Sikandar Khan Lodi was the Sultan of Delhi and second ruler of the Lodi dynasty after Bahlul Khan Lodi. He was the most successful sultan of the Lodi dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. Sikandar Khan Lodi ruled the sultanate from 17 July 1489 to 21 November 1517.[1]
Sikandar Khan Lodi was born to the first sultan of the Lodi dynasty Bahlul Khan Lodi and Bibi Ambha, daughter of a Hindu goldsmith, in 1458.[2][3]After he became the ruler he proved that he is an ablest ruler. He encouraged trade across his territories. He conquered Gwalior from the Rajputs in 1490 and Bihar from the rebellious Afghan chiefs in the region.
Sikandar Khan Lodi constructed the present day city of Agra. He wrote Persian poetry using the pen name Gulrukhi. Sikandar enlarged his territories in his sultanate that extended from the region of Punjab to Bengal and the territories between River Satluj and Bundelkhand region.[4]
He died on November 21 1517 and was buried in the Lodi Gardens located in Delhi.