Seznam vojaških plovil Kraljeve vojne mornarice vsebuje bivša in sedanja vojaška plovila Kraljeve vojne mornarice Združenega kraljestva .
Seznam vsebuje tudi kopenske objekte (vojašnice , letališče ), ki jih Kraljeva vojna mornarica označuje enako kot ladje .
Abecedni seznam
HMS A1 | HMS A2 | HMS A3 | HMS A4 | HMS A5 | HMS A6 | HMS A7 | HMS A8 | HMS A9 | HMS A10 | HMS A11 | HMS A12 | HMS A13 | HMS A14 | HMS Abbotsham | HMS Abdiel | HMS Abeille | HMS Abelard | HMS Abelia | HMS Abercrombie | HMS Aberdare | HMS Aberdeen | HMS Aberford | HMS Aberfoyle | HMS Abergavenny | HMS Abigail | HMS Abingdon | HMS Aboukir | HMS Abraham | HMS Abrams Offering | HMS Abundance | HMS Abyssinia | HMS Acacia | HMS Acanthus | HMS Acasta | HMS Acertif | HMS Ace (P414) | HMS Achates | HMS Achates (H12) | HMS Achates (1945) | HMS Acheron | HMS Achille | HMS Achilles | HMS Achilles (1778) | HMS Achilles (1863) | HMNZS Achilles | HMS Achilles (F12) | HMS Aconite | HMS Acorn | HMS Actaeon | HMS Acteon | HMS Actif | HMS Active | HMS Active (1869) | HMS Active (1911) | HMS Active (H14) | HMS Active (F171) | HMS Activity | HMS Acute | HMS Adam & Eve | HMS Adamant | HMS Adamant (1788) | HMS Adamant (1940) | HMS Adamant II | HMS Adda | HMS Adder | HMS Adelaide | HMS Adept | HMS Admirable | HMS Admiral Devries | HMS Admiral Farragut | HMS Admiralty | HMS Adonis | HMS Adroit | HMS Adur | HMS Advance | HMS Advantage | HMS Advantagia | HMS Adventure Galley | HMS Adventure Prize | HMS Adventure | HMS Adversary | HMS Advice Prize | HMS Advice | HMS Adviser | HMS Aeneas (P427) | HMS Aeolus | HMS Aetna | HMS Affleck | HMS Affray | HMS Africa | HMS Africa (1694) | HMS Africa (1761) | HMS Africa (1781) | HMS Africa (1803) | HMS Africa (1862) | HMS Africa (1905) | HMS Afridi | HMS Afridi (1907) | HMS Afridi (F07) | HMS Afrikander | HMS Agamemnon | HMS Agamemnon (1781) | HMS Agamemnon (1852) | HMS Agamemnon (1879) | HMS Agamemnon (1906) | HMS Agassiz | HMS Agate | HMS Aggressor | HMS Agile | HMS Agincourt | HMS Agincourt (1796) | HMS Agincourt (1817) | HMS Agincourt (1865) | HMS Agincourt (1913) | HMS Agincourt (1914) | HMS Agincourt (D86) | HMS Aid | HMS Aigle | HMS Aimable | HMS Aimwell | HMS Ainthorpe | HMS Airedale | HMS Aire | HMS Aisne (D22) | HMS Aitape | HMS Ajax | HMS Ajax (1765) | HMS Ajax (1880) | HMS Ajax (1912) | HMS Ajax (1934) | HMS Ajdaha | HMS Akbar | HMS Akers | HMS Alaart | HMS Alacrity | HMS Alacrity (1885) | HMS Alacrity (1913) | HMS Alacrity (U60) | HMS Alacrity (F174) | HMS Aladdin | HMS Alamein (D17) | HMS Alaric | HMS Alarm | HMS Alaunia II | HMS Albacore | HMS Albanaise | HMS Albany | HMS Alban | HMS Albatross | HMS Albermarle | HMS Albermarle (1781) | HMS Albermarle (1901) | HMS Alberni | HMS Alberta | HMS Albert | HMS Albion | HMS Albion (1763) | HMS Albion (?) | HMS Albion (1802) | HMS Albion (kuter I) | HMS Albion (kuter II) | HMS Albion (1842) | HMS Albion (1898) | HMS Albion (R07) | HMS Albion (L14) | HMS Albrighton | HMS Albuera | HMS Albury | HMS Alcantara | HMS Alcaston | HMS Alcei & Francis | HMS Alceste | HMS Alcestis | HMS Alcide | HMS Alcmene | HMS Aldborough | HMS Aldenham | HMS Alderney | HMS Aldington | HMS Alecto | HMS Alerte | HMS Alert | HMS Alexander | HMS Alexandra | HMS Alexandre | HMS Alexandria | HMS Alfreda | HMS Alfred | HMS Alfriston | HMS Algerine | HMS Algiers | HMS Algoma | HMS Algonquin | HMS Alice | HMS Alisma | HMS Alkmaar | HMS Allegiance | HMS Allepin | HMS Alliance | HMS Alligator | HMS Allington Castle (K689) | HMS Alnwick Castle (K405) | HMS Alonzo | HMS Alphea | HMS Alpheus | HMS Alresford | HMS Altham | HMS Alton Castle | HMS Alton | HMS Alverton | HMS Alvington | HMS Alynbank | HMS Alyssum | HMS Amaranthe | HMS Amaranthus | HMS Amarylis | HMS Amazon | HMS Amazon (1799) | HMS Amazon (1908) | HMS Amazon (D39) | HMS Amazon (F169) | HMS Amberley Castle (K386) | HMS Amberwitch | HMS Ambleside | HMS Amboyna | HMS Ambrose | HMS Ambuscade | HMS Ambuscade (1773) | HMS Ambuscade (1798) | HMS Ambuscade (1811) | HMS Ambuscade (1830) | HMS Ambuscade (1913) | HMS Ambuscade (D38) | HMS Ambuscade (F172) | HMS Ambush | HMS Ambush (P418) | HMS Ambush (S120) | HMS Ameer | HMS Amelia | HMS America | HMS Amersham | HMS Amerton | HMS Amethyst | HMS Amethyst (1844) | HMS Amethyst (1873) | HMS Amethyst (1903) | HMS Amethyst (T12) | HMS Amethyst (U16) | HMS Amfitrite | HMS Amitie | HMS Amity | HMS Amokura | HMS Amphion | HMS Amphion (1780) | HMS Amphion (1798) | HMS Amphion (1846) | HMS Amphion (1883) | HMS Amphion (1911) | HMS Amphion (1934) | HMS Amphion (1944) | HMS Amphitrite | HMS Amsterdam | HMS Anachreon | HMS Anaconda | HMS Anchorite | HMS Anchusa | HMS Andania | HMS Andrew | HMS Andromache | HMS Andromeda | HMS Anemone | HMS Angelica | HMS Angel | HMS Angler | HMS Anglesea | HMS Anglesey | HMS Anguilla | HMS Ann & Christopher | HMS Ann & Judith | HMS Anna Teresa | HMS Annan | HMS Annapolis | HMS Anna | HMS Anne Gallant | HMS Anne Galley | HMS Anne Royal | HMS Anne | HMS Anson | HMS Anson (1784) | HMS Anson (1886) | HMS Anson (1916) | HMS Anson (1940) | HMS Answer | HMS Antaeus | HMS Antagonist | HMS Antares | HMS Antelope | HMS Antelope (1624) | HMS Antelope (1681) | HMS Antelope (1703) | HMS Antelope (1741) | HMS Antelope (6.) | HMS Antelope (1783) | HMS Antelope (1802) | HMS Antelope (1880) | HMS Antelope (1892) | HMS Antelope (H36) | HMS Antelope (F170) | HMS Antelope | HMS Anthony Boneventure | HMS Anthony | HMS Antigonish | HMS Antigua | HMS Antrim (D18) | HMS Antwerp | HMS Ant | HMS Anzio | HMS Apelles | HMS Aphis | HMS Aphrodite | HMS Apollo | HMS Apollo (1892) | HMS Apollo (1936) | HMS Apollo (1943) | HMS Apollo (F70) | HMS Appleby Castle | HMS Appledore | HMS Appleton | HMS Approach | HMS Aquarius | HMS Aquilon | HMS Arabis | HMS Arab | HMS Arachne | HMS Ararat | HMS Arawa | HMS Araxes | HMS Arbella | HMS Arbiter | HMS Arbroath | HMS Arbutus | HMS Arc-en-Ciel | HMS Arcadian | HMS Archer | HMS Archer (1801) | HMS Archer (1849) | HMS Archer (1885) | HMS Archer (1911) | HMS Archer (D78) | HMS Archer (1967) | HMS Archer (1985) | HMS Arcturus | HMS Ard Patrick | HMS Ardent | HMS Ardent (1894) | HMS Ardent (1913) | HMS Ardent (1929) | HMS Ardent (P437) | HMS Ardent (F184) | HMS Ardrossan | HMS Arethusa | HMS Arethusa (1759) | HMS Arethusa (1781) | HMS Arethusa (1817) | HMS Arethusa (1849) | HMS Arethusa (1882) | HMS Arethusa (1913) | HMS Arethusa (1934) | HMS Arethusa (F38) | HMS Arethuse | HMS Argonaut (F56) | HMS Argon | HMS Argosy | MS Argo | HMS Argus | HMS Argus (1799) | HMS Argus (1812) | HMS Argus (1813) | HMS Argus (1831) | HMS Argus (1849) | HMS Argus (1851) | HMS Argus (1904) | HMS Argus (1917) | HMS Argus (A135) | HMS Argyll | HMS Argyll (1711) | HMS Argyll (1904) | HMS Argyll (F231) | HMS Ariadne | HMS Ariel | HMS Aries | HMS Ariguani | HMS Ark Royal | HMS Ark Royal (1587) | HMS Ark Royal (1914) | HMS Ark Royal (91) | HMS Ark Royal (R09) | HMS Ark Royal (R07) | HMS Arlingham | HMS Armada (D14) | HMS Armeria | HMS Armide | HMS Arms of Holland | HMS Arms of Horn | HMS Arms of Rotterdam | HMS Arms of Terver | HMS Arno | HMS Arnprior | HMS Aro | HMS Arras | HMS Arrernte | HMS Arrogante | HMS Arrogant | HMS Arromanches | HMS Arrow | HMS Arrow (1870) | HMS Arrow (H42) | HMS Arrow (F173) | HMS Arrowhead | HMS Artemis | HMS Artful | HMS Artful (P456) | HMS Artful (S121) | HMS Artifex | HMS Artigo | HMS Artois | HMS Arundel | HMS Arunta | HMS Arun | HMS Arve Princen | HMS Ascension | HMS Ascot | HMS Asgard | HMS Ashanti | HMS Ashanti (F51) | HMS Ashanti (F117) | HMS Ashburton | HMS Asheldham | HMS Ashton | HMS Asia | HMS Asperity | HMS Asphodel | HMS Asp | HMS Assail | HMS Assam | HMS Assault | HMS Assiduous | HMS Assiniboine | HMS Assistance | HMS Association | HMS Assurance | HMS Astarte | HMS Aster | HMS Astraea | HMS Asturias | HMS Astute | HMS Astute (P447) | HMS Astute (S119) | HMS Atalanta | HMS Atalante | HMS Atheling | HMS Athelney | HMS Athene | HMS Athenienne | HMS Atherstone | HMS Atherstone (1916) | HMS Atherstone (L05) | HMS Atherstone (M38) | HMS Atholl | HMS Atlantis (P432) | HMS Atlas | HMS Attacker | HMS Attack | HMS Attentive | HMS Attentive II | HMS Aubretia | MS Aubretia | HMS Auckland | HMS Audacieux | HMS Audacious | HMS Audacious (1785) | HMS Audacious (1869) | HMS Audacious (1912) | HMS Audacity | HMS Augusta | HMS Augustine | HMS Augustus | HMS Auricaula | HMS Auricula | HMS Auriga | HMS Aurochs | HMS Aurora | HMS Aurora (1757) | HMS Aurora (1766) | HMS Aurora (1777) | HMS Aurora (1809) | HMS Aurora (1814) | HMS Aurora (1861) | HMS Aurora (1887) | HMS Aurora (1913) | HMS Aurora (12) | HMS Aurora (F10) | HMS Aurore | HMS Ausonia | HMS Austere | HMS Australia (1888) | HMS Autumn | HMS Aveley | HMS Avenger | HMS Avenger (D14) | HMS Avenger (F185) | HMS Avernus | HMS Avon Vale | HMS Avon | HMS Awake | HMS Awe | HMS Axford | HMS Aydon Castle | HMS Aylmer | HMS Ayrshire | HMS Azalea | HMS Azov | HMS Aztec (P455)
HMS B1 | HMS B2 | HMS B3 | HMS B4 | HMS B5 | HMS B6 | HMS B7 | HMS B8 | HMS B9 | HMS B10 | HMS B11 | HMS Babet | HMS Bacchante | HMS Bacchante (1901) | HMS Bacchante (F69) | HMS Bacchus | HMS Baddeck | HMS Badger | HMS Badminton | HMS Badsworth | HMS Bagshot | HMS Bahamas | HMS Bahama | HMS Bala | HMS Baleine | HMS Balfour | HMS Ballahou | HMS Ballarat | HMS Ballindery | HMS Balmain | HMS Balm | HMS Balsam | HMS Baltic | HMS Baltimore | HMS Bamborough Castle (K412) | HMS Banbury | HMS Banchory | HMS Banff | HMS Bangor | HMS Bann | HMS Banshee | HMS Banterer | HMS Bantry | HMS Bantum | HMS Barbadoes | HMS Barbados | HMS Barbara | HMS Barbette | HMS Barbuda | HMS Barfleur | HMS Barfleur (1697) | HMS Barfleur (1768) | HMS Barfleur (1892) | HMS Barfleur (D80) | HMS Barham | HMS Barham (1889) | HMS Barham (1914) | HMS Bark of Bullen | HMS Bark of Murlesse | HMS Barle | HMS Barnard Castle (K694) | HMS Barnstaple | HMS Barnwell Castle | HMS Barracouta | HMS Barrington | HMS Barrosa | HMS Barrosa (1860) | HMS Barrosa (D68) | HMS Basilisk | HMS Basing | HMS Bassingham | HMS Bastion | HMS Batavia | HMS Bat | HMS Bat (1896) | HMS Bat (1943) | HMS Bathgate | HMS Bathurst | HMS Bath | HMS Batman | HMS Battleaxe | HMS Battler | HMS Battle | HMS Bayfield | HMS Bayntun | HMS Bazely | HMS Beachampton | HMS Beachy Head | HMS Beacon Hill | HMS Beacon | HMS Beagle | HMS Bear | HMS Beatrice | HMS Beatty | HMS Beaufort | HMS Beaulieu | HMS Beauly Firth | HMS Beaumaris | HMS Beaumont | HMS Beaver Prize | HMS Beaver | HMS Beccles | HMS Beckford | HMS Beckwith | HMS Bedale | HMS Bedford Galley | HMS Bedford | HMS Bedham | HMS Bedouin | HMS Beehive | HMS Beeston Castle | HMS Bee | HMS Begonia | HMS Begum | HMS Belem | HMS Belette | HMS Belfast (C35) | HMS Belisarius | HMS Belle Isle | HMS Belle Poule | HMS Bellechasse | HMS Belleisle | HMS Belleisle (?) | HMS Belleisle (1876) | HMS Bellerophon | HMS Bellerophon (1786) | HMS Bellerophon (1865) | HMS Bellerophon (1907) | HMS Belliqueux | HMS Bellona | HMS Bellona (1747) | HMS Bellona (1760) | HMS Bellona (1794) | HMS Bellona (1806) | HMS Bellona (1890) | HMS Bellona (1909) | HMS Bellona (1942) | HMS Bellwort | HMS Belmont | HMS Belton | HMS Belvidera | HMS Belvoir | HMS Belzebub | HMS Ben Lomond | HMS Ben Meidie | HMS Ben Nevis | HMS Ben-my-Chree (1908) | HMS Benalla | HMS Benbow | HMS Benbow (1885) | HMS Benbow (1913) | HMS Bendigo | HMS Bendor | HMS Bengal | HMS Benjamin & Ann | HMS Benjamin | HMS Bentinck | MS Bentley | MS Berberis | HMS Berbice | HMS Bere Castle | HMS Beresford | HMS Bergamot | HMS Bergere | HMS Berkeley Castle | HMS Berkeley Castle (1695) | HMS Berkeley Castle (K387) | HMS Berkeley | HMS Bermagui | HMS Bermuda | HMS Bermuda (1795) | HMS Bermuda (1805) | HMS Bermuda (1808) | HMS Bermuda (1813) | HMS Bermuda (1819) | HMS Bermuda (1848) | HMS Bermuda (C52) | HMS Berry Head | HMS Berry | HMS Berwick | HMS Beschermer | HMS Betano | HMS Betony | HMS Betty | HMS Beverley | HMS Bevington | HMS Bezan | HMS Bhamo | HMS Bicester | HMS Bickerton | HMS Bickington | HMS Biddeford | HMS Bideford | HMS Bienfaisant | HMS Bigbury Bay | HMS Bihar | HMS Bildeston | HMS Bilsthorpe | HMS Birdham | HMS Bird | HMS Birkenhead | HMS Birkenhead (1845) | HMS Birkenhead (1915) | HMS Birmingham | HMS Birmingham (1913) | HMS Birmingham (C19) | HMS Birmingham (D86) | HMS Bisham | HMS Biter | HMS Bittern | HMS Bittersweet | HMS Black Bull | HMS Black Dog | HMS Black Eagle | HMS Black Posthorse | HMS Black Prince | HMS Black Prince (1650) | HMS Black Prince (1816) | HMS Black Prince (1861) | HMS Black Prince (1904) | HMS Black Prince (81) | HMS Black Spread-Eagle | HMS Black Swan (L57) | HMS Blackburn | HMS Blackfly | HMS Blackmore Ketch | HMS Blackmore Lady | HMS Blackmorevale | HMS Blackmore | HMS Blackpool | HMS Blackwall | HMS Blackwater | HMS Blackwood | HMS Black | HMS Blade | HMS Blairmore | HMS Blakeney | HMS Blake | HMS Blake (?) | HMS Blake (1889) | HMS Blake (C99) | HMS Blanche | HMS Blandford | HMS Blankney | HMS Blast | HMS Blaxton | HMS Blazer | HMS Blaze | HMS Blean | HMS Bleasdale | HMS Blencathra | HMS Blenheim | HMS Blessing | HMS Blickling | HMS Bligh | HMS Blonde | HMS Bloodhound | HMS Bloom | HMS Blossom | HMS Bluebell | HMS Bluebell (1915) | HMS Bluebell (K80) | HMS Bluethroat | HMS Blyth | HMS Boadicea | HMS Bodenham | HMS Bodiam Castle | HMS Bogam | HMS Bold | HMS Bolebroke | HMS Bolton Castle | HMS Bolton | HMS Bombard | HMS Bombay Castle | HMS Bombay | HMS Bomerang | HMS Bonaventure | HMS Bonavoila | HMS Bonetta | HMS Bonita | HMS Bonito | HMS Bonne Citoyenne | HMS Bootle | HMS Borage | HMS Border Cities | HMS Border | HMS Boreas | HMS Boreham | HMS Borer | HMS Boscawen | HMS Bossington | HMS Boston | HMS Botha | HMS Bottisham | HMS Bouclier | HMS Boulogne | HMS Boulston | HMS Bouncer | HMS Bountiful | HMS Bounty (1787) | HMS Bourbonnaise | HMS Bourdelias | HMS Bowen | HMS Bowes Castle | HMS Bowmanville | HMS Boxer | HMS Boxer (1797) | HMS Boxer (1812) | HMS Boxer (1837) | HMS Boxer (1846) | HMS Boxer (1855) | HMS Boxer (1868) | HMS Boxer (1894) | HMS Boxer (1941) | HMS Boxer (F92) | HMS Boyne | HMS Braak | HMS Braave | HMS Bradfield | HMS Bradford | HMS Braid | HMS Braithwaite | HMS Brakel | HMS Bramber | HMS Bramble | HMS Bramham | HMS Brampton | HMS Brandon | HMS Branlebas | HMS Brantford | HMS Brantingham | HMS Brave | HMS Bravo | HMS Brayford | HMS Brazen | HMS Bream | HMS Brearley | HMS Breconshire | HMS Brecon | HMS Brecon (L76) | HMS Brecon (M29) | HMS Bredah | HMS Brenchley | HMS Brereton | HMS Brevdrageren | HMS Briar | HMS Bridgewater | HMS Bridgnorth Castle | HMS Bridlington | HMS Bridport | HMS Brigadier | HMS Brigandine | HMS Brigantine | HMS Brigham | HMS Brighton | HMS Brilliant-Prize | HMS Brilliant | HMS Brinkley | HMS Brinton | HMS Briseis | HMS Brisk | HMS Brissenden | HMS Bristol | HMS Bristol (1653) | HMS Bristol (1711) | HMS Bristol (1775) | HMS Bristol (1861) | HMS Bristol (1910) | HMS Bristol (D23) | HMS Britannia | HMS Britannia (1682) | HMS Britannia (1719) | HMS Britannia (1762) | HMS Britannia (1781) | HMS Britannia (1820) | HMS Britannia (1904) | HMS Britannia (1953) | HMS Britomart | HMS Briton | HMS Brixham | HMS Broaderschap | HMS Broadley | HMS Broadsword | HMS Broadsword (D31) | HMS Broadsword (F88) | HMS Broadwater | HMS Broadway | HMS Brocklesby | HMS Brocklesby (1916) | HMS Brocklesby (L42) | HMS Brocklesby (M33) | HMS Brockville | HMS Brock | HMS Broke | HMS Brolga | HMS Bronington | HMS Broome | HMS Broomley | HMS Broom | HMS Brothers | HMS Brough Castle | HMS Bruce | HMS Bruiser | HMS Bruiser (1854) | HMS Bruiser (1942) | HMS Bruizer | HMS Bruizer (1797) | HMS Bruizer (1804) | HMS Bruizer (1867) | HMS Bruizer (1895) | HMS Brunei | HMS Brune | HMS Brunswick | HMS Brutus | HMS Bryansford | HMS Bryony | HMS Buccaneer | HMS Bucephalus | HMS Buchan Ness | HMS Buckie | HMS Buckingham | HMS Buck | HMS Buctouche | HMS Buddleia | HMS Bude | HMS Buffalo | HMS Bugloss | HMS Bulldog | HMS Bullen | HMS Bullfinch | HMS Bullfrog | HMS Bullrush | HMS Bull | HMS Bulolo | HMS Bulrush | HMS Bulwark | HMS Bulwark (1780) | HMS Bulwark (?) | HMS Bulwark (1859) | HMS Bulwark (1860) | HMS Bulwark (1899) | HMS Bulwark (R08) | HMS Bulwark (L15) | HMS Burchett | HMS Burdock | HMS Burford | HMS Burges | HMS Burghead Bay | HMS Burley | HMS Burlington | HMS Burnaston | HMS Burnet | HMS Burnham | HMS Burnie | HMS Burslem | HMS Burton | HMS Burwell | HMS Bury | HMS Buss | HMS Bustard | HMS Bustler | HMS Busy | HMS Buttercup | HMS Butterfly | HMS Buttington | HMS Buttress | HMS Buxton | HMS Buzzard | HMS Byard | HMS Byron
HMS C-1 | HMS C-2 | HMS C-3 | HMS C-4 | HMS C-5 | HMS C-6 | HMS C-7 | HMS C-8 | HMS C-9 | HMS C-10 | HMS C-11 | HMS C-12 | HMS C-13 | HMS C-14 | HMS C-15 | HMS C-16 | HMS C-17 | HMS C-18 | HMS C-19 | HMS C-20 | HMS C-21 | HMS C-22 | HMS C-23 | HMS C-24 | HMS C-25 | HMS C-26 | HMS C-27 | HMS C-28 | HMS C-29 | HMS C-30 | HMS C-31 | HMS C-32 | HMS C-33 | HMS C-34 | HMS C-35 | HMS C-36 | HMS C-37 | HMS C-38 | HMS Ça Ira | HMS Cabot | HMS Cachalot | HMS Caddisfly | HMS Cadiz (D79) | HMS Cadmus | HMS Caerleon | HMS Caesar | HMS Caesar (1777) | HMS Caesar (1793) | HMS Caesar (1853) | HMS Caesar (1896) | HMS Caesar (R07) | HMS Caicos | HMS Cairns | HMS Cairo (D87) | HMS Caistor Castle (K690) | HMS Calabash | HMS Calcutta | HMS Calcutta (1795) | HMS Calcutta (1831) | HMS Calcutta (1868) | HMS Calcutta (1883) | HMS Calcutta (1918) | HMS Caldecot Castle | HMS Calder | HMS Caldwell | HMS Caledon | HMS Caledonia | HMS Calendula | HMS Calgary | HMS Calliope | HMS Calpe | HMS Calshot Castle | HMS Calton | HMS Calypso | HMS Cam | HMS Camberford | HMS Camberley | HMS Cambria | HMS Cambrian | HMS Cambridge | HMS Cambridgeshire | HMS Camel | HMS Cameleon | HMS Camellia | HMS Cameron | HMS Camilla | HMS Campania | HMS Campania (1915) | HMS Campania (1944) | HMS Campanula | HMS Campaspe | HMS Campbell | HMS Campbeltown | HMS Campbeltown (I42) | HMS Campbeltown (F86) | HMS Camperdown | HMS Camperdown (1797) | HMS Camperdown (1885) | HMS Camperdown (D32) | HMS Camphaan | HMS Campion | HMS Camrose | HMS Canada | HMS Canberra | HMS Canceaux | HMS Candytuft | HMS Canning | HMS Canopus | HMS Canso | HMS Canterbury | HMS Canterbury Castle | HMS Cap de la Madeleine | HMS Cape Breton | HMS Cape Scott | HMS Cape Wrath | HMS Capel | HMS Capelin | HMS Capetown | HMS Capilano | HMS Caprice | HMS Captain | HMS Captain (1787) | HMS Captain (1869) | HMS Captivity | HMS Caradoc | HMS Caraquet | HMS Carcass | HMS Cardiff | HMS Cardiff (1652) | HMS Cardiff (1917) | HMS Cardiff (D108) | HMS Cardigan Bay | HMS Cardingham | HMS Careful | HMS Carew Castle | HMS Carhampton | HMS Carisbrooke Castle (K379) | HMS Carlisle | HMS Carlotta | HMS Carlplace | HMS Carmen | HMS Carnarvon | HMS Carnarvon Bay | HMS Carnarvon Castle | HMS Carnatic | HMS Carnation | HMS Caroles | HMS Carolina | HMS Caroline | HMS Carrere | HMS Carrick | HMS Carrick II | HMS Carrier | HMS Carron | HMS Carronade | HMS Carstairs | HMS Carysfort | HMS Cashel | HMS Cassandra | HMS Cassius | HMS Castilian | HMS Castle | HMS Castlemaine | HMS Castlereagh | HMS Castleton | HMS Castor | HMS Cat | HMS Caterham | HMS Catherine | HMS Cato | HMS Caton | HMS Catterick | HMS Cattistock | HMS Cattistock (1917) | HMS Cattistock (L35) | HMS Cattistock (M31) | HMS Caunton | HMS Cauvery | HMS Cavalier | HMS Cavan | HMS Cavendish | HMS Cawsand | HMS Cawsand Bay | HMS Cayman | HMS Cayuga | HMS CC-1 | HMS CC-2 | HMS Ceanothus | HMS Cedarwood | HMS Celandine | HMS Celebes | HMS Celerity | HMS Celt | HMS Censeur | HMS Censor | HMS Centaur | HMS Centurion | HMS Centurion (1650) | HMS Centurion (1691) | HMS Centurion (1732) | HMS Centurion (1774) | HMS Centurion (1844) | HMS Centurion (1892) | HMS Centurion (1911) | HMS Centurion (1945) | HMS Cephalus | HMS Cerberus | HMS Ceres | HMS Ceres (1777) | HMS Ceres (1781) | HMS Ceres (1917) | HMS Cerf | HMS Cesar | HMS Cessnock | HMS Ceylon | HMS Ceylon (1808) | HMS Ceylon (1915) | HMS Ceylon (1943) | HMS CH-14 | HMS CH-15 | HMS Chailey | HMS Chaleur | HMS Challenger | HMS Challenger (1806) | HMS Challenger (1813) | HMS Challenger (1826) | HMS Challenger (1845) | HMS Challenger (1858) | HMS Challenger (1902) | HMS Challenger (1931) | HMS Challenger (K07) | HMS Chambly | HMS Chameleon | HMS Chamois | HMS Champion | HMS Champlain | HMS Chance | HMS Chanticleer | HMS Chaplet | HMS Charger | HMS Charity (R29) | HMS Charles | HMS Charles and Henry | HMS Charles Galley | HMS Charles Upham | HMS Charles V | HMS Charlestown | HMS Charlestown (1780) | HMS Charlestown (I21) | MS Charlock | HMS Charlotte | HMS Charlottetown | HMS Charon | HMS Charwell | HMS Charybdis | HMS Charybdis (1809) | HMS Charybdis (1831) | HMS Charybdis (1859) | HMS Charybdis (1893) | HMS Charybdis (88) | HMS Charybdis (F75) | HMS Chaser | HMS Chasseur | HMS Chatham | HMS Chatham (1666) | HMS Chatham (1673) | HMS Chatham (1691) | HMS Chatham (1716) | HMS Chatham (1741) | HMS Chatham (1758) | HMS Chatham (1788) | HMS Chatham (1790) | HMS Chatham (1793) | HMS Chatham (1811) | HMS Chatham (1812) | HMS Chatham (1813) | HMS Chatham (1835) | HMS Chatham (1911) | HMS Chatham (F87) | HMS Chatham Double | HMS Chatham Hulk | HMS Chatham Prize | HMS Chatsgrove | HMS Chaudiere | HMS Chawton | HMS Cheam | HMS Chebogue | HMS Chedabucto | HMS Chediston | HMS Cheerful | HMS Cheerly | HMS Chelmer | HMS Chelmsford | HMS Chelsea | HMS Chelsham | HMS Cheltenham | HMS Chepstow | HMS Chepstow Castle | HMS Chequers | HMS Cheriton | HMS Cherwell | HMS Cherokee | HMS Cherub | HMS Cherwell | HMS Chesapeake | HMS Cheshire | HMS Chester | HMS Chester Castle | HMS Chesterfield | HMS Chestnut | HMS Cheviot | HMS Chevreuil | HMS Chevron | HMS Chichester | HMS Chicoutimi | HMS Chiddingfold | HMS Chieftain | HMS Chignecto | HMS Chilcompton | HMS Childers | HMS Childs Play | HMS Chillingham | HMS Chilliwick | HMS Chilton | HMS Chippeway | HMS Chittagong | HMS Chivalrous | HMS Cholmondeley | HMS Christ | HMS Christchurch Castle | HMS Christian VII | HMS Christopher | HMS Christopher Spayne | HMS Chrysanthemum | HMS Chub | HMS Chubb | HMS Church | HMS Churchill | HMS Cicala | HMS Cicero | HMS Circassian | HMS Circe | HMS Circe (1785) | HMS Circe (1804) | HMS Circe (1827) | HMS Circe (1892) | HMS Circe (1942) | HMS Citadel | HMS Clacton | HMS Clara | HMS Clarbeston | HMS Clare | HMS Clare Castle | HMS Clarence | HMS Clarkia | HMS Claudia | HMS Claverhouse | HMS Clavering Castle | HMS Claymore | HMS Clayoquot | HMS Clematis | HMS Cleopatra | HMS Cleveland | HMS Clifton | HMS Clinker | HMS Clinton | HMS Clio | HMS Clitheroe Castle | HMS Clive | HMS Clonmel | HMS Clorinde | HMS Clove Tree | HMS Clovelly | HMS Clover | HMS Clown | HMS Clun Castle | HMS Clyde | HMS Clydebank | HMS Coaticook | HMS Cobalt | HMS Cobham | HMS Cobourg | HMS Cobra | HMS Cochin | HMS Cochrane | HMS Cockade | HMS Cockatrice | HMS Cockburn | HMS Cockchafer | HMS Codrington | HMS Colac | HMS Colchester | HMS Colchester Castle | HMS Colibri | HMS Colleen | HMS Collingwood | HMS Collingwood (1841) | HMS Collingwood (1882) | HMS Collingwood (1908) | HMS Collingwood (1940) | HMS Collins | HMS Collinson | HMS Colne | HMS Colombe | HMS Colombo | HMS Colossus | HMS Colossus (1787) | HMS Colossus (1803) | HMS Colossus (1882) | HMS Colossus (1910) | HMS Colossus (R15) | HMS Coltsfoot | HMS Columbia | HMS Columbine | HMS Colwyn | HMS Combatant | HMS Combustion | HMS Comet | HMS Comet (1695) | HMS Comet (1742) | HMS Comet (1756) | HMS Comet (1758) | HMS Comet (1777) | HMS Comet (1779) | HMS Comet (1783) | HMS Comet (1807) | HMS Comet (1822) | HMS Comet (1828) | HMS Comet (1869) | HMS Comet (1870) | HMS Comet (1880.) | HMS Comet (1910) | HMS Comet (1931) | HMS Comet (1944) | HMS Comfrey | HMS Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves | HMS Commandant Detroyat | HMS Commandant Domine | HMS Commandant Drogou | HMS Commandant Duboc | HMS Commerce de Marseille | HMS Commonwealth | HMS Comox | HMS Comus | HMS Conception | HMS Concord | HMS Concorde | HMS Condamine | HMS Condor | HMS Confederate | HMS Confiance | HMS Conflagration | HMS Conflict | HMS Confounder | HMS Congo | HMS Coniston | HMS Conn | HMS Conquerant | HMS Conquerante | HMS Conqueror | HMS Conqueror (1745) | HMS Conqueror (1758) | HMS Conqueror (1773) | HMS Conqueror (1801) | HMS Conqueror (1855) | HMS Conqueror (1881) | HMS Conqueror (1911) | HMS Conqueror (1939) | HMS Conqueror (S48) | HMS Conquest | HMS Conquestador | HMS Conrad | HMS Consort | HMS Constance | HMS Constant | HMS Constant John | HMS Constant Reformation | HMS Constant Warwick | HMS Constitution | HMS Content | HMS Contest | HMS Convert | HMS Convertine | HMS Convolvulus | HMS Convulsion | HMS Conway | HMS Conway (1813) | HMS Conway (1820) | HMS Conway (1825) | HMS Conway (1832) | HMS Conway (1832, 2.) | HMS Conway (1859) | HMS Conway (1861) | HMS Conway (1876) | HMS Cook | HMS Cooke | HMS Cootamundra | HMS Coote | HMS Coppercliff | HMS Coquette | HMS Coquille | HMS Coral Snake | HMS Cordelia | HMS Coreopsis | HMS Corfe Castle | HMS Coriander | HMS Cormorant | HMS Cornel | HMS Cornelia | HMS Cornelian | HMS Cornerbrook | HMS Cornet Castle | HMS Cornflower | HMS Cornwall | HMS Cornwall (1692) | HMS Cornwall (1761) | HMS Cornwall (1812) | HMS Cornwall (1902) | HMS Cornwall (56) | HMS Cornwall (F99) | HMS Cornwallis | HMS Coromandel | HMS Coronation | HMS Corso | HMS Corunna (D97) | HMS Cosby | HMS Cossack (F03) | HMS Cotswold | HMS Cottesmore | HMS Cottesmore (1917) | HMS Cottesmore (L78) | HMS Cottesmore (M32) | HMS Cotton | HMS Coucy | HMS Counterguard | HMS Countess of Hopetown | HMS Courageous | HMS Courageous (1761) | HMS Courageous (1799) | HMS Courageous (1800) | HMS Courageous (1916) | HMS Courageous (1970) | HMS Courageux | HMS Courbet | HMS Coureur | HMS Coureuse | HMS Courier | HMS Courser | HMS Courtneay | HMS Coventry | HMS Coventry (1658) | HMS Coventry (1695) | HMS Coventry (1757) | HMS Coventry (1916) | HMS Coventry (1962) | HMS Coventry (D118) | HMS Coventry (F98) | HMS Cowdray | HMS Cowes Castle | HMS Cowichan | HMS Cowling Castle | HMS Cowper | HMS Cowra | HMS Cowslip | HMS Craccher | HMS Crache-Feu | HMS Cracker | HMS Cradley | HMS Crafty | HMS Craigie | HMS Crane | HMS Cranefly | HMS Cranham | HMS Cranstoun | HMS Crash | HMS Craufurd | HMS Crediton | HMS Creole | HMS Crescent | HMS Cressy | HMS Cretan | HMS Criccieth Castle | HMS Crichton | HMS Cricket | HMS Crispin | HMS Crocodile | HMS Crocus | HMS Crofton | HMS Cromarty | HMS Cromer | HMS Cromer Castle | HMS Cromwell | HMS Croome | HMS Crossbow | HMS Crow | HMS Crown | HMS Crown Malago | HMS Crown Prize | HMS Croxton | HMS Crozier | HMS Croziers | HMS Cruelle | HMS Cruiser | HMS Cruizer | HMS Crusader | HMS Crystal | HMS Cuba | HMS Cubitt | HMS Cuckmere | HMS Cuckoo | HMS Cuffley | HMS Culgoa | HMS Cullin Sound | HMS Culloden | HMS Culver | HMS Culverin | HMS Cumberland | HMS Cumberland (1695) | HMS Cumberland (1710) | HMS Cumberland (1739) | HMS Cumberland (1774) | HMS Cumberland (1807) | HMS Cumberland (1842) | HMS Cumberland (7.) | HMS Cumberland (8.) | HMS Cumberland (9.) | HMS Cumberland (10.) | HMS Cumberland (11.) | HMS Cumberland (12.) | HMS Cumberland (1902) | HMS Cumberland (57) | HMS Cumberland (F85) | HMS Cupar | HMS Cupid | HMS Curacoa | HMS Curieux | HMS Curlew | HMS Curragh | HMS Curzon | HMS Cutlass | HMS Cutter | HMS Cuttle | HMS Cuxton | HMS Cyane | HMS Cybele | HMS Cyclamen | HMS Cyclops | HMS Cydnus | HMS Cygnet | HMS Cynthia | HMS Cyrene | HMS Cyrus | HMS Czarevitch
HMS D-1 | HMS D-2 | HMS D-3 | HMS D-4 | HMS D-5 | HMS D-6 | HMS D-7 | HMS D-8 | HMS D-9 | HMS D-10 | HMS Dacres | HMS Daedalus | HMS Daffodil | HMS Dagger | HMS Dahlia | HMS Dainty | HMS Daisy | HMS Dakins | HMS Dalhousie | HMS Dalrymple | HMS Dalswinton | HMS Dame de Grace | HMS Damerham | HMS Dampier | HMS Danae | HMS Dangereuse | HMS Daniel | HMS Dannemark | HMS Danube | HMS Daphne | HMS Dapper | HMS Daring | HMS Daring (1804) | HMS Daring (1844) | HMS Daring (1874) | HMS Daring (1893) | HMS Daring (1932) | HMS Daring (D05) | HMS Daring (D32) | HMS Darlaston | HMS Darsham | HMS Dart | HMS Dartington | HMS Dartmoor | HMS Dartmouth | HMS Darwin | HMS Dasher | HMS Date Tree | HMS Dauntless | HMS Dauntless (1804) | HMS Dauntless (1808) | HMS Dauntless (1847) | HMS Dauntless (1918) | HMS Dauntless (2007) | HMS Dauphin | HMS Dauphin Royal | HMS Davenham | HMS David | HMS Dawlish | HMS Dawson | HMS De Ruyter | HMS Deale | HMS Deale Castle | HMS Deane | HMS Decade | HMS Deccan | HMS Decibel | HMS Decouverte | HMS Decoy | HMS Decoy (1871) | HMS Decoy (1911) | HMS Decoy (1932) | HMS Decoy (D106) | HMS Dedaigneuse | HMS Dee | HMS Deepwater | HMS Defence | HMS Defence (1763) | HMS Defence (1907) | HMS Defence (1945) | HMS Defender | HMS Defiance (1783) | HMS Dego | HMS Delaware | HMS Delft | HMS Delhi | HMS Delight | HMS Deloraine | HMS Delphinen | HMS Delphinium | HMS Demerara | HMS Demirhisar | HMS Demon | HMS Denbigh Castle (K696) | HMS Dennis | HMS Dependence | HMS Deptford | HMS Deptford Prize | HMS Deptford Transport | HMS Derby | HMS Derby Haven | HMS Derg | HMS Derrington | HMS Dervish | HMS Derwent | HMS Deschaineux | HMS Desford | HMS Desire | HMS Desiree | HMS Despatch | HMS Desperante | HMS Desperate | HMS Destiny | HMS Destruction | HMS Determinee | HMS Detroit | HMS Deux Amis | HMS Devastation | HMS Devastation (1804) | HMS Devastation (1820) | HMS Devastation (1841) | HMS Devastation (1871) | HMS Deveron | HMS Devizes Castle | HMS Devonshire | HMS Devonshire (1692) | HMS Devonshire (1710) | HMS Devonshire (1745) | HMS Devonshire (1804) | HMS Devonshire (1812) | HMS Devonshire (1904) | HMS Devonshire (39) | HMS Devonshire (D02) | HMS Dexterous | HMS Dextrous | HMS Dhyffe Castle | HMS Diadem | HMS Diamantina | HMS Diamond | HMS Diamond Snake | HMS Diana | HMS Dianella | HMS Dianthus | HMS Dictator | HMS Dido | HMS Dido (1784) | HMS Dido (1836) | HMS Dido (1861) | HMS Dido (1869) | HMS Dido (1896) | HMS Dido (37) | HMS Dido (F104) | HMS Didon | HMS Dieppe | HMS Digby | HMS Diligence | HMS Diligent | HMS Diligente | HMS Dilston | HMS Dingley | HMS Diomede | HMS Dipper | HMS Director | HMS Dirk | HMS Discovery | HMS Discovery (1776) | HMS Discovery (1791) | HMS Discovery (1875) | HMS Disdain | HMS Dispatch | HMS Dittany | HMS Dittisham | HMS Diver | HMS Dodman Point | HMS Dogstar | HMS Dolphin | HMS Dolphins Prize | HMS Dolwen | HMS Domett | HMS Dominica | HMS Dominion | HMS Don | HMS Doncaster | HMS Donegal | HMS Donovan | HMS Doomba | HMS Doon | HMS Dordrecht | HMS Doris | HMS Dorking | HMS Dornoch | HMS Dorothea | HMS Dorset | HMS Dorsetshire | HMS Dorsetshire (1694) | HMS Dorsetshire (1757) | HMS Dorsetshire (40) | HMS Doterel | HMS Dotterel | HMS Douglas | HMS Dove | HMS Dover | HMS Dover Castle | HMS Dover Prize | HMS Dovey | HMS Downham | HMS Downley | HMS Dragon | HMS Dragon Prize | HMS Dragonfly | HMS Drake | HMS Dreadful | HMS Dreadnought | HMS Dreadnought (1573) | HMS Dreadnought (1691) | HMS Dreadnought (1742) | HMS Dreadnought (1801) | HMS Dreadnought (1875) | HMS Dreadnought (1906) | HMS Dreadnought (S101) | HMS Dreadnought Prize | HMS Driver | HMS Drochterland | HMS Drogheda | HMS Dromedary | HMS Droxford | HMS Drudge | HMS Druid | HMS Drumheller | HMS Drummondville | HMS Drury | HMS Dryad | HMS Dryad (1795) | HMS Dryad (1860) | HMS Dubbo | HMS Dubford | HMS Dublin | HMS Duc d'Aquitaine | HMS Duc d'Estissac | HMS Duc de Chartres | HMS Duc de la Vauginon | HMS Duchess | HMS Duchess of Cumberland | HMS Duckworth | HMS Duddon | HMS Dudley Castle | HMS Due Repulse | HMS Duff | HMS Dufferin | HMS Dufton | HMS Duguay Trouin | HMS Duke | HMS Duke of Edinburgh | HMS Duke of Kent | HMS Duke of Wellington | HMS Duke of York (17) | HMS Duke William | HMS Dullisk Cove | HMS Dulverton | HMS Dulverton (L63) | HMS Dulverton (M35) | HMS Dumbarton | HMS Dumbarton Castle | HMS Dumbarton Castle (1707) | HMS Dumbarton Castle (K388) | HMS Dumbarton Castle (P265) | HMS Dumbleton | HMS Dunbar | HMS Duncan | HMS Duncan (1804) | HMS Duncan (1811) | HMS Duncan (1859) | HMS Duncan (1901) | HMS Duncan (D99) | HMS Duncan (F80) | HMS Duncan (D37) | HMS Duncansby Head | HMS Dundalk | HMS Dundas | HMS Dundee | HMS Dundrum Bay | HMS Dunedin | HMS Dungeness | HMS Dunira | HMS Dunkerton | HMS Dunkirk | HMS Dunkirk (1656) | HMS Dunkirk (1660) | HMS Dunkirk (1754) | HMS Dunkirk (D09) | HMS Dunkirk Prize | HMS Dunmore | HMS Dunoon | HMS Dunster Castle | HMS Dunvegan | HMS Dunver | HMS Dunwich | HMS Duquesne | HMS Durban | HMS Durham | HMS Dursley Galley | HMS Durweston | HMS Dutiful | HMS Dwarf
