Sidro je težka kovinska priprava, navadno s kavlji, ki se spusti, da se plovilo obdrži na določenem mestu. Sidro preprečuje premikanje plovila zaradi vetra in/ali morskih tokov. Sidro se po navadi spusti na morsko dno, sidro sicer deluje tudi na globokih vodah na odprtem morju - velika teža in velika dolžina vrvi (verige) preprečujeta premikanje plovila.
Blackwell, Alex & Daria; Happy Hooking – the Art of Anchoring, 2008, 2011 White Seahorse; ISBN 978-0-9815171-0-0
Edwards, Fred; Sailing as a Second Language: An illustrated dictionary, 1988 Highmark Publishing; ISBN 0-87742-965-0
Hinz, Earl R.; The Complete Book of Anchoring and Mooring, Rev. 2d ed., 1986, 1994, 2001 Cornell Maritime Press; ISBN 0-87033-539-1
Hiscock, Eric C.; Cruising Under Sail, second edition, 1965 Oxford University Press; ISBN 0-19-217522-X
Pardey, Lin and Larry; The Capable Cruiser; 1995 Pardey Books/Paradise Cay Publications; ISBN 0-9646036-2-4
Rousmaniere, John; The Annapolis Book of Seamanship, 1983, 1989 Simon and Schuster; ISBN 0-671-67447-1
Smith, Everrett; Cruising World's Guide to Seamanship: Hold me tight, 1992 New York Times Sports/Leisure Magazines
William N. Brady (1864). The Kedge-anchor; Or, Young Sailors' Assistant.
First published as The Naval Apprentice's Kedge Anchor. New York, Taylor and Clement, 1841.--The Kedge-anchor; 3rd ed. New York, 1848.--6th ed. New York, 1852.--9th ed. New York, 1857.