The Hex Girls (or simply Hex Girls) are a fictional female band created by writers Rick Copp and David A. Goodman. It was portrayed by actresses and singer-songwriters Jennifer Hale (as lead singer and guitarist Thorn, real name Sally McKnight), Jane Wiedlin (as drummer and back-up singer Dusk) and Kimberly Brooks (as keyboardist, Bassist and back-up singer Luna). Hale, Wiedlin and Brooks write and perform original songs for the band.[2]
Band members
Voice acting members
- Jennifer Hale - Portrays Sally "Thorn" McKnight, the lead singer and guitarist.
- Jane Wiedlin - Portrays Dusk, the drummer and back-up singer.
- Kimberly Brooks - Portrays Luna, the keyboardist and back-up singer.
- Wendy Fraser - additional vocals[1]
- Angie Jarée - additional vocals[1]
- Windy Wagner - additional vocals[1]
- Terry Wood - additional vocals[1]
- Gigi Worth - additional vocals[1]
Guest member
Unreleased songs
Characters | |
Television series | |
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Direct-to-video animated films | |
Live action films | Theatrical | |
TV movies | |
Direct-to-video | |
Animated theatrical films | |
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Amusement rides | |
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