HMS E1 | HMS E2 | HMS E3 | HMS E4 | HMS E5 | HMS E6 | HMS E7 | HMS E8 | HMS E9 | HMS E10 | HMS E11 | HMS E12 | HMS E13 | HMS E14 | HMS E15 | HMS E16 | HMS E17 | HMS E18 | HMS E19 | HMS E20 | HMS E21 | HMS E22 | HMS E23 | HMS E24 | HMS E25 | HMS E26 | HMS E27 | HMS E28 | HMS E29 | HMS E30 | HMS E31 | HMS E32 | HMS E33 | HMS E34 | HMS E35 | HMS E36 | HMS E37 | HMS E38 | HMS E39 | HMS E40 | HMS E41 | HMS E42 | HMS E43 | HMS E44 | HMS E45 | HMS E46 | HMS E47 | HMS E48 | HMS E49 | HMS E50 | HMS E51 | HMS E52 | HMS E53 | HMS E54 | HMS E55 | HMS E56 | HMS E57 | HMS E58 | HMS Eagle | HMS Eagle (1650) | HMS Eagle (2.) | HMS Eagle (3.) | HMS Eagle (4.) | HMS Eagle (5.) | HMS Eagle (6.) | HMS Eagle (7.) | HMS Eagle (8.) | HMS Eagle (9.) | HMS Eagle (10.) | HMS Eagle (11.) | HMS Eagle (12.) | HMS Eagle (13.) | HMS Eagle (1918) | HMS Eagle (1944) | HMS Eagle (R05) | HMS Eagle Shallop | HMS Eaglet | HMS Earl | HMS Earl of Chatham | HMS Earl of Denbigh | HMS Earl of Egmont | HMS Earl of Northampton | HMS Earl of Peterborough | HMS Earl Roberts | HMS Earnest | HMS Eastbourne | HMS Easton | HMS Eastview | HMS Eastway | HMS Echo | HMS Echo (1758) | HMS Echo (1780) | HMS Echo (1782) | HMS Echo (1797) | HMS Echo (1809) | HMS Echo (1827) | HMS Echo (H23) | HMS Echo (A72) | HMS Echo (H87) | HMS Echuca | HMS Eclair | HMS Eclipse | HMS Edderton | HMS Eden | HMS Edgar | HMS Edgar (1668) | HMS Edgar (1758) | HMS Edgar (1779) | HMS Edgar (1859) | HMS Edgar (1858) | HMS Edgar (1890) | HMS Edgar (51) | HMS Edgar (1945) | HMS Edgeley | HMS Edinburgh | HMS Edinburgh (1707) | HMS Edinburgh (1716) | HMS Edinburgh (1811) | HMS Edinburgh (1882) | HMS Edinburgh (C16) | HMS Edinburgh (D97) | HMS Edlingham | HMS Edmonton | HMS Edmundston | HMS Edward | HMS Effingham | HMS Egeria | HMS Eggesford | HMS Eglantine | HMS Eglinton | HMS Egmont | HMS Egremont | HMS Egremont Castle | HMS Egret (L75) | HMS Ehkoli | HMS Eideren | HMS Ekins | HMS El Corso | HMS El Vivo | HMS Eleanor | HMS Electra | HMS Elephant | HMS Elephant (1705) | HMS Elephant (1776) | HMS Elephant (1786) | HMS Elf | HMS Elfin | HMS Elfreda | HMS Elgin | HMS Elias | HMS Eling | HMS Elizabeth | HMS Elizabeth & Sarah | HMS Elizabeth Bonaventure | HMS Elizabeth Jonas | HMS Elk | HMS Ellinor | HMS Ellinore | HMS Elphinstone | HMS Elsenham | HMS Eltham | HMS Elven | HMS Embleton | HMS Emerald | HMS Emersham | HMS Emilia | HMS Emilien | HMS Emily | HMS Emperor | HMS Emperor of India (1913) | HMS Empire | HMS Empire Anvil | HMS Empire Arquebus | HMS Empire Battleaxe | HMS Empire Broadsword | HMS Empire Comfort | HMS Empire Crossbow | HMS Empire Cutlass | HMS Empire Gauntlet | HMS Empire Halberd | HMS Empire Javelin | HMS Empire Lance | HMS Empire Mace | HMS Empire Peacemaker | HMS Empire Rapier | HMS Empire Rest | HMS Empire Shelter | HMS Empire Spearhead | HMS Empress | HMS Empress Mary | HMS Empress of India | HMS Emsworth | HMS Emulous | HMS Enard Bay | HMS Enchantress | HMS Encounter | HMS Endeavour | HMS Endeavour (1652) | HMS Endeavour (1694, I.) | HMS Endeavour (1694, II.) | HMS Endeavour (1763, I.) | HMS Endeavour (1763, II.) | HMS Endeavour (1768) | HMS Endeavour (1775) | HMS Endeavour (1912) | HMS Endeavour Bark | HMS Endeavour Transport | HMS Endurance | HMS Endurance (1967) | HMS Endurance (A171) | HMS Endymion | HMS Endymion (1779) | HMS Endymion (1797) | HMS Endymion (1865) | HMS Endymion (1891) | HMS Engadine | HMS Engadine (1911) | HMS Engadine (1941) | HMS Engageante | HMS England | HMS Enterprise | HMS Enterprise (1705) | HMS Enterprise (1709) | HMS Enterprise (1743) | HMS Enterprise (1718) | HMS Enterprise (1774) | HMS Enterprise (1848) | HMS Enterprise (1864) | HMS Enterprise (D52) | HMS Enterprise (A71) | HMS Enterprise (H88) | HMS Entreprenante | HMS Epervier | HMS Ephira | HMS Ephraim | HMS Epinal | HMS Epreuve | HMS Epsom | HMS Erebus | HMS Erebus (1826) | HMS Erebus (1916) | HMS Erica | HMS Eridanus | HMS Eridge | HMS Erin | HMS Erne (U03) | HMS Errant | HMS Eruption | HMS Escapade | HMS Escort | HMS Esk | HMS Eskdale | HMS Eskimo | HMS Eskimo (F75) | HMS Eskimo (F118) | HMS Esperance | HMS Esperanza | HMS Espiegle | HMS Espion | HMS Espoir | HMS Esquimalt | HMS Essex | HMS Essex (1653) | HMS Essex (1679) | HMS Essex (1760) | HMS Essex (1799) | HMS Essex (1901) | HMS Essex Prize | HMS Essington | HMS Esther | HMS Estridge | HMS Etchingham | HMS Ethalion | HMS Etna | HMS Etrusco | HMS Ettrick | HMS Eugenie | HMS Euphrates | HMS Euphrosyne | HMS Europa | HMS Eurotas | HMS Eurus | HMS Euryalus | HMS Euryalus (1803) | HMS Euryalus (1853) | HMS Euryalus (1877) | HMS Euryalus (1901) | HMS Euryalus (42) | HMS Euryalus (F15) | HMS Eurydice | HMS Eustatia | HMS Evenlode | HMS Everingham | HMS Example | HMS Excalibur | HMS Excellent | HMS Exchange | HMS Exe | HMS Exerton | HMS Exeter | HMS Exeter (1680) | HMS Exeter (1697) | HMS Exeter (1763) | HMS Exeter (1929) | HMS Exeter (D89) | HMS Exmoor | HMS Exmouth | HMS Expedition | HMS Experiment | HMS Exploit | HMS Explorer | HMS Explosion | HMS Express | HMS Extravagant | HMS Eyderen | HMS Eyebright
HMS F-1 | HMS F-2 | HMS F-3 | HMS Fagons | HMS Fair Rhodian | HMS Fair Rosamond | HMS Fairfax | HMS Fairfield | HMS Fairy | HMS Fairy Queen | HMS Faith | HMS Faithful | HMS Fal | HMS Falcon | HMS Falcon Flyboat | HMS Falcon in the Fetterlock | HMS Falcon of the Tower | HMS Falkland | HMS Falkland Prize | HMS Falmouth | HMS Fama | MS Fame | HMS Fancy | HMS Fandango | HMS Fanfan | HMS Fanny | HMS Fantome | HMS Fareham | HMS Farncomb | HMS Farndale | HMS Farnham Castle | HMS Farragut | HMS Fastnet | HMS Faulknor | HMS Faversham | HMS Favorite | HMS Favourite | HMS Fawkner | HMS Fawn | HMS Fearless | HMS Felicidade | HMS Felicite | HMS Felicity | HMS Felix | HMS Felixstowe | HMS Fellowship | HMS Felmersham | HMS Fencer | HMS Fenella | HMS Fennel | HMS Fenton | HMS Fergus | HMS Fermoy | HMS Fernie | HMS Feroze | HMS Ferret | HMS Ferreter | HMS Fervent | HMS Feversham | HMS Fidelity | HMS Fidget | HMS Fierce | HMS Fife (D20) | HMS Fife Ness | HMS Fighter | HMS Fiji (C58) | HMS Filey | HMS Finch | HMS Findhorn | HMS Finisterre (D55) | HMS Finwhale | HMS Fiona | HMS Fireball | HMS Firebrand | HMS Firedrake | HMS Firefly | HMS Firequeen | HMS Firm | HMS Firme | HMS Fisgard | HMS Fishguard | HMS Fiskerton | HMS Fittleton | HMS Fitzroy | HMS Flambeau | HMS Flamborough | HMS Flamborough Head | HMS Flamborough Prize | HMS Flame | HMS Flamer | HMS Flamingo | HMS Flamingo (1876) | HMS Flamingo (U03) | HMS Flash | HMS Flax | HMS Fleche | HMS Fleetwood | HMS Fleetwood (1655) | HMS Fleetwood (1936) | HMS Fleur de la Mer | HMS Fleur de Lys | HMS Flewende Fische | HMS Flight | HMS Flinders | HMS Flint | HMS Flint Castle (K383) | HMS Flintham | HMS Flirt | HMS Flockton | HMS Flora | HMS Florentina | HMS Florida | HMS Floriston | HMS Florizel | HMS Flower de Luce | HMS Fly | HMS Flying Fish | HMS Flying Fox | HMS Flying Greyhound | HMS Foam | HMS Foley | HMS Folkeston | HMS Folkestone | HMS Force | HMS Ford | HMS Fordham | HMS Foresight | HMS Forest Hill | HMS Forester | HMS Forfar | HMS Formidable | HMS Formidable (1898) | HMS Formidable (R67) | HMS Forres | HMS Fort Erie | HMS Fort Francis | HMS Fort William | HMS Fort York | HMS Forte | HMS Forth | HMS Fortitude | HMS Fortituud | HMS Fortune | HMS Fortune Prize | HMS Fortunee | HMS Forward | HMS Foster | HMS Fotheringay Castle | HMS Foudroyant | HMS Fougueux | HMS Fountain | HMS Fowey | HMS Fowy | HMS Fox | HMS Fox (1650) | HMS Fox (1658) | HMS Fox (1690) | HMS Fox (1699) | HMS Fox (1705) | HMS Fox (1740) | HMS Fox (1746) | HMS Fox (1766) | HMS Fox (1733) | HMS Fox (1780) | HMS Fox (1794) | HMS Fox (1799) | HMS Fox (1829) | HMS Fox (1893) | HMS Fox (1967) | HMS Foxglove | HMS Foxhound | HMS Foyle | HMS Franchise | HMS Francis | HMS Franklin | HMS Fraser | HMS Fraserburgh | HMS Frederick William | HMS Frederickstein | HMS Frederickswaern | HMS Fredericton | HMS Freesia | HMS Fremantle | HMS French Ruby | HMS French Victory | HMS Frere | HMS Frettenham | HMS Freya | HMS Friendship | HMS Friezland | HMS Fritham | HMS Fritillary | HMS Frobisher | HMS Frog | HMS Frolic | HMS Frolic (1806) | HMS Frolic (1820) | HMS Frolic (1842) | HMS Frolic (1872) | HMS Frolic (1943) | HMS Frome | HMS Frontenac | HMS Fubbs | HMS Fuerte | HMS Fulmar | HMS Fulminate | HMS Fundy | HMS Furieuse | HMS Furious | HMS Furious (1797) | HMS Furious (1804) | HMS Furious (1850) | HMS Furious (1896) | HMS Furious (1916) | HMS Furnace | HMS Fury | HMS Fuze | HMS Fyen | HMS Fylla
HMS G-1 | HMS G-2 | HMS G-3 | HMS G-4 | HMS G-5 | HMS G-6 | HMS G-7 | HMS G-8 | HMS G-9 | HMS G-10 | HMS G-11 | HMS G-12 | HMS G-13 | HMS G-14 | HMS G-15 | HMS Gabbard (D47) | HMS Gabriel | HMS Gabriel Harfleur | HMS Gabriel Royal | HMS Gaddesdon | HMS Gadfly | HMS Gadwell | HMS Gael | HMS Gaiete | HMS Gaillarda | HMS Gainsborough | HMS Gala | HMS Galatea | HMS Galatea (1776) | HMS Galatea (1797) | HMS Galatea (1810) | HMS Galatea (1859) | HMS Galatea (1887) | HMS Galatea (1914) | HMS Galatea (71) | HMS Galatea (F18) | HMS Galathee | HMS Galgo | HMS Galicia | HMS Gallant (H59) | HMS Gallarita | HMS Gallion | HMS Galliot | HMS Galt | HMS Galteemore | HMS Gambia | HMS Gamston | HMS Gananoque | HMS Ganga | HMS Ganges | HMS Ganges (1782) | HMS Ganges (1821) | HMS Gannet | HMS Ganymede | HMS Gardenia | HMS Gardiner | HMS Garland | HMS Garland (1913) | HMS Garland (H37) | HMS Garlies | HMS Garnet | HMS Garry | HMS Garth | HMS Gascoyne | HMS Gaspe | HMS Gatineau | HMS Gatwick | HMS Gauntlet | HMS Gavinton | HMS Gavotte | HMS Gawler | HMS Gayundah | HMS Gazelle | HMS Geelong | HMS Gelykneid | HMS General Abercrombie | HMS General Craufurd | HMS General Grant | HMS General Monk | HMS General Platt | HMS General Wolfe | HMS Genereux | HMS Genista | HMS Genoa | HMS Gentian | HMS Gentille | HMS George | HMS Georgeham | HMS Georgetown | HMS Georgiana | HMS Geraldton | HMS Geranium | HMS Germaine | HMS Germoon Prize | HMS Gerrans Bay | HMS Geyser | HMS Ghurka | HMS Gibraltar | HMS Gibraltar (1711) | HMS Gibraltar (1754) | HMS Gibraltar (1779) | HMS Gibraltar (1780) | HMS Gibraltar (1860) | HMS Gibraltar (1892) | HMS Gibraltar (1943) | HMS Gibraltar Prize | HMS Gier | HMS Giffard | HMS Gifford | HMS Gift | HMS Gift Minor | HMS Giles | HMS Gilia | HMS Gilliflower | HMS Gipsy (H63) | HMS Girdle Ness | HMS Gironde | HMS Glace Bay | HMS Gladiator | HMS Gladiolus (K34) | HMS Gladstone | HMS Glaisdale | HMS Glamorgan (D19) | HMS Glasgow | HMS Glasgow (1707) | HMS Glasgow (1745) | HMS Glasgow (1757) | HMS Glasgow (1814) | HMS Glasgow (1861) | HMS Glasgow (1909) | HMS Glasgow (1937) | HMS Glasgow (D88) | HMS Glasserton | HMS Glassford | HMS Glatton | HMS Glatton (1795) | HMS Glatton (1855) | HMS Glatton (1871) | HMS Glatton (1915) | HMS Gleaner | HMS Glenarm | HMS Glenearn | HMS Glenelg | HMS Glengyle | HMS Glenmore | HMS Glenroy | HMS Glentham | HMS Globe | HMS Gloire | HMS Glommen | HMS Glorieux | HMS Gloriosa | HMS Glorioso | HMS Glorious | HMS Glory | HMS Glory (1763) | HMS Glory (1781) | HMS Glory (1788) | HMS Glory (1899) | HMS Glory (R62) | HMS Glory IV | HMS Gloucester | HMS Gloucester (1654) | HMS Gloucester (1695) | HMS Gloucester (1709) | HMS Gloucester (1711) | HMS Gloucester (1737) | HMS Gloucester (1745) | HMS Gloucester (1807) | HMS Gloucester (1812) | HMS Gloucester (1909) | HMS Gloucester (C62) | HMS Gloucester (1956) | HMS Gloucester (D96) | HMS Glowworm (H92) | HMS Gloxinia | HMS Gluckstadt | HMS Gnat | HMS Goathland | HMS Godavari | HMS Goderich | HMS Godetia | HMS Goelan | HMS Gold Coast | HMS Golden