Parlament Združenega kraljestva

Parlament Združenega kraljestva
Velike Britanije in Severne Irske
58. parlament
Coat of arms or logo
Domovizgornji dom (House of Lords)
spodnji dom (House of Commons)
PredhodnikParlament Velike Britanije & Parlament Irske
Karel III
od 6. februar 1952
Lindsay Hoyle
od 4. november 2019
Rishi Sunak, konzervativec
od 24. julij 2019
Keir Starmer
od 4. april 2020
House of Lords[1] - politične skupine
     Lord Speaker
Lords Spiritual
     Bishops (26)
(seated on the Government benches)
Lords Temporal
HM Government
     Conservative Party (261)
HM Most Loyal Opposition
     Labour Party (172)
Ostala opozicija
     Liberal Democrats (86)
     Democratic Unionist Party (5)
     Ulster Unionist Party (2)
     Green Party (2)
     Plaid Cymru (1)
     Non-affiliated (47)
     Crossbench (187)
House of Commons[2] - politične skupine
HM Government
     Conservative Party (364)
HM Most Loyal Opposition
     Labour Party (198)
Ostala opozicija (78)
     Scottish National Party (45)
     Liberal Democrats (12)
     Democratic Unionist Party (8)
     Plaid Cymru (3)
     Social Democratic and Labour Party (2)
     Alba Party (2)
     Green Party (1)
     Alliance Party (1)
     Neodvisni (4)
     Prosti (1)
     Sinn Féin (7)
Presiding officer
     Speaker (1)
House of Commons[2] zadnje volitve
12. december 2019
House of Commons[2] naslednje volitve
na ali pred 2. majem 2024
Mesto zborovanj
Westminsterska palača
Westminster, London
Združeno kraljestvo
Spletno mesto

Parlament Združenega kraljestva[a] je najvišji zakonodajni organ Združenega kraljestva, Kronskih odvisnosti in Britanskih čezmorskih ozemelj.[3][4] Ima zakonodajno prevlado in s tem vrhovno oblast nad vsemi drugimi političnimi organi v Veliki Britaniji in čezmorskih ozemljih. Parlament je dvodomni, vendar je sestavljen iz treh delov - monarh (Crown-in-Parlament), zgornji dom (House of Lords) in spodnji dom (House of Commons).[5][6] Oba doma parlamenta se sestajata v ločenih dvoranah v Westminstrski palači v Westminstru, v Londonu.

Zgornji dom (tudi dom lordov ali Lordska zbornica) je sestavljena iz dveh vrst članov: duhovni lordi (Lords Spiritual), to so višji škofi anglikanske cerkve, Lords Temporal, ki ga sestavljajo pretežno imenovani lordi (life peers), ki jih dosmrtno imenuje monarh[7] in 92 dednih članov (Hereditary peer), ki so ta naziv nasledili ali pa so si ga glede na dosežke sami pridobili.

Spodnji dom je sestavljen iz neposredno voljenih predstavnikov iz 650 angleških volilnih enot. Volitve potekajo v enomandatnih volilnih enotah na podlagi sistema relativne večine. Najdaljše možno obdobje trajanja enega mandata je pet let.[8]


  1. »Lords by party, type of peerage and gender«. UK Parliament.
  2. »Current State of the Parties«. UK Parliament. Pridobljeno 10. maja 2021.
  3. Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865
  4. Statute of Westminster 1931
  5. »Primacy of the Commons, role of the Lords, and Lords reform«. 3. november 2006. Pridobljeno 13. novembra 2018. 22. Our remit requires us to accept "the primacy of the House of Commons". It is worth considering what this means in the context of legislation, and of the conventions operating between the two Houses. 23. Constitutional and Administrative Law by O. Hood Phillips and Jackson declares it to be a constitutional convention that "In cases of conflict the Lords should ultimately yield to the Commons."[34] It goes on to observe that this convention was backed until 1911 by the possibility of packing the Lords with government supporters, and has been underpinned since then by the Parliament Acts.
  6. »What is the role of Parliament?«. How Parliament works. UK Parliament. Pridobljeno 10. februarja 2008.
  7. »Lords Spiritual and Temporal«. Glossary. UK Parliament. Pridobljeno 10. februarja 2008.
  8. »How Parliament works«. About Parliament. UK Parliament. Pridobljeno 21. junija 2017.


  1. Alternatively called the British Parliament, UK Parliament or Westminster Parliament. Also domestically referred to as Parliament or Westminster.

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