RETE (Research on elektrodynamické Tether Effects)
Temagami (Magnetic Field Experiment for TSS Missions)
SETS (Shuttle elektrodynamické Tether System)
Spreje (Shuttle Potential and Return Electron Experiment)
TOP (Tether Optical Phenomena Experiment)
EMET (Investigation of Electromagnetic Emissions by the elektrodynamické Tether)
OESSE (Observations at the Earth 's Surface of Electromagnetic Emissions by TSS)
IMDN (Investigation and Measurement of Dynamic Noise in the TSS)
Teide (Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of TSS Dynamics)
TMST (Theory and Modeling in Support of Tethered Satellite Applications)
Misia so sebou tiež niesla US Microgravity Payload (USMP-3) navrhnutú na výskum materiálov a fyziky kondenzovanej hmoty.
Úžitková záťaž USMP-3 pozostávala zo štyroch hlavných pokusov, začatých na MPESS (Mission Peculiar Experiment Support Structures), a tri ďalšie pokusy v strednej sekcii raketoplánu.