The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish is an American computer-animated comedy fantasy television series produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Billionfold Inc. and Fredfilms. developed by Ashleigh Crystal Hairston, Daniel Abramovici, Lindsay Katai and Dave Stone. It is based on the Nickelodeon animated series The Fairly OddParents created by Butch Hartman, aired in Nickelodeon and also Netflix internationally. It is the third series in the franchise, after The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder. It premiered with a sneak peek on May 17, 2024, with the series officially premiering on May 20, 2024. in later a renewed second and third season in near future episodes.
Voice Cast
- Ashleigh Crystal Hairston as Hazel
- Daran Norris as Cosmo, Jorgen Von Strangle
- Susanne Blakeslee as Wanda, Fly
- Grey DeLisle as Principal Krentz, Vicky
- Carlos Alazraqui as Mr. Guzman, Denzel Crocker
- Eric Bauza as Trev
- Jentel Hawkins as Angela
- Asante Jones as Marcus
- A.J. Beckles as Antony
- J.P. Karliak as Dale
- Kyle McCarley as Dev
- Iris Menas as Winn
- Marcus Montgomery as Whispers Fred
- Merk Nguyen as Jasmine
- Y. Chang as The Cupid
- Kari Wahlgren as TBA
- Roger Craig Smith as TBA
- Tara Strong as TBA
Guest appearances
- Dawnn Lewis as Tina
- Jenelle Lynn Randall as Cookie
- Robbie Daymond as Kennueth
- Cheryl Texiera as Nick of Time
- Bruce Barker as Father Time
- Leilani Barrett as Bary
- Kari Wahlgren
- Maria Bamford
- Fred Tatasciore
- Rachael MacFarlane
- Cree Summer
- Jennifer Hale
- Jill Talley
- Melique Berger
- Jennifer Fouche
- Alani Illongwe
- Spencer Grammer
- Erica Lindbeck
- Stephen Stanton
- Fly
- The Department of Magical Violations/Teacher's Pal
- A Dinosaur in Dimmadelphia/Fearless
- The Wellsington Hotellsington/1500 Minutes of Fame
- 28 Puddings Later/Trial or Hair-ror
- Weird Science/Mystery She Wanted
- Pride Meridian Love/Stanky Danky
- Piece of Pizza/A New Dev-elopment
- Cookie's Court/Work Her Magic
- Lost and Founder's Day
- Crock to the Future/Battle of the Dimmsonian
- Patty Possum's Party Playground/A Date to Remember
- Lost in Fairy World/The Treble with Rivals
- Rattleconda Racers/Dig a Little Deeper
- Potazel, Potahzel/The Haunting of Wells House
- Operation: Birthday Takeback
- Best of Luck/Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
- Growing Pains/Fairy For a Day
- Stuck In My Head/Mind the Gap
- The Battle of Big Wand