Damavand (perzijskoدماوند) je potencialno aktiven stratovulkan v gorovju Elburs v Iranu. Gora se nahaja v bližini južne obale Kaspijskega morja. S 5610 metri je najvišji vrh v Iranu in najvišji ognjenik v Aziji. Zadnji izbruh je bil okrog leta 5350 p.n.št (toleranca ± 200 let). Gora je zelo pomembna v Perzijski mitologiji in velja za iranski simbol boja proti despotizmu in tuji nadvladi.
↑2009 U.S. military topographic mapping gives 18,365 feet (5,598 meters) but states in the margin that all elevations are derived from SRTM. A summitpost map is based on the Persian language 1999 Iranian government 1:50,000 mapping which plots two 5620 contour circles, with a 5628 m spot height for the highest spot on the crater rim (WNW side) and 5626 m for the highest point on the southeast side (and a 5610 m spot height in the due north position.) This is supported by GPSevidence and SRTM data.