Norman Crolee Dalkey (* 22. november 1915, Colorado, USA – † 22. február 2004, Kalifornia)[1] bol americký matematik.
Bol spolutvorcom metódy Delphi. Metóda Delphi je jedna z najvýznamnejších a najpoužívanejších prognostických a futurologických metód. Pôsobil v RAND Corporation v meste Santa Monica v Kalifornii v USA.
Bol autorom alebo spoluautorom kníh a publikácií:
- An Experimental Application of the Delphi Method to the Use of Experts (spoluautor) (1962)
- The Delphi Method. Use of Self-Ratings to Improve Group Estimates (spoluautor) (1969)
- Experimental Assessment of Delphi Procedures with Group Value Judgements (spoluautor) (1971)
- Elementary Cross-Impact Model (1972)
- The Inductive Logic of Information Systems (1987)
- Entropy and Belief Networks (1992)
- Dalkey, Norman C.: The Delphi Method: An Experimental Study of Group Opinion. Prepared for the United States Air Force Project RAND. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California 1969
- Dalkey, N., Brown, B., Cochran, S.: The Delphi Method, III: Use of Self Ratings to Improve Group Estimates. Prepared for the United States Air Force Project RAND. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California 1969
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