Shaun the Sheep Movie

Shaun the Sheep Movie is a 2015 British stop-motion animated adventure comedy movie directed and written by Mark Burton and Richard Starzak and based on the British television series Shaun the Sheep, created by Nick Park, which in turn is a spin-off of the 1995 Wallace and Gromit film, A Close Shave. The movie follows Shaun and his flock into the big city to save their farmer, who finds himself with amnesia there as a result of their mischief. And an animal hunter follows all of them to capture them. A sequel to this film, A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon, was released in 2019.


Shaun is tired of everyday life on the Mossy Bottom farm and wants a day off. After the duck has lured the shepherd dog Bitzer away from the farm with a bone, the sheep put the farmer into a deep sleep by making him count sheep incessantly. They take him to a caravan, but due to unfortunate circumstances, it breaks loose and rolls into the city. When he comes to an abrupt stop there, the farmer loses his memory due to a blow to the head.

The sheep quickly realise on the farm that they are dependent on the care of the farmer and follow him by bus into the city. Upon their arrival, they meet the animal catcher Trumper, whom they narrowly escape in disguise. However, when Shaun's cover is blown in a restaurant, he is caught and taken to the shelter. There he meets Bitzer, who had followed the farmer to the hospital.

The farmer, who still cannot remember his identity, sees a razor in a hairdressing salon after leaving the hospital and associates it with everyday farm life. In a rage, to the horror of the hairdressers, he shears a celebrity's sheep hairstyle. However, the celebrity is enthusiastic and the hairstyle quickly becomes an absolute trend.

Shaun manages to free himself, Bitzer and the street dog Slip from the shelter with the help of a ruse. The animals can locate the farmer by means of a poster, but he does not recognise them. Stranded in the big city, they seek refuge under a road bridge. By chance, they learn of the farmer's amnesia, and Shaun suspects that the farmer on the farm would regain his memory. He develops a plan, and the animals build a mechanical horse together. Using the proven method, they put the employees of the barbershop into a deep sleep and ride with the farmer to the caravan. As bus trailers, they drive towards the farm, but Trumper manages to follow them.

In the showdown, Trumper tries to push the entire flock of sheep into the quarry. At the last second, however, the farmer remembers his former life, and together they succeed in defeating Trumper.

The next day begins as usual, but then the farmer comes to his senses and gives the sheep some free time.


  • Justin Fletcher as Shaun and Timmy
  • John Sparkes as The Farmer and Bitzer
  • Omid Djalili as Trumper
  • Kate Harbour as Timmy's Mom and Merly
  • Richard Webber as Shirley
  • Tim Hands as Slip
  • Simon Greenall as the twins
  • Emma Tate as Hazel
  • Andy Nyman as Nuts
  • Henry Burton as a junior doctor and animal consultant
  • Dhimant Vyas as a hospital consultant
  • Sophie Laughton as an animal containment visitor
  • Nia Medi James as an operatic sheep
  • Sean Connolly as some stylists, a Maitre D, a golfer, an angry Pantoja horse and some hospital characters
  • Stanley Unwin (via archive sound) as the bus station and hospital announcer
  • Jack Paulson as a celebrity with hair trouble
  • Nick Park as himself (cameo)

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