Self-disclosure is the process of revealing personal information to other individuals, a part of one's “true self”. There are multiple ways in which it might happen, it could be by revealing secrets, feelings, thoughts and more. It helps create a sense of trust between people and can lead to deeper bonds. It is something that happens gradually over time as people get more comfortable with one another.
Self-disclosure is a natural part of the human connection and is a key part in fostering intimacy in relationships. There are 3 basic levels of self-disclosure, starting from “small talk” where people share surface-level conversations, typically between two newly acquainted people. The next level would be intimate conversations, where people would begin to share a lot more deeper parts of themselves. The third, most intimate level includes people divulging the most secretive parts of themselves to the other person.
Effects and Benefits
Self-disclosing effectively has shown to have positive effects on mental health. It has shown to greatly reduce stress and increasing emotional support. It can also be the most effective way to resolve conflicts that might arise in a relationship. It can lead to reciprocity, that is to say, one person revealing to others can lead to the other person revealing information back to the other.
There are many aspects that can affect the level of self-disclosure between two individuals. The most basic of which being how long the people have known each other. Other factors might include the type of relationship between the individuals, such as the difference between a parent and a child versus a husband and wife. Another important fact that influences self-disclosure is societal norms, not all cultures are open to high levels of self-