The Mr. Men Show is an American animated children's television series based on the original series of Mr. Men books created by English author and illustrator Roger Hargreaves, later with his son Adam Hargreaves. It originally aired on both Cartoon Network and Boomerang in the United States for the first and the second seasons in 2008 and 2009. In the United Kingdom, the series got a British dub using a American voice actors by BLT Productions and Koko Studios using the British with a British accents by The Character Development and The Sound Company Ltd. on Channel 5's Milkshake! in 2008 and 2009. Only the first 2 seasons were dubbed.
Voice cast
Original American version
Sam Gold as Mr. Happy, Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Bounce
Jeff Stewart as Mr. Tickle and the Aliens
Paul Greenberg as Mr. Bump and Mr. Quiet
Alicyn Packard as Little Miss Naughty, Little Miss Sunshine and Little Miss Whoops
Phil Lollar as Mr. Lazy, Mr. Small and Mr. Strong
Katie Leigh as Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Helpful
Peter Rida Michail as Mr. Messy
Joey D'Auria as Narrator, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Rude and Mr. Scatterbrain
Richard Epcar as Mr. Noisy
Susan Balboni as Little Miss Scary
Rick Zieff as Mr. Nosey and Mr. Nervous
Godfrey Danchimah as Mr. Stubborn, Mr. Tall and Mr. Metal
Prudence Alcott as Little Miss Calamity and Little Miss Magic
Cheryl Chase as Little Miss Bossy and Little Miss Curious
Rebecca West as Little Miss Giggles
British re-dubbed version
Simon Greenall as Mr. Happy (Season 1), Mr. Strong (speaking voice), Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, Mr. Quiet and Mr. Bounce
Rob Rackstraw as Mr. Happy (Season 2), Mr. Tickle, Mr. Messy, Mr. Noisy and Mr. Fussy
Jo Wyatt as Little Miss Sunshine (Season 1), Little Miss Scary (Season 1), Little Miss Helpful (Season 1) and Little Miss Naughty (Season 1)
Teresa Gallagher as Little Miss Naughty (Season 2), Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Daredevil and Little Miss Whoops
Keith Wickham as Mr. Small and Mr. Tall
Steven Kynman as Mr. Nosey
Tim Whitnall as Mr. Strong (singing voice), Mr. Lazy and Mr. Nervous
Lewis MacLeod as Mr. Stubborn
Aline Mowat as Little Miss Calamity
Emma Tate as Little Miss Sunshine (Season 2), Little Miss Helpful (Season 2) and Little Miss Magic
Alex Kelly as Little Miss Scary (Season 2) and Little Miss Bossy
Claire Morgan as Little Miss Curious and Little Miss Giggles
Simon Callow as The Narrator
Jeff Stewart as The Aliens (reprise and retain roles)
Joey D'Auria as Mr. Rude and Mr. Scatterbrain (reprise and retain roles)
Godfrey Danchimah as Mr. Metal (reprise and retain role)
Season 1
Note 1: This is the first season in the Original American English version by BLT Productions and Koko Studios.
Note 2: This is the first season in the British English style redub which used in the American English voice cast by BLT Productions and Koko Studios using in the British English with the British English accents by The Character Development and The Sound Company Ltd. when voicing the characters.
Note 1: This is the last season in the Original American English version by BLT Productions and Koko Studios.
Note 2: This is the last season in the British English style redub which used in the American English voice cast by BLT Productions and Koko Studios using in the British English with the British English accents by The Character Development and The Sound Company Ltd. when voicing the characters.
The American show aired on both Cartoon Network and Boomerang for the first and the second seasons in 2008, with the male narrator (Joey D'Auria) and some of the characters are speaking American with an American accents in the American version, with the voice actors including (Sam Gold, Jeff Stewart, Paul Greenberg, Alicyn Packard, Phil Lollar, Katie Leigh, Peter Rida Michail, Joey D'Auria, Godfrey Danchimah, Richard Epcar, Susan Balboni, Rick Zieff, Prudence Alcott, Cheryl Chase and Rebecca West). The word is pronounce by the American pronunciation.
The British dub of the American show in the same year on Channel 5 and Milkshake! for Seasons 1 and 2 respectively in 2008 instead of the original American version on both Cartoon Network and Boomerang in 2008, with the male narrator (Simon Callow) for the British Re-Dub.
When it comes to this particular dub, while a lot of the original American voices (Sam Gold, Jeff Stewart, Paul Greenberg, Alicyn Packard, Phil Lollar, Katie Leigh, Peter Rida Michail, Joey D'Auria, Godfrey Danchimah, Richard Epcar, Susan Balboni, Rick Zieff, Prudence Alcott, Cheryl Chase and Rebecca West) remained intact and some of the characters were re-dubbed to have a British with a British accents in the British dub by The Character Development and The Sound Company Ltd., with the voice actors including (Simon Greenall, Rob Rackstraw, Jo Wyatt, Teresa Gallagher, Keith Wickham, Steven Kynman, Tim Whitnall, Lewis MacLeod, Aline Mowat, Emma Tate, Alex Kelly and Claire Morgan). In addition, all the words are pronounced in the American pronunciations were redubbed given British pronunciations.
The British voice editing was done by The Character Development and The Sound Company Ltd.. The difference is Mr. Happy, Mr. Strong, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Bump, Mr. Quiet, Mr. Bounce, Mr. Tickle, Mr. Messy, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Fussy, Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Scary, Little Miss Helpful, Little Miss Naughty, Little Miss Chatterbox, Little Miss Daredevil, Little Miss Whoops, Mr. Tall, Mr. Small, Mr. Nosey, Mr. Lazy, Mr. Nervous, Mr. Stubborn, Little Miss Calamity, Little Miss Magic, Little Miss Bossy, Little Miss Curious, Little Miss Giggles and The Narrator.
Joey D'Auria, Godfrey Danchimah and Jeff Stewart reprising their roles as Mr. Rude, Mr. Scatterbrain, Mr. Metal and The Aliens from the first 2 seasons of the original.
Mr. Rude, Mr. Scatterbrain, Mr. Metal and The Aliens are the only characters who also aren't re-dubbed.