Falcon | HMS Golden Fleece | HMS Golden Hind | HMS Golden Horse | HMS Golden Lion | HMS Golden Rose | HMS Goldfinch | HMS Goliath | HMS Goliath (1.) | HMS Goliath (1898) | HMS Gomati | HMS Gondwana | HMS Good Fortune | HMS Good Hope | HMS Good Hope (1901) | HMS Good Intent | HMS Good Will | HMS Goodall | HMS Goodson | HMS Goodwin | HMS Goodwood | HMS Goole | HMS Goose Bay | HMS Gordon | HMS Gore | HMS Goree | HMS Gorey Castle | HMS Gorgon | HMS Gorleston | HMS Goshawk | HMS Gosport | HMS Gossamer | HMS Goulburn | HMS Gould | HMS Gozo | HMS Grace | HMS Grace Dieu | HMS Grace of God | HMS Grafton | HMS Grafton (H89) | HMS Grafton (F80) | HMS Gramont | HMS Grampian | HMS Grampus | HMS Grampus (1731) | HMS Grampus (1743) | HMS Grampus (1746) | HMS Grampus (1750) | HMS Grampus (1795) | HMS Grampus (1802) | HMS Grampus (1784) | HMS Grampus (1910) | HMS Grampus (N56) | HMS Grampus (S04) | HMS Grana | HMS Granby | HMS Grand Turk | HMS Grandmere | HMS Grandmistress | HMS Granicus | HMS Grantham | HMS Graph | HMS Grappler | HMS Grass Snake | HMS Grasshopper | HMS Grasshopper (1806) | HMS Grasshopper (1938) | HMS Grasshopper (Weymouth) | HMS Gravelines (D24) | HMS Grayfly | HMS Grays | HMS Great Barbara | HMS Great Bark | HMS Great Elizabeth | HMS Great Galley | HMS Great Harry | HMS Great Nicholas | HMS Great Pinnace | HMS Great Zabra | HMS Greatford | HMS Grecian | HMS Green Linnet | HMS Grenada | HMS Grenade (H86) | HMS Grenado | HMS Greenfish | HMS Greenfly | HMS Greenock | HMS Greenwich | HMS Greetham | HMS Grenville (H03) | HMS Gretna | HMS Grey Fox | HMS Grey Wolf | HMS Greyhond | HMS Greyhound | HMS Greyhound (1545) | HMS Greyhound (1585) | HMS Greyhound (1636) | HMS Greyhound (1657) | HMS Greyhound (1672) | HMS Greyhound (1694) | HMS Greyhound (1712) | HMS Greyhound (1719) | HMS Greyhound (1741) | HMS Greyhound (1763) | HMS Greyhound (1773) | HMS Greyhound (1780) | HMS Greyhound (1783) | HMS Greyhound (1813) | HMS Greyhound (1859) | HMS Greyhound (1900) | HMS Greyhound (H05) | HMS Greyhound (1944) | HMS Griffin (H31) | HMS Griffon | HMS Grille | HMS Grimsby | HMS Grindall | HMS Grinder | HMS Griper | HMS Grisle | HMS Grou | HMS Grouper | HMS Grove | HMS Growler | HMS Guachapin | HMS Guadeloupe | HMS Guardian | HMS Guardland | HMS Guelderland | HMS Guelph | HMS Guepe | HMS Guernsey | HMS Guerriere | HMS Guilder De Ruyter | HMS Guildford | HMS Guildford Castle | HMS Guillemot | HMS Guinea | HMS Guinevere | HMS Gull | HMS Gulnare | HMS Gurkha | HMS Gurkha (1.) | HMS Gurkha (F20) | HMS Gurkha (G63) | HMS Gurkha (F122) | HMS Guysborough | HMS Gympie | HMS Gipsy (H63)
HMS Halcyon | HMS Halcyon (1803) | HMS Halcyon (1813) | HMS Halcyon (1894) | HMS Halcyon (1916) | HMS Halcyon (1933) | HMS Halifax | HMS Hampshire | HMS Hampshire (1903) | HMS Hampshire (FY173) | HMS Hampshire (D06) | HMS Hampton | HMS Handy | HMS Hannibal | HMS Hardy | HMS Hardy (1896) | HMS Hardy (1912) | HMS Hardy (H87) | HMS Hardy (R08) | HMS Hardy (F54) | HMS Harpy | HMS Harrier | HMS Hartland | HMS Hart | HMS Harvester | HMS Hasty (H24) | HMS Haughty | HMS Havant | HMS Havelock | HMS Havock | HMS Havock (1893) | HMS Havock (H43) | HMS Hawke | HMS Hawkins | HMS Hazard | HMS Heartsease | HMS Heather | HMS Hebe | HMS Hebe (1782) | HMS Hebe (1804) | HMS Hebe (1826) | HMS Hebe (1892) | HMS Hebe (1936) | HMS Hecla | HMS Hecla (1815) | HMS Hecla (A133) | HMS Heliotrope | HMS Hepatica | HMS Herald | HMS Herald (1.) | HMS Herald (H138) | HMS Hercules | HMS Hercules (1759) | HMS Hercules (1815) | HMS Hercules (1868) | HMS Hercules (1910) | HMS Hercules (1943) | HMS Hereward (H93) | HMS Hermes | HMS Hermes (1913) | HMS Hermes (95) | HMS Hermes (R12) | HMS Hermione | HMS Hero | HMS Hero (1759) | HMS Hero (1803) | HMS Hero (1816) | HMS Hero (1858) | HMS Hero (1885) | HMS Hero (H99) | HMS Hesperus (H57) | HMS Hibernia | HMS Hibernia (1765) | HMS Hibernia (1804) | HMS Hibernia (1863) | HMS Hibernia (1905) | HMS Hibiscus | HMS Hibiscus (1917) | HMS Hibiscus (K24) | HMS Highflyer | HMS Highflyer (1813) | HMS Highflyer (1822) | HMS Highflyer (1851) | HMS Highflyer (1898) | HMS Highlander | HMS Hilary | HMS Hillary | HMS Hindustan | HMS Hind | HMS Holderness | HMS Hollyhock | HMS Honesty | HMS Honeysuckle | HMS Hood | HMS Hood (1859) | HMS Hood (1891) | HMS Hood (51) | HMS Hope | HMS Hornet | HMS Hornet (1893) | HMS Hornet (1911) | HMS Hostile (H55) | HMS Hotspur | HMS Hotspur (1810) | HMS Hotspur (1828) | HMS Hotspur (1870) | HMS Hotspur (H01) | HMS Howe | HMS Howe (1860) | HMS Howe (1885) | HMS Howe (1916) | HMS Howe (1940) | HMS Hunter | HMS Hunter (1646) | HMS Hunter (2.) | HMS Hunter (3.) | HMS Hunter (4.) | HMS Hunter (5.) | HMS Hunter (6.) | HMS Hunter (7.) | HMS Hunter (8.) | HMS Hunter (9.) | HMS Hunter (10.) | HMS Hunter (11.) | HMS Hunter (12.) | HMS Hunter (13.) | HMS Hunter (14.) | HMS Hunter (H35) | HMS Hunter (1943) | HMS Hunter (1983) | HMS Hurricane (H06) | HMS Hurworth | HMS Hussar | HMS Hussar (1757) | HMS Hussar (1763) | HMS Hussar (1780) | HMS Hussar (1784) | HMS Hussar (1798) | HMS Hussar (1799) | HMS Hussar (1807) | HMS Hussar (1894) | HMS Hussar (1934) | HMS Hyacinth | HMS Hyacinth (1829) | HMS Hyacinth (1881) | HMS Hyacinth (1898) | HMS Hyacinth (K84) | HMS Hyderabad | HMS Hydrangea | HMS Hyperion (H97) | HMS Hythe
HMS Ibis (U99) | HMS Icarus | HMS Icarus (1814) | HMS Icarus (1858) | HMS Icarus (1885) | HMS Icarus (D03) | HMS Ickford | HMS Ignotion | HMS Ildefonso | HMS Ilex (D61) | HMS Ilfracombe | HMS Illustrious | HMS Ilmington | HMS Ilston | HMS Imaum | HMS Immortalite | HMS Imogene (D44) | HMS Imogen | HMS Imperial (D09) | HMS Imperieuse | HMS Imperieuse (1793) | HMS Imperieuse (1852) | HMS Imperieuse (1883) | HMS Impeteux | HMS Impey | HMS Implacable | HMS Implacable (1800) | HMS Implacable (1899) | HMS Implacable (R86) | HMS Impregnable | HMS Impulsive (D11) | HMS Incendiary | HMS Incharran | HMS Inconstant | HMS Inconstant (1914) | HMS Inconstant (H49) | HMS Increase | HMS Indefatigable | HMS Indefatigable (1784) | HMS Indefatigable (1804) | HMS Indefatigable (1832) | HMS Indefatigable (1848) | HMS Indefatigable (1891) | HMS Indefatigable (1909) | HMS Indefatigable (1914) | HMS Indefatigable (R10) | HMS Independencia | HMS Indian | HMS Indignant | HMS Indomitable | HMS Indomitable (1907) | HMS Indomitable (R92) | HMS Industry | HMS Indus | HMS Infanta Don Carlos | HMS Infanta | HMS Infernal | HMS Inflexible | HMS Inflexible (1797) | HMS Inflexible (1881) | HMS Inflexible (1908) | HMS Inglefield (D02) | HMS Inglesham | HMS Inglis | HMS Ingonish | HMS Inman | HMS Insolent | HMS Inspector | HMS Instow | HMS Integrity | HMS Intelligence | HMS Intelligent | HMS Intrepid | HMS Intrepid (D10) | HMS Intrepid (L11) | HMS Invention | HMS Invermoriston | HMS Inverness | HMS Investigator | HMS Inveterate | HMS Invicta | HMS Invincible | HMS Invincible (1747) | HMS Invincible (1765) | HMS Invincible (1808) | HMS Invincible (1869) | HMS Invincible (1907) | HMS Invincible (R05) | HMS Iphigenia | HMS Ipswich | HMS Iris | HMS Iron Duke | HMS Iron Duke (1870) | HMS Iron Duke (1912) | HMS Iron Duke (F234) | HMS Iroquois | HMS Irresistible | HMS Irresistible (1801) | HMS Irresistible (1898) | HMS Irvine | HMS Irwell | HMS Isabella | HMS Isham | HMS Isinglass | HMS Isis | HMS Isis (1744) | HMS Isis (1747) | HMS Isis (1774) | HMS Isis (1819) | HMS Isis (1896) | HMS Isis (D87) | HMS Iskra | HMS Islay | HMS Isle of Wight | HMS Islip | HMS Ister | HMS Itchen | HMS Ithuriel (H05) | HMS Ivanhoe (D16) | HMS Iveston | HMS Ivy
HMS J.1 | HMS J.2 | HMS J.3 | HMS J.4 | HMS J.5 | HMS J.6 | HMS J.7 | HMS Jack Tar | HMS Jackal (F22) | HMS Jackdaw | HMS Jackton | HMS Jack | HMS Jaguar | HMS Jaguar (F34) | HMS Jaguar (F37) | HMS Jahangir | HMS Jalouse | HMS Jamaica (C44) | HMS James & Eliza | HMS James Bay | HMS James Galley | HMS James Watt | HMS James | HMS Jamuna | HMS Janissary | HMS Janus (F53) | HMS Jaseur | HMS Jasmine | HMS Jason | HMS Jasper | HMS Jastrzab | HMS Java | HMS Java (1806) | HMS Java (1811) | HMS Java (1815) | HMS Javelin (F61) | HMS Jed | HMS Jellicoe | HMS Jemmy | HMS Jennet Pyrwin | HMS Jennet | HMS Jeremiah | MS Jerfalcon | HMS Jersey (F72) | HMS Jervis Bay (F40) | HMS Jervis (F00) | HMS Jessamine | HMS Jesus & Mary | HMS Jesus of Lubeck | HMS Jesus | HMS Jewel | HMS John & Alexander | HMS John & Martha | HMS John & Peter | HMS John & Sarah | HMS John Ballinger | HMS John Baptist | HMS John Evangelist | HMS John of Dublin | HMS John of Greenwich | HMS Johnson | HMS John | HMS Jolly | HMS Jonquil | HMS Joseph Straker | HMS Joseph | HMS Josiah | HMS Joyful | HMS Jubilant | HMS Julian | HMS Julia | HMS Julius | HMS Jumna | MS Juniper (T123) | HMS Junon | HMS Juno | HMS Juno (1896) | HMS Juno (1938) | HMS Juno (F52) | HMS Jupiter | HMS Jupiter (1905) | HMS Jupiter (F85) | HMS Jupiter (F60) | HMS Juste | HMS Justitia | HMS Jutland (D62)
HMS K.1 | HMS K.2 | HMS K.3 | HMS K.4 | HMS K.5 | HMS K.6 | HMS K.7 | HMS K.8 | HMS K.9 | HMS K.10 | HMS K.11 | HMS K.12 | HMS K.13 | HMS K.14 | HMS K.15 | HMS K.16 | HMS K.17 | HMS K.18 | HMS K.19 | HMS K.20 | HMS K.21 | HMS K.22 | HMS K.23 | HMS K.24 | HMS K.25 | HMS K.26 | HMS K.27 | HMS K.28 | HMS Kale | HMS Kalgoorlie | HMS Kandahar (F28) | HMS Kangaroo | HMS Kangaroo (1795) | HMS Kangaroo (1805) | HMS Kangaroo (1818) | HMS Kangaroo (1829) | HMS Kangaroo (1852) | HMS Kangaroo (1900) | HMS Kaniere | HMS Karanja | HMS Karrakatta | HMS Kashmir | HMS Katherine Bark | HMS Katherine Breton | HMS Katherine Fortileza | HMS Katherine Galley | HMS Katherine | HMS Katoomba | HMS Keats | HMS Kedleston | HMS Keith | HMS Kellett | HMS Kellington | HMS Kelly (F01) | HMS Kelvin (F37) | HMS Kemerton | HMS Kempenfelt | HMS Kempthorne (K483) | HMS Kempton | HMS Kendal | HMS Kenilworth Castle (K420) | HMS Kennet | HMS Kennington | HMS Kentish | HMS Kent | HMS Kent (1653) | HMS Kent (1679) | HMS Kent (1746) | HMS Kent (1762) | HMS Kent (1797) | HMS Kent (1798) | HMS Kent (1810) | HMS Kent (1860) | HMS Kent (1901) | HMS Kent (68) | HMS Kent (D12) | HMS Kent (F78) | HMS Kenya (C14) | HMS Keppel | HMS Keren | HMS Kertch | HMS Kestrel | HMS Kew | HMS Khartoum | HMS Khedive | HMS Kiawo | HMS Kilbane | HMS Kilbarchan | HMS Kilbeggan | HMS Kilberry | HMS Kilbirnie | HMS Kilbrachan | HMS Kilbride | HMS Kilbrittain | HMS Kilburn | HMS Kilby | HMS Kilcar | HMS Kilcavan | HMS Kilchattan | HMS Kilchreest | HMS Kilchrenan | HMS Kilchvan | HMS Kilclare | HMS Kilcolgan | HMS Kilconnan | HMS Kilconnel | HMS Kilcoole | HMS Kilcornie | HMS Kilcot | HMS Kilcreggan | HMS Kilcullen | HMS Kilcurrig | HMS Kildale | HMS Kildarton | HMS Kildary | HMS Kildavin | HMS Kildimo | HMS Kildonan | HMS Kildorough | HMS Kildorry | HMS Kildpart | HMS Kildress | HMS Kildwick | HMS Kilfenora | HMS Kilfinny | HMS Kilfree | HMS Kilfullert | HMS Kilgarvan | HMS Kilglass | HMS Kilgobnet | HMS Kilgowan | HMS Kilhampton | HMS Kilham | HMS Kilkeel | HMS Kilkee | HMS Kilkenny | HMS Kilkenzie | HMS Kilkerrin | HMS Kilkhampton | HMS Killadoon | HMS Killaloo | HMS Killane | HMS Killarney | HMS Killary | HMS Killegan | HMS Killegar | HMS Killena | HMS Killerig | HMS Killiecrankie | HMS Killiney | HMS Killour | HMS Killowen | HMS Killybegs | HMS Killygordon | HMS Kilmacrennan | HMS Kilmaine | HMS Kilmalcolm | HMS Kilmallock | HMS Kilmanahan | HMS Kilmarnock | HMS Kilmartin | HMS Kilmead | HMS Kilmelford | HMS Kilmersdon | HMS Kilmington | HMS Kilmorey | HMS Kilmore | HMS Kilmuckridge | HMS Kilmun | HMS Kimberley | HMS Kincardine | HMS King Alfred | HMS King David | HMS King Edward VII | HMS King George V | HMS King George V (1911) | HMS King George V (1939) | HMS King of Prussia | HMS Kingcup | HMS Kingfisher (P260) | HMS Kingfish | HMS Kingham | HMS Kingsale | HMS Kingsford | HMS Kingsmill | HMS Kingston | HMS Kingston (1697) | HMS Kingston (1858) | HMS Kingston (F64) | HMS Kingston (1995) | HMS Kingussie | HMS Kinnairds Head | HMS Kinross | HMS Kinsale | HMS Kinsha | HMS Kipling | HMS Kirkliston | HMS Kistna | HMS Kitchen | HMS Kite (U87) | HMS Kittiwake | HMS Knaresborough Castle (K389) | HMS Knole | HMS Krakowiak | HMS Kronprincen | HMS Kronprincessen | HMS Kujawiak
