The Adventures of Little Brown Bear (French: Les Aventures de Petit Ours Brun) is a French animated television series in 52 three-minute episodes, created after the eponymous character of Danièle Bour and Claude Lebrun. The series is also based on the books.[1]
The series revolves around Little Brown Bear, who experiences his very first adventures with the little ones and does lessons he learns on the way.
The series aired in France 5 and Télétoon+ on 20 October 2003 to 12 January 2004 in French-language, Teletoon in English-language, and Télé-Quebec on 1 March 2004.
And also, GoAnimate and Vyond video as a troublemaker guy called "Little Brown Brat" on YouTube videos created by XanMan.[2]
Little Brown Bear (voiced by Antoine Bonnaire in French and Regina Candler in English) is a 3-year-old anthropomorphic brown bear with brown eyes with black pupils. He wears a red sweater with blue pants and green shoes.