Spider Riders is a Japanese–Canadian animated television series based on a trilogy novel series. It premiered on June 17, 2006, and was produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment and Bee Train.
After wearing a manacle on his arm, Hunter Steele ends up entering the center of the Earth and seeing the inner world of Arachna. There, he and his friends ride on mechanical spiders and save Arachna from an army of insect mutants.
The anime is based on each characters and stories in three parts for each books, including Shards of the Oracle, Reign of the Soul Eater and Quest of the Earthen. The first book was written by Ted Anasti and Patsy Cameron-Anasti. Stephen D. Sullivan joined them and helped write the second and third books in the series. The books were first published in December 2004. They were published by Newmarket Press.