Stephen Downes (born April 6, 1959) is a Canadianphilosopher and expert in online learning and new media. Downes has worked with computers and online technologies in education since 1995.[2] Downes gave the 2004 Buntine Oration.[3] He spoke at the February 2007 Online Connectivism Conference.[4] In 2008, Downes and George Siemens designed and taught an online, open course. It was called a "landmark in the small but growing push toward 'open teaching'"[5] It is often called the first Massive open online course (MOOC).
Downes ran for Mayor of Brandon in 1995. He was working at the Assiniboine Community College. Downes was a member of the New Democratic Party. In his campaign he wanted policies to the left of incumbent mayor Rick Borotsik.[9]