The Boondocks is an American adult animated sitcom produced by Adult Swim. The series premiered in November 6, 2005.
It is about a black family called the Freemans moving from the West Side of Chicago to Woodcrest, a white suburb, of Baltimore, Maryland. They deal with many situations such as drugs, alcoholism, poverty, racism, and child abuse.
- Huey Freeman (voiced by Regina King) is the smartest of the Freemans. He created many political movements. He is the grandson of Robert Freeman.
- Riley Freeman (voiced by Regina King) is the less responsible sibling, than his rival brother Huey. He makes many poor decisions. Otherwise he is charming, clever, and artistically gifted. Riley is Huey's best friend.
- Robert Freeman (voiced by John Witherspoon) is the grandfather of Huey and Riley. He is their caretaker and watches over them. He has a short-temper and shares his life stories with his grandsons.
- Uncle Ruckus (voiced by Gary Anthony Williams) is a poor and wisecracking friend of the Freemans. He has many different jobs and changes in every episode. According to him, he has revitiligo.
- Jazmine "Jasmine Dubois" DuBois (voiced by Gabby Soleil) was an innocent girl appearing in seasons 1 (2005-2006)-3 (made in 2009 and released in 2010)
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