. A church choirmaster in Cologne gave sticks of hard candy with a crook at the end to the children in his choir to keep them quiet during long Christmas services.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
^ абвR. O. Parker (19. 10. 2001). Introduction to Food Science. Delmar. ISBN9780766813144. Приступљено 17. 12. 2011. „In 1670, the choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral gave sugar sticks to his young singers to keep them quiet during the long Living Crèche ceremony. In honor of the occasion, he had the candies bent into the shepherds crooks. In 1847, a German-Swedish immigrant named August Imgard of Wooster, Ohio, decorated a small pine tree with paper ornaments and candy canes.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
^ абвHelen Haidle (2002). Christmas Legends to Remember. David C. Cook. ISBN9781562925345. Приступљено 17. 12. 2011. „Around 1670, a choirmaster of a cathedral in Cologne, Germany, handed out sugar sticks to his young singers. At Christmas, in honor of the birth of Jesus, the choirmaster bent the sugar sticks at one end, forming the shape of a shepherd's crook. These white candy canes helped keep the children quiet during the long Christmas Eve Nativity service. From Germany, the use of candy shepherds' staffs spread across Europe, where plays of the Christmas Nativity were accompanied by gifts of the sweet "shepherds' crooks."”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
^ абвAce Collins (20. 4. 2010). Great Traditions of Christmas. Zondervan. ISBN9780310873884. Приступљено 17. 12. 2011. „Church history records that in 1670 the choirmaster at Germany's Cologne Cathedral was faced with a problem that still challenges parents, teachers, and choir directors today. In ancient Cologne, as well as in thousands of churches today, the children in the choir often grew restless and noisy during the long services. He sought out a local candy maker, and after looking over the treats in his shop, the music leader paused in front of some white sweet sticks. Yet the choirmaster wondered if the priests and parents would allow him to give the children in his choir candy to eat during a church service. The choirmaster asked the candy maker if he could bend the sticks and make a crook at the top of each one. The candy would not be just a treat; it would be a teaching tool. The choirmaster decided that the candy's pure white color would represent the purity of Christ. The crook would serve as a way for the children to remember the story of the shepherds who came to visit the baby Jesus. The shepherds carried staffs or canes, and with the hook at the top of the stick, the candy now looked like a cane.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
^It's Christmas Season: My, How Sweet It Is!. The Milwaukee Journal. 13. 12. 1968. Приступљено 20. 12. 2011. „In 1670, a choirmaster at Germany's Cologne cathedral bent the ends of some sugar sticks to represent shepherds' crooks, and distributed them to youngsters. The practice spread.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)[мртва веза]
^Webb, Val (30. 9. 2010). Stepping Out with the Sacred. A&C Black. стр. 79. ISBN9781441196422. Приступљено 8. 1. 2015. „The image of Jesus as the good shepherd spoke volumes to the early Church as a metaphor for Divine care such that bishops, in time, carried a shepherd's crook (crosier) with its hooked end to symbolize “pastoral” care (pastoral meaning “of or relating to shepherds or herders”)— interestingly, the hook on some crosiers ends in a snake's head.”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)