Douglas Alan »Doug« Stegmeyer, ameriški bas kitarist in vokalist, * 23. december 1951, Flushing, Queens, New York, ZDA, † 25. avgust 1995, Long Island, New York, ZDA.
Doug Stegmeyer je bil ameriški glasbenik, najbolj znan kot bas kitarist in spremljevalni vokalist v spremljevalni skupini Billyja Joela.
Stegmeyer je spoznal Russlla Javorsa v srednji šoli. V starosti 15 let je Javors igral v skupini skupaj s prijateljem Libertyjem DeVittom. Kmalu zatem so vsi trije skupaj s Howardom Emersonom ustanovili zasedbo "Topper".
Skupaj so izvajali skladbe, ki jih je napisal Javors. Skupino je kmalu opazil Billy Joel. Joel je takrat potreboval bas kitarista na promocijski turneji Streetlife Serenade. Stegmeyer je tako postal prvi glasbenik iz zasedbe Topper, ki je začel igrati pri Joelu. Čet leto in pol so se, po Stegmeyerjevemu priporočilu, Billy Joelu pridružili še Emerson,[1] Javors in DeVitto, s katerimi je Joel posnel album Turnstiles in odšel na promocijsko turnejo. Stegmeyer je postal ključni član Joelove spremljevalne zasedbe, sodeloval je pri snemanjih vseh njegovih albumov od albuma Turnstiles pa do albuma The Bridge. Sodeloval je tudi pri snemanju albumov v živo Songs in the Attic in Концерт. Čez čas se je Stegmeyerja prijel vzdevek "The Sergeant Of The Billy Joel Band" (Narednik Billy Joel Banda).[2]
Kot studijski glasbenik je sodeloval tudi z Debbie Gibbs in duetom Hall & Oates.[3]
Zadnja leta in smrt
Potem, ko je bil leta 1989 skupaj z Javorsem izločen iz Joelove spremljevalne zasedbe, je Stegmeyer postal zaseden s snemanji in produciranjem. 25. avgusta 1995 je storil samomor na svojem domu na Long Islandu.[4][5]
Zunanje povezave
Studijski albumi | |
Albumi v živo | |
Kompilacijski albumi | |
Singli |
- "She's Got a Way"
- "Piano Man"
- "You're My Home"
- "Worse Comes to Worst"
- "Travelin' Prayer"
- "The Ballad of Billy the Kid"
- "The Entertainer"
- "Just the Way You Are"
- "Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)"
- "Only the Good Die Young"
- "She's Always a Woman"
- "Vienna"
- "The Stranger"
- "My Life"
- "Big Shot"
- "Honesty"
- "Until the Night"
- "All for Leyna"
- "You May Be Right"
- "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me"
- "Don't Ask Me Why"
- "Sometimes a Fantasy"
- "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" (v živo)
- "She's Got a Way" (v živo)
- "Pressure"
- "Allentown"
- "Goodnight Saigon"
- "Tell Her About It"
- "Uptown Girl"
- "An Innocent Man"
- "The Longest Time"
- "Leave a Tender Moment Alone"
- "This Night"
- "Keeping the Faith"
- "You're Only Human (Second Wind)"
- "The Night Is Still Young"
- "Modern Woman"
- "A Matter of Trust"
- "This Is the Time"
- "Baby Grand"
- "Back in the U.S.S.R." (v živo)
- "We Didn't Start the Fire"
- "Leningrad"
- "I Go to Extremes"
- "The Downeaster Alexa"
- "That's Not Her Style"
- "And So It Goes"
- "Shameless"
- "All Shook Up"
- "The River of Dreams"
- "All About Soul"
- "No Man's Land"
- "Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)"
- "To Make You Feel My Love"
- "Hey Girl"
- "All My Life"
- "Christmas in Fallujah"
Druge skladbe |
- "Everybody Loves You Now"
- "Captain Jack"
- "Root Beer Rag"
- "New York State of Mind"
- "Prelude/Angry Young Man"
- "Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway)"
- "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant"
- "Zanzibar"
- "Scandinavian Skies"
- "Big Man on Mulberry Street"
Turneje |
- An Innocent Man Tour
- Face to Face 1994
- Face to Face 1995
- Face to Face 1998
- Face to Face 2001
- Face to Face 2003
- Face to Face 2009
- Face to Face 2010
- Billy Joel in Concert
Sodelavci | |
Splošno | |
Narodne knjižnice | |
Drugo | |