HMS La Malouine | HMS Ladybird | HMS Ladybird (1916) | HMS Ladybird (1950) | HMS Ladybird (1970) | HMS Laertes | HMS Laforey | HMS Lagan | HMS Lammerton | HMS Lance | HMS Landrail | HMS Lapwing | HMS Largs | HMS Larkspur | HMS Lark | HMS Larne | HMS Lassoo | HMS Launceston Castle (K397) | HMS Laurel | HMS Lavender | HMS Laverock | HMS Lawford | HMS Leamington | HMS Leander | HMS Leander (1780) | HMS Leander (1813) | HMS Leander (1848) | HMS Leander (1872) | HMS Leander (75) | HMS Leander (F109) | HMS Leda | HMS Leda (1783) | HMS Leda (1800) | HMS Leda (1809) | HMS Leda (1828) | HMS Leda (1892) | HMS Leda (J93) | HMS Ledbury | HMS Leeds Castle | HMS Leeds Castle (K384) | HMS Leeds Castle (P258) | HMS Lee | HMS Legion | HMS Legion (1914) | HMS Legion (1939) | HMS Lennox | HMS Leonidas | HMS Leopard | HMS Leopard (1635) | HMS Leopard (1659) | HMS Leopard (1672) | HMS Leopard (1703) | HMS Leopard (1741) | HMS Leopard (1790) | HMS Leopard (1794) | HMS Leopard (1850) | HMS Leopard (1897) | HMS Leopard (1927) | HMS Leopard (F14) | HMS Leven | HMS Leviathan | HMS Leviathan (1.) | HMS Leviathan (R97) | HMS Li Wo | HMS Liberty | HMS Liberty (1768) | HMS Liberty (1913) | HMS Liberty (J391) | HMS Liffey | HMS Lightening | HMS Lightening (1691) | HMS Lightening (1740) | HMS Lightening (1746) | HMS Lightening (1776) | HMS Lightening (1806) | HMS Lightening (1823) | HMS Lightening (1829) | HMS Lightening (1877) | HMS Lightening (1895) | HMS Lightning (G55) | HMS Limbourne | HMS Linaria | HMS Lincoln | HMS Lincoln (1701) | HMS Lincoln (G42) | HMS Lincoln (F99) | HMS Linnet | HMS Lion | HMS Lively | HMS Liverpool | HMS Liverpool (1741) | HMS Liverpool (1758) | HMS Liverpool (1814) | HMS Liverpool (1860) | HMS Liverpool (1909) | HMS Liverpool (C11) | HMS Liverpool (D92) | HMS Lizard | HMS Llandaff (F42) | HMS Llewellyn | HMS Lobelia | HMS Loch Alvie (K428) | HMS Loch Dunvegan (K425) | HMS Loch Eck (K422) | HMS Loch Fada (K390) | HMS Loch Glendu | HMS Loch Insh (K433) | HMS Loch Killin | HMS Loch Killisport | HMS Loch Lomond (K437) | HMS Loch More | HMS Lochinvar | HMS Locust | HMS Locust (1939) | HMS Londonderry | HMS Londonderry (1935) | HMS Londonderry (1958) | HMS London | HMS London (1636) | HMS London (1656) | HMS London (1666) | HMS London (1756, I.) | HMS London (1756, II.) | HMS London (1759) | HMS London (1766) | HMS London (1840) | HMS London (1899) | HMS London (69) | HMS London (D16) | HMS London (F95) | HMS Lookout | HMS Lookout (1914) | HMS Lookout (1940) | HMS Loosestrife | HMS Lord Nelson | HMS Lord Nuffield | HMS Lotus | HMS Louis | HMS Lowestoft | HMS Loyal | HMS Lucifer | HMS Lurcher | HMS Lydiard | HMS Lydiard (1914) | HMS Lydiard (FY177) | HMS Lynx (F27) | HMS Lysander | HMS Lysander (1842) | HMS Lysander (1913) | HMS Lysander (J379)
HMS M1 | HMS M2 | HMS Macedonian | HMS Mackay | HMS Magnificent | HMS Magnificent (1766) | HMS Magnificent (1806) | HMS Magnificent (1894) | HMS Magnificent (1944) | HMS Magpie | HMS Magpie (1806) | HMS Magpie (1826) | HMS Magpie (1830) | HMS Magpie (1855) | HMS Magpie (1868) | HMS Magpie (1889) | HMS Magpie (1943) | HMS Magpie (1982) | HMS Mahratta | HMS Maidstone | HMS Majestic | HMS Majestic (1785) | HMS Majestic (1853) | HMS Majestic (1895) | HMS Majestic (1945) | HMS Malaya (1915) | HMS Malcolm | HMS Mallard | HMS Mallow | HMS Maloja | HMS Manchester | HMS Manchester (1.) | HMS Manchester (1937) | HMS Manchester (D95) | HMS Mandrake | HMS Manela | HMS Mantis | HMS Manxman | HMS Maori (F24) | HMS Maplin | HMS Marguerite | HMS Marigold | HMS Marigold (1650) | HMS Marigold (1653) | HMS Marigold (1673) | HMS Marigold (1677) | HMS Marigold (1915) | HMS Marigold (K87) | HMS Marlborough | HMS Marlborough (1706) | HMS Marlborough (1767) | HMS Marlborough (1807) | HMS Marlborough (1855) | HMS Marlborough (1912) | HMS Marlborough (F233) | HMS Marne | HMS Mars (1794) | HMS Mary Rose | HMS Mary Rose (1510) | HMS Mary Rose (1556) | HMS Mary Rose (1623) | HMS Mary Rose (1650) | HMS Mary Rose (1654) | HMS Mary Rose (1799) | HMS Mary Rose (1915) | HMS Mary Rose (1918) | HMS Mary Rose (J360) | HMS Martin | HMS Mashona | HMS Matabele | HMS Matchless | HMS Mauritius (C80) | HMS Mayflower | HMS Meadowsweet | HMS Medea | HMS Medea (1744) | HMS Medea (1778) | HMS Medea (1800) | HMS Medea (1833) | HMS Medea (1888) | HMS Medea (1915) | HMS Medea (1925) | HMS Medway | HMS Medway (1693) | HMS Medway (1755) | HMS Medway (1756) | HMS Medway (1812) | HMS Medway (1876) | HMS Medway (1916) | HMS Medway (1928) | HMS Medway (1959) | HMS Mermaid | HMS Mersey | HMS Mersey (1814) | HMS Mersey (1858) | HMS Mersey (1885) | HMS Mersey (1914) | HMS Mersey (2003) | HMS Meteor | HMS Middleton | HMS Middleton (L74) | HMS Middleton (M43) | HMS Midge | HMS Mignonette | HMS Milfoil | HMS Milne | HMS Mimico | HMS Mimosa | HMS Minas | HMS Minden | HMS Mindful | HMS Minerva | HMS Minerva (1759) | HMS Minerva (1780) | HMS Minerva (1781) | HMS Minerva (1805) | HMS Minerva (1820) | HMS Minerva (1895) | HMS Minerva (1925) | HMS Minerva (F45) | HMS Minerve | HMS Minion | HMS Minnikin | HMS Minorca | HMS Minoru | HMS Minos | HMS Minos (1840) | HMS Minos (1914) | HMS Minotaur | HMS Minotaur (1.) | HMS Minotaur (1863) | HMS Minotaur (1906) | HMS Minotaur (1943) | HMS Minstrel | HMS Minto | HMS Minuet | HMS Minx | HMS Miramichi | HMS Miranda | HMS Mischief | HMS Mistletoe | HMS Mistley | HMS Mistral | HMS Moa | HMS Modbury | HMS Moderate | HMS Modeste | HMS Mohawk | HMS Mohawk (F31) | HMS Mohawk (F125) | HMS Moira | HMS Monaghan | HMS Monarca | HMS Monarch | HMS Monarch (1802) | HMS Monarch (1868) | HMS Monarch (1911) | HMS Monck | HMS Moncton | HMS Monkshood | HMS Monmouth | HMS Monmouth (1666) | HMS Monmouth (1667) | HMS Monmouth (1767) | HMS Monmouth (1796) | HMS Monmouth (1828) | HMS Monmouth (1901) | HMS Monmouth (F235) | HMS Montagu | HMS Montbretia | HMS Montrose | HMS Montrose (1918) | HMS Montrose (F236) | HMS Morecambe Bay | HMS Mosquito | HMS Mounts Bay | HMS Mourne | HMS Moy | HMS Mull of Kintyre | HMS Mull | HMS Musk | HMS Myosotis | HMS Myrmidon | HMS Myrmidon (1781) | HMS Myrmidon (1813) | HMS Myrmidon (1845) | HMS Myrmidon (1867) | HMS Myrmidon (1900) | HMS Myrmidon (1942) | HMS Myrmidon (1944)
HMS Nabob | HMS Naiad | HMS Naiad (F39) | HMS Nairana | HMS Nairana (1917) | HMS Nairana (1944) | HMS Napier | HMS Napier (1844) | HMS Napier (1916) | HMS Napier (G97) | HMS Narcissus | HMS Narcissus (1781) | HMS Narcissus (1801) | HMS Narcissus (1846) | HMS Narcissus (1849) | HMS Narcissus (1859) | HMS Narcissus (1886) | HMS Narcissus (1915) | HMS Narcissus (1941) | HMS Narwhal | HMS Nasturtium | HMS Nelson | HMS Nelson (1881) | HMS Nelson (1927) | HMS Nelson (Portsmouth) | HMS Nemesis | HMS Nene | HMS Nepeta | HMS Neptune | HMS Neptune (1683) | HMS Neptune (1797) | HMS Neptune (1874) | HMS Neptune (1909) | HMS Neptune (20) | HMS Neptune (Faslane) | HMS Nereide | HMS Nerissa | HMS Ness | HMS Nestor | HMS New Zealand | HMS New Zealand (1904) | HMS New Zealand (1911) | HMS New Zealand (1946) | HMS Newcastle | HMS Newcastle (1653) | HMS Newcastle (1704) | HMS Newcastle (1750) | HMS Newcastle (1812) | HMS Newcastle (1860) | HMS Newcastle (1910) | HMS Newcastle (1937) | HMS Newcastle (D87) | HMS Newfoundland (C59) | HMS Niagara | HMS Nicator | HMS Nicholas Reede | HMS Nicholas | HMS Nicodemus | HMS Niemen | HMS Nieuport | HMS Nigella | HMS Nigeria | HMS Niger | HMS Niger (1759) | HMS Niger (1813) | HMS Niger (1846) | HMS Niger (1880) | HMS Niger (1892) | HMS Niger (1936) | HMS Niger (1944) | HMS Niger (1945) | HMS Nightingale | HMS Nilam | HMS Nile | HMS Nimble | HMS Nimrod | HMS Niobe | HMS Nipigon | HMS Nisus | HMS Nith | HMS Nitrocris | HMS Nizam | HMS Noble | HMS Nomad | HMS Nonpareil | HMS Nonsuch | HMS Nonsuch (1646) | HMS Nonsuch (1654) | HMS Nonsuch (1668) | HMS Nonsuch (1696) | HMS Nonsuch (1741) | HMS Nonsuch (1774) | HMS Nonsuch (1915) | HMS Nonsuch (1945) | HMS Nootka | HMS Noranda | HMS Norfolk | HMS Norfolk (1693) | HMS Norfolk (1757) | HMS Norfolk (3.) | HMS Norfolk (78) | HMS Norfolk (D21) | HMS Norfolk (F230) | HMS Norge | HMS Norman | HMS Norseman | HMS Norsyd | HMS North Bay | HMS Northampton | HMS North | HMS Nottingham | HMS Nottingham (1703) | HMS Nottingham (1794) | HMS Nottingham (1913) | HMS Nottingham (D91) | HMS Nubian | HMS Nubian (1909) | HMS Nubian (F36) | HMS Nubian (F131) | HMS Nyasaland | HMS Nymphe
HMS O1 | HMS Oakham Castle | HMS Oakington | HMS Oakley | HMS Oakville | HMS Oak | HMS Obdurate | HMS Obedient | HMS Obedient (1916) | HMS Obedient (G48) | HMS Oberon | HMS Oberon (1805) | HMS Oberon (1847) | HMS Oberon (1916) | HMS Oberon (P21) | HMS Oberon (S09) | HMS Obervateur | HMS Observer | HMS Ocean | HMS Ocean (1761) | HMS Ocean (1805) | HMS Ocean (1863) | HMS Ocean (1898) | HMS Ocean (1945) | HMS Ocean (L12) | HMS Oceanway | HMS Ocelot (S17) | HMS Ockham | HMS Ocktavia | HMS Odiham | HMS Odin | HMS Odin (N84) | HMS Odin (J460) | HMS Odin (S10) | HMS Odzani | HMS Offa | HMS Ogre | HMS Oiseau | HMS Ojibwa | HMS Okanagan | HMS Okehampton | HMS Old Francis | HMS Old James | HMS Old Lawrence | HMS Old President | HMS Old Roebuck | HMS Old Success | HMS Old Truelove | HMS Old Warwick | HMS Olive Branch | HMS Olympia | HMS Olympus | HMS Omdurman | HMS Onondaga | HMS Onslaught | HMS Onslow | HMS Ontario | HMS Onyx | HMS Opal | HMS Ophelia | HMS Opossum | HMS Opportune | HMS Oracle | HMS Orange Tree | HMS Orangeville | HMS Orby | HMS Orcadia | HMS Orchis | HMS Orestes | HMS Orestes (1781) | HMS Oreste | HMS Orford Ness | HMS Orford Prize | HMS Orford | HMS Oriana | HMS Oribi | HMS Oriflamme | HMS Orilla | HMS Oriole | HMS Orion | HMS Orion (1787) | HMS Orion (1854) | HMS Orion (1879) | HMS Orion (1904) | HMS Orion (1910) | HMS Orion (85) | HMS Orion (1940) | HMS Orion (1974) | HMS Orissa | HMS Orkan | HMS Orkney | HMS Orlando | HMS Ormonde | HMS Ornen | HMS Oronoque | HMS Orontes | HMS Oroonoko | HMS Orpheus | HMS Orquijo | HMS Ortenzia | HMS Orwell | HMS Oryx | HMS Osborne | HMS Oshawa | HMS Osiris | HMS Osprey | HMS Ossington | HMS Ossory | HMS Ostend | HMS Ostrich | HMS Oswald | HMS Oswego | HMS Oswestry Castle | HMS Otranto | HMS Otter | HMS Otus | HMS Oudenarde | HMS Oulston | HMS Oundle | HMS Ouragan | HMS Ouse | HMS Overton | HMS Overyssel | HMS Owen Glendower | HMS Owen Sound | HMS Owen | HMS Owl | HMS Owners Adventure | HMS Owners Goodwill | HMS Owners Love | HMS Oxford Castle (K692) | HMS Oxford | HMS Oxlip
HMS P31 | HMS P34 | HMS P35 | HMS P36 | HMS P38 | HMS P39 | HMS P42 | HMS P44 | HMS P46 | HMS P48 | HMS P212 | HMS P219 | HMS P222 | HMS P311 | HMS P551 | HMS Pactolus | HMS Pakenham | HMS Paladin | HMS Pallas | HMS Palomares (1937) | HMS Pandora | HMS Pandora (1779) | HMS Pandora (1859) | HMS Pandora (1889) | HMS Pandora (1900) | HMS Pandora (N42) | HMS Panther | HMS Paragon | HMS Paramatta | HMS Parthian | HMS Partridge | HMS Pathfinder | HMS Pathfinder (1904) | HMS Pathfinder (G10) | HMS Patrol | HMS Pearl | HMS Pegasus | HMS Pelican | HMS Pelorus | HMS Pembroke | HMS Penelope | HMS Penelope (1778) | HMS Penelope (1783) | HMS Penelope (1798) | HMS Penelope (1829) | HMS Penelope (1867) | HMS Penelope (1914) | HMS Penelope (1918) | HMS Penelope (1935) | HMS Penelope (F127) | HMS Pennywort | HMS Penn | HMS Penstemon | HMS Pentstemon | HMS Penzance | HMS Penzance (1665) | HMS Penzance (1747) | HMS Penzance (L28) | HMS Penzance (M106) | HMS Peony | HMS Periwinkle | HMS Perseus (R51) | HMS Petard | HMS Petrel | HMS Petunia | HMS Pevensey Castle (K449) | HMS Phaeton | HMS Phaeton (1883) | HMS Phaeton (1914) | HMS Phaeton (1934) | HMS Phoebe | HMS Phoenix | HMS Phoenix (1546) | HMS Phoenix (1613) | HMS Phoenix (1647) | HMS Phoenix (1665) | HMS Phoenix (1671) | HMS Phoenix (1692) | HMS Phoenix (1694) | HMS Phoenix (1743) | HMS Phoenix (1759) | HMS Phoenix (1783) | HMS Phoenix (1832) | HMS Phoenix (1879) | HMS Phoenix (1895) | HMS Phoenix (1911) | HMS Phoenix (1929) | HMS Pickle | HMS Picotee | HMS Pimpernel | HMS Pincher | HMS Pink | HMS Pioneer | HMS Pioneer (1899) | HMS Pioneer (R76) | HMS Plover | HMS Plymouth | HMS Plym (K271) | HMS Polyanthus | HMS Polyphemus | HMS Polyphemus (1782) | HMS Polyphemus (1840) | HMS Polyphemus (1881) | HMS Polyphemus (1945) | HMS Pomone | HMS Poppy | HMS Porcupine | HMS Porpoise | HMS Portchester Castle (K362) | HMS Portland | HMS Portland (1653) | HMS Portland (1693) | HMS Portland (1744) | HMS Portland (1770) | HMS Portland (1795) | HMS Portland (1822) | HMS Portland (1941) | HMS Portland (F79) | HMS Potentilla | HMS Powerful | HMS Powerful (1.) | HMS Powerful (1854) | HMS Powerful (3.) | HMS Powerful (R95) | HMS Pozarica | HMS Premier | HMS Primrose | HMS Primula | HMS Prince | HMS Prince Charles | HMS Prince George | HMS Prince George (1682) | HMS Prince George (1763) | HMS Prince George (1772) | HMS Prince George (1895) | HMS Prince Leopold | HMS Prince of Wales | HMS Prince of Wales (1765) | HMS Prince of Wales (1794) | HMS Prince of Wales (1795) | HMS Prince of Wales (1805) | HMS Prince of Wales (1869) | HMS Prince of Wales (1902) | HMS Prince of Wales (1939) | HMS Princess Royal | HMS Princess Royal (1739) | HMS Princess Royal (1773) | HMS Princess Royal (1853) | HMS Princess Royal (1911) | HMS Prins Albert | HMS Prinses Astrid | HMS Prinses Beatrix | HMS Privet | HMS Prometheus | HMS Proserpine | HMS Protector | HMS Proteus | HMS Psyche | HMS Puckeridge | HMS Puffin | HMS Puncher | HMS Punjabi | HMS Pursuer | HMS Pyramus | HMS Python
HMS Qu'appele | HMS Quadrant (G11) | HMS Quadra | HMS Quadrille | HMS Quail | HMS Quail (1895) | HMS Quail (G45) | HMS Quainton | HMS Quaker | HMS Qualicum | HMS Quality (G62) | HMS Quantock | HMS Quebec | HMS Queen Charlotte | HMS Queen Elizabeth | HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913) | HMS Queen Emma | HMS Queen Mab | HMS Queen Mary | HMS Queen of Kent | HMS Queenborough (G30) | HMS Queen | HMS Queen (1225) | HMS Queen (1673) | HMS Queen (1769) | HMS Queen (1839) | HMS Queen (1902) | HMS Queen (D19) | HMS Quentin (G78) | HMS Quesnel | HMS Quest | HMS Quiberon (G81) | HMS Quickmatch (G92) | HMS Quilliam (G09) | HMS Quinte | HMS Quittance | HMS Quorn | HMS Quorn (1916) | HMS Quorn (L66) | HMS Quorn (M41)
HMS Racehorse | HMS Racoon | HMS Radstock | HMS Raglan | HMS Raider | HMS Rainbow | HMS Ramillies | HMS Ramillies (1664) | HMS Ramillies (1892) | HMS Ramillies (1916) | HMS Ramsey | HMS Ranger | HMS Rapid | HMS Rattlesnake | HMS Rawalpindi | HMS Rayleigh Castle | HMS Reading | HMS Recruit | HMS Redgauntlet | HMS Redmill | HMS Redoubt | HMS Redpole | HMS Regent | HMS Regulus | HMS Relentless | HMS Renard | HMS Renonculus | HMS Renown | HMS Renown (1895) | HMS Renown (1916) | HMS Renown (S26) | HMS Repulse | HMS Repulse (1595) | HMS Repulse (1759) | HMS Repulse (1779) | HMS Repulse (1780) | HMS Repulse (1780, II.) | HMS Repulse (1794) | HMS Repulse (1803) | HMS Repulse (1855) | HMS Repulse (1868) | HMS Repulse (1892) | HMS Repulse (1916) | HMS Repulse (S23) | HMS Resolute | HMS Resolution | HMS Resolution (1667) | HMS Resolution (1705) | HMS Resolution (1708) | HMS Resolution (1758) | HMS Resolution (1770) | HMS Resolution (Cook) | HMS Resolution (1779) | HMS Resolution (1892) | HMS Resolution (1915) | HMS Resolution (S22) | HMS Resolution (1989) | HMS Resource | HMS Restless | HMS Revenge | HMS Revenge (1577) | HMS Revenge (1805) | HMS Revenge (1859) | HMS Revenge (1892) | HMS Revenge (1915) | HMS Revenge (S27) | HMS Rhododendron | HMS Rhyl | HMS Richmond | HMS Richmond (1656) | HMS Richmond (1672) | HMS Richmond (1745) | HMS Richmond (1757) | HMS Richmond (1806) | HMS Richmond (6.) | HMS Richmond (G88) | HMS Richmond (F239) | HMS Rifleman | HMS Rigorous | HMS Riviera | HMS Rob Roy | HMS Roberts | HMS Robust | HMS Rocket | HMS Rockrose | HMS Rockwood | HMS Rodney | HMS Rodney (1759) | HMS Rodney (1781) | HMS Rodney (1809) | HMS Rodney (1830) | HMS Rodney (1884) | HMS Rodney (1916) | HMS Rodney (29) | HMS Roebuck | HMS Rolls Royce | HMS Romola | HMS Rorqual | HMS Rosalind | HMS Rosebay | HMS Rose | HMS Rose (1757) | HMS Rose (K102) | HMS Rother | HMS Rowena | HMS Roxburgh | HMS Royal Arthur | HMS Royal Charlotte | HMS Royal Eagle | HMS Royal James | HMS Royal Oak | HMS Royal Sovereign | HMS Royal Sovereign (1637) | HMS Royal Sovereign (1701) | HMS Royal Sovereign (1786) | HMS Royal Sovereign (1891) | HMS Royal Sovereign (1915) | HMS Royal Ulsterman | HMS Royalist | HMS Royalist (1883) | HMS Royalist (1915) | HMS Rubble | HMS Ruby | HMS Rupert | HMS Rushen Castle (K372) | HMS Russell
HMS Sable | HMS Sabre | HMS Safari | HMS Saga | HMS Sahib | HMS Saladin | HMS Salamander | HMS Salisbury | HMS Salmon | HMS Salmon (H58) | HMS Salmon (N65) | HMS Salvia | HMS Samphire | HMS Sandfly | HMS Sandown | HMS Sanguine | HMS Sapphire | HMS Saracen | HMS Sardonyx | HMS Sarpedon | HMS Saturn | HMS Satyr | HMS Saumarez | HMS Savage | HMS Saxifrage | HMS Scarab | HMS Scarborough | HMS Sceptre | HMS Sceptre (1781) | HMS Sceptre (1802) | HMS Sceptre (1917) | HMS Sceptre (P215) | HMS Sceptre (S104) | HMS Scimitar | HMS Scorcher | HMS Scorpion | HMS Scorpion (1746) | HMS Scorpion (1785) | HMS Scorpion (1794) | HMS Scorpion (1803) | HMS Scorpion (1832) | HMS Scorpion (1863) | HMS Scorpion (1910) | HMS Scorpion (1937) | HMS Scorpion (1942) | HMS Scorpion (1946) | HMS Scotsman | HMS Scotstoun | HMS Scott | HMS Scourge | HMS Scout | HMS Scylla | HMS Scylla (1809) | HMS Scylla (1856) | HMS Scylla (1891) | HMS Scylla (1940) | HMS Scylla (F71) | HMS Scythe | HMS Scythian | HMS Sea Devil | HMS Sea Dog | HMS Sea Nymph | HMS Sea Rover | HMS Sea Scout | HMS Seabear | HMS Seafire | HMS Seagull | HMS Seahorse | HMS Seal | HMS Sealion | HMS Sealion (WWII) | HMS Sealion (S07) | HMS Sealion (Ballykelly) | HMS Seanymph | HMS Searcher | HMS Seawolf | HMS Selene | HMS Senator | HMS Seneschal | HMS Sennen | HMS Sentinel | HMS Sepoy | HMS Seraph | HMS Serapis | HMS Serapis (1779) | HMS Serapis (1782) | HMS Serapis (1866) | HMS Serapis (1918) | HMS Serapis (1943) | HMS Serene | HMS Sesame | HMS Setter | HMS Severn | HMS Severn (1693) | HMS Severn (1739) | HMS Severn (1747) | HMS Severn (1813, I.) | HMS Severn (1813, II.) | HMS Severn (6.) | HMS Severn (1885) | HMS Severn (1914) | HMS Severn (9.) | HMS Severn (P282) | HMS Shah | HMS Shah (1873) | HMS Shah (1943) | HMS Shakespeare | HMS Shalimar | HMS Shamrock | HMS Shannon | HMS Shannon (1757) | HMS Shannon (1796) | HMS Shannon (1803) | HMS Shannon (1806) | HMS Shannon (1814) | HMS Shannon (1832) | HMS Shannon (1855) | HMS Shannon (1875) | HMS Shannon (1906) | HMS Shark | HMS Shark (1894) | HMS Shark (1912) | HMS Shark (1916) | HMS Shark (N54) | HMS Shark (G03) | HMS Sharpshooter | HMS Sheffield | HMS Sheffield (24) | HMS Sheffield (D80) | HMS Sheffield (F96) | HMS Sheldrake | HMS Shikari | HMS Shoreham | HMS Shoreham (1694) | HMS Shoreham (2.) | HMS Shoreham (3.) | HMS Shoreham (L32) | HMS Shoreham (M112) | HMS Shropshire (83) | HMS Sibyl | HMS Sickle | HMS Sidon | HMS Sidon (1846) | HMS Sidon (1944) | HMS Sikh | HMS Simbang | HMS Simoon | HMS Sirdar | HMS Sirius | HMS Sirius (1786) | HMS Sirius (1892) | HMS Sirius (82) | HMS Sirius (F40) | HMS Skate | HMS Skilful | HMS Skipjack | HMS Skirmisher | HMS Smilax | HMS Smiter | HMS Snapdragon | HMS Snapper | HMS Snowberry | HMS Snowdrop | HMS Snowflake | HMS Solent | HMS Somali | HMS Somerset | HMS Somerset (1698) | HMS Somerset (1731) | HMS Somerset (1748) | HMS Somerset (F82) | HMS Somme | HMS Sorceress | HMS Southampton | HMS Southampton (1693) | HMS Southampton (1757) | HMS Southampton (1820) | HMS Southampton (1912) | HMS Southampton (C38) | HMS Southampton (D90) | HMS Southwold | HMS Sovereign of the Seas | HMS Sovereign | HMS Spanker | HMS Spanker (1856) | HMS Spanker (J226) | HMS Spark | HMS Sparrowhawk | HMS Sparrowhawk (1895) | HMS Sparrowhawk (1912) | HMS Sparrowhawk (1918) | HMS Sparrow | HMS Spartan | HMS Spartan (1806) | HMS Spartan (1824) | HMS Spartan (1841) | HMS Spartan (1868) | HMS Spartan (1891) | HMS Spartan (1942) | HMS Spartan (S105) | HMS Spartiate (1793) | HMS Spearfish | HMS Spearhead | HMS Spear | HMS Speedwell | HMS Speedy | HMS Spey | HMS Sphinx | HMS Spider | HMS Spikenard | HMS Spindrif | HMS Spiraea | HMS Spirit | HMS Spiteful | HMS Spitfire | HMS Spitfire (1783) | HMS Spitfire (1895) | HMS Spitfire (1912) | HMS Splendid | HMS Splendid (1597) | HMS Splendid (1918) | HMS Splendid (1942) | HMS Splendid (S106) | HMS Sportive | HMS Sportsman | HMS Sprightly | HMS Springbank | HMS Springbok | HMS Springer | HMS Spur | HMS Squirrel | HMS St. Albans | HMS St. Albans (1687) | HMS St. Albans (1706) | HMS St. Albans (1747) | HMS St. Albans (1777) | HMS St. Albans (I15) | HMS St. Albans (F83) | HMS St. George | HMS St. Vincent | HMS St. Vincent (1692) | HMS St. Vincent (1780) | HMS St. Vincent (1815) | HMS St. Vincent (1908) | HMS Stalker | HMS Stalwart | HMS Starfish | HMS Starling | HMS Starling (1.) | HMS Starling (U66) | HMS Starling (P241) | HMS Starwort | HMS Statesman | HMS Statice | HMS Staunch | HMS Stayner | MS Steadfast | HMS Sterlet | HMS Sterling | HMS Stoic | HMS Stonecrop | HMS Stonehenge | HMS Stork | HMS Stormcloud | HMS Storm | HMS Stour | HMS Stratagem | HMS Strathella | HMS Strenuous | HMS Striker | HMS Strongbow | HMS Stronghold | HMS Stuart | HMS Stubborn | HMS Sturdy | HMS Sturgeon | HMS Stygian | HMS Subtle | HMS Success | HMS Suffolk | HMS Suffolk (1680) | HMS Suffolk (1694) | HMS Suffolk (1765) | HMS Suffolk (1903) | HMS Suffolk (1926) | HMS Sunderland | HMS Sundew | HMS Sunfish | HMS Sunflower | HMS Superb | HMS Superb (1710) | HMS Superb (1736) | HMS Superb (1760) | HMS Superb (1798) | HMS Superb (1842) | HMS Superb (1875) | HMS Superb (1907) | HMS Superb (1943) | HMS Superb (S109) | HMS Supreme | HMS Surf | HMS Surly | HMS Surprise | HMS Surprise (1794) | HMS Surprise (1856) | HMS Surprise (1885) | HMS Surprise (1916) | HMS Sussex | HMS Swale | HMS Swallow | HMS Sweetbriar | HMS Swiftsure | HMS Swiftsure (1804) | HMS Swiftsure (1870) | HMS Swiftsure (1903) | HMS Swiftsure (08) | HMS Swiftsure (S126) | HMS Swift | HMS Swordfish | HMS Swordsman | HMS Sycamore | HMS Sylph | HMS Sylvia | HMS Syren | HMS Syrtis
HMS Tabard | HMS Taciturn | HMS Tactician | HMS Taku | HMS Taku (1898) | HMS Taku (N38) | HMS Talbot | HMS Talent | HMS Talent (1943) | HMS Talent (S92) | HMS Talisman | HMS Tally-Ho | HMS Talybont | HMS Tamarisk | HMS Tancred | HMS Tantalus | HMS Tantivy | HMS Tapir | HMS Tara | HMS Tarn | HMS Tarpon | HMS Tartar | HMS Tartar (1756) | HMS Tartar (1801) | HMS Tartar (1814) | HMS Tartar (1854) | HMS Tartar (1886) | HMS Tartar (1907) | HMS Tartar (1937) | HMS Tartar (F113) | HMS Tasmania | HMS Tasman | HMS Tattoo | HMS Taurus | HMS Tavy | HMS Tay | HMS Teazer | HMS Telemachus | HMS Temeraire | HMS Temeraire (1759) | HMS Temeraire (1798) | HMS Temeraire (1876) | HMS Temeraire (1907) | HMS Temeraire (1939) | HMS Tempest | HMS Templar | HMS Tenacious | HMS Tenedos | HMS Teredo | HMS Termagent | HMS Terrapin | HMS Terrible | HMS Terrible (1694) | HMS Terrible (1730) | HMS Terrible (1747) | HMS Terrible (1762) | HMS Terrible (1785) | HMS Terrible (1845) | HMS Terrible (1895) | HMS Terrible (R93) | HMS Terror | HMS Test | HMS Tetrarch | HMS Teviot Bank | HMS Teviot | HMS Thames | HMS Thanet | HMS Thane | HMS Thermopylae (P355) | HMS Theseus | HMS Theseus (1786) | HMS Theseus (1892) | HMS Thetis | HMS Thetis (1890) | HMS Thetis (N25) | HMS Thisbe | HMS Thistle | HMS Thor (P349) | HMS Thornborough | HMS Thorn | HMS Thorough | HMS Thracian | HMS Thrasher | HMS Thruster | HMS Thule | HMS Thunderbolt | HMS Thunderer | HMS Thunderer (1760) | HMS Thunderer (1776) | HMS Thunderer (1783) | HMS Thunderer (1831) | HMS Thunderer (1872) | HMS Thunderer (1911) | HMS Thunderer (1939) | HMS Thyme | HMS Tiara (P351) | HMS Tiger | HMS Tiger (1546) | HMS Tiger (1613) | HMS Tiger (1647) | HMS Tiger (1743) | HMS Tiger (1747) | HMS Tiger (1762) | HMS Tiger (1794) | HMS Tiger (1808) | HMS Tiger (1849) | HMS Tiger (1900) | HMS Tiger (1913) | HMS Tiger (1942) | HMS Tiger (C20) | HMS Tigress | HMS Tigris | HMS Tilbury | HMS Tintagel Castle | HMS Tintagel | HMS Tipperary | HMS Tiptoe | HMS Tireless | HMS Tireless (P327) | HMS Tireless (S88) | HMS Titania | HMS Tobago | HMS Token | HMS Tomahawk | HMS Tonnant - HMS Tonnant (1792) | HMS Topaze | HMS Torbay | HMS Torbay (1693) | HMS Torbay (1919) | HMS Torbay (1940) | HMS Torbay (S90) | HMS Torch | HMS Toreador | HMS Tormentor | HMS Tornado | HMS Torrent | HMS Torrid | HMS Torrington | HMS Tortola | HMS Totem | HMS Tourmaline | HMS Tracker | HMS Tracker (D24) | HMS Tracker (1997) | HMS Tradewind | HMS Trafalgar | HMS Trafalgar (1820) | HMS Trafalgar (1841) | HMS Trafalgar (1887) | HMS Trafalgar (D77) | HMS Trafalgar (S107) | HMS Transylvania | HMS Traveller | HMS Trenchant | HMS Trenchant (1916) | HMS Trenchant (1943) | HMS Trenchant (S91) | HMS Trespasser | HMS Triad | MS Tribune | HMS Trident | HMS Trillium | HMS Trinidad | HMS Triton | HMS Triton (1702) | HMS Triton (1741) | HMS Triton (1745) | HMS Triton (1771) | HMS Triton (1796) | HMS Triton (1846) | HMS Triton (1882) | HMS Triton (N15) | HMS Triumph | HMS Triumph (1764) | HMS Triumph (1870) | HMS Triumph (1903) | HMS Triumph (N18) | HMS Triumph (R16) | HMS Triumph (S93) | HMS Trojan | HMS Trooper | HMS Troubridge | HMS Truant | HMS Truculent | HMS Truelove | HMS Trumpeter | HMS Trump (P333) | HMS Truncheon | HMS Trusty | HMS Tryphon | HMS Tudor | HMS Tulip | HMS Tumult | HMS Tuna | HMS Turbulent | HMS Turbulent (1805) | HMS Turbulent (1916) | HMS Turbulent (1919) | HMS Turbulent (N98) | HMS Turbulent (S87) | HMS Turpin | HMS Turquoise | HMS Tuscan | HMS Tutankhamen | HMS Tweed | HMS Tyler | HMS Tynedale | HMS Tyne | HMS Tyne (1814) | HMS Tyne (1826) | HMS Tyne (1867) | HMS Tyne (1878) | HMS Tyne (F24) | HMS Tyne (P281) | HMS Tynwald | HMS Tyrian
HMS U.1407 | HMS Ufton | HMS Uganda (C66) | HMS Ulex | HMS Ullswater | HMS Ulster Monarch | HMS Ulster Queen | HMS Ulster | HMS Ultimatum | HMS Ultor | HMS Ulysses | HMS Umbra (P35) | HMS Umpire | HMS Una | HMS Unbeaten | HMS Unbending | HMS Unbridled | HMS Unbroken | HMS Undaunted | HMS Undine | HMS Ungava | HMS Unicorn | HMS Union | HMS Unique | HMS Unison | HMS United | HMS Unite | HMS Unity III | HMS Unity II | HMS Unity | HMS Universal | HMS Unrivalled | HMS Unruffled | HMS Unruly | HMS Unseen | HMS Unshaken | HMS Unsparing | HMS Unswerving | HMS Untamed | HMS Untiring | HMS Upas | HMS Upholder | HMS Upholder (P37) | HMS Upholder (S40) | HMS Uppingham | HMS Upright | HMS Uproar | HMS Upshot | HMS Upstart | HMS Upton | HMS Upward | HMS Urania | HMS Uranie | HMS Urchin | HMS Uredd | HMS Ure | HMS Urgent | HMS Urge | HMS Ursa | HMS Ursula | HMS Urtica | HMS Usk | HMS Usurper | HMS Uther | HMS Utile | HMS Utmost | HMS Utopia | HMS Utrecht
HMS Valentine | HMS Valhalla | HMS Valiant | HMS Valiant (1759) | HMS Valiant (1807) | HMS Valiant (1825) | HMS Valiant (1863) | HMS Valiant (1914) | HMS Valiant (S102) | HMS Valkyrie | HMS Valorous | HMS Vampire | HMS Vampire (D68) | HMS Vampire (P72) | HMS Vampire (D11) | HMS Vancouver | HMS Vanessa | HMS Vanguard | HMS Vanguard (1568) | HMS Vanguard (1631) | HMS Vanguard (1678) | HMS Vanguard (1748) | HMS Vanguard (1787) | HMS Vanguard (1835) | HMS Vanguard (1869) | HMS Vanguard (1909) | HMS Vanguard (1944) | HMS Vanguard (S28) | HMS Vanity | HMS Vanoc | HMS Vanquisher | HMS Vansittart | HMS Vascama | HMS Vectis | HMS Vega | HMS Vehement | HMS Velox | HMS Vendetta | HMS Venerable | HMS Venerable (1784) | HMS Venerable (1808) | HMS Venerable (1899) | HMS Venerable (R63) | HMS Venetia | HMS Vengeance | HMS Vengeance (1758) | HMS Vengeance (1774) | HMS Vengeance (1793) | HMS Vengeance (1800) | HMS Vengeance (1824) | HMS Vengeance (1899) | HMS Vengeance (R71) | HMS Vengeance (S31) | HMS Venomous | HMS Venturer | HMS Venturous | HMS Venus | HMS Verbena | HMS Verdun | HMS Verity | HMS Vernon | HMS Veronica | HMS Versatile | HMS Verulam | HMS Vervain | HMS Vesper | HMS Vestal | HMS Vetch | HMS Veteran | HMS Viceroy | HMS Victor | HMS Victoria | HMS Victoria (1839) | HMS Victoria (1855) | HMS Victoria (1859) | HMS Victoria (1864) | HMS Victoria (1887) | HMS Victorious | HMS Victorious (1785) | HMS Victorious (1808) | HMS Victorious (1895) | HMS Victorious (R38) | HMS Victorious (S29) | HMS Victory | HMS Victory (1569) | HMS Victory (1620) | HMS Victory (1737) | HMS Victory (1764) | HMS Victory (1765) | HMS Vidette (D48) | HMS Vienna | HMS Vigilant | HMS Viking | HMS Vimiera | HMS Vimy | HMS Vindex | HMS Vindictive | HMS Violent | HMS Violet | HMS Viper | HMS Virago | HMS Viscount | HMS Visenda | HMS Vittoria | HMS Vivacious | HMS Vivid | HMS Vivien | HMS Vixen | HMS Vizalma | HMS Voltaire | HMS Volunteer | HMS Vortigern | HMS Voyager | HMS Vulture
HMS Wakeful | HMS Walker | HMS Wallflower | HMS Walney | HMS Walney (Y04) | HMS Walney (M104) | HMS Walpole | HMS Walrus | HMS Wanderer | HMS Warrior | HMS Warrior (1781) | HMS Warrior (1860) | HMS Warrior (1905) | HMS Warrior (R31) | HMS Warrior (poveljstvo) | HMS Warspite | HMS Warspite (1884) | HMS Warspite (1913) | HMS Warspite (S103) | HMS Warwick | HMS Watchman | HMS Waterhen | HMS Waveney | HMS Wear | HMS Welland | HMS Welshman | HMS Wenslydale | HMS Wessex | HMS Westcott | HMS Western Isles | HMS Westminster | HMS Westminster (L40) | HMS Westminster (F237) | HMS Wheatland | HMS Whimbrel | HMS Whippingham | HMS Whirlwind | HMS Whitby | HMS Whitehall | HMS Whitesand Bay | HMS Whiting | HMS Whitley | HMS Whitshed | HMS Wild Goose | HMS Wild Swan | HMS Willowherb | HMS Winchelsea | HMS Winchester | HMS Windflower | HMS Windsor | HMS Wishart | HMS Witch | HMS Witherington | HMS Wivern | HMS Wivern (1863) | HMS Wivern (1919) | HMS Wolfhound | HMS Wolf | HMS Wolsey | HMS Wolverine | HMS Wolverine (1910) | HMS Wolverine (D78) | HMS Woodbridge Haven | HMS Woodcock | HMS Woodpecker | HMS Woodruff | HMS Woolston | HMS Woolwich | HMS Worcester | HMS Wrangler | HMS Wrenn | HMS Wrentham | HMS Wren | HMS Wrestler | HMS Wryneck | HMS Wulastock | HMS Wye | HMS Wyvern
HMS X.1 | HMS X.2 | HMS X.51 | HMS X.52 | HMS X.53 | HMS X.54 | HMS Xenophon
HMS Yarmouth | HMS Yarmouth (1748) | HMS Yarmouth (1911) | HMS Yarmouth (F101) | HMS Yarnton | HMS Yarra | HMS Yaxham | HMS Yealmpton | HMS Yellowknife | HMS Yeoman | HMS Yeovil | HMS York Castle | HMS York | HMS York (1654) | HMS York (1706) | HMS York (1753) | HMS York (1777) | HMS York (1779) | HMS York (1796) | HMS York (1807) | HMS York (1915) | HMS York (90) | HMS York (D98) | HMS Young Hebe | HMS Young Hoblin | HMS Young King | HMS Young Lady | HMS Young Lion | HMS Young Prince | HMS Young Shish | HMS Young Spragge | HMS Ypres | HMS Yukon
HMS Z.4 | HMS Z.5 | HMS Z.6 | HMS Z.7 | HMS Z.8 | HMS Z.10 | HMS Z.30 | HMS Z.38 | HMS Zambesi | HMS Zanzibar | HMS Zealandia | HMS Zealand | HMS Zealous | HMS Zebra | HMS Zebra (1777) | HMS Zebra (1815) | HMS Zebra (1860) | HMS Zebra (1895) | HMS Zebra (R81) | HMS Zenith | HMS Zenobia | HMS Zephyr | HMS Zest | HMS Zetland | HMS Zingarella | HMS Zinnia (K98) | HMS Zodiac | HMS Zubian | HMS Zulu | HMS Zulu (1909) | HMS Zulu (F18) | HMS Zulu (F124)
Seznam najbolj znanih fikcijskih plovil kraljeve vojne mornarice
(Opomba: večina romanov o plovilih kraljeve vojne mornarice predstavlja fikcijske ladje, toda uporabljajo resnična imena. To je seznam fikcijskih imen.)
Argonaute (v Colors Aloft , avtor Alexander Kent )
Atropos (v Hornblower and the Atropos , avtor C. S. Forester )
Bellipotent (v »Billy Budd, Sailor «, avtor Hermann Melville )
Carousel (v We Saw the Sea , avtor Robert Winton)
Compass Rose and Saltash (v The Cruel Sea , avtor Nicholas Monsarrat )
Lydia (v The Happy Return , avtor C. S. Forester )
HMS Pinafore (opereta , avtor Gilbert and Sullivan )
Polychrest (v Post Captain , avtor Patrick O'Brian )
Sophie (v Master and Commander , avtor Patrick O'Brian )
Thunder Child (v The War of the Worlds ,, avtor H.G. Wells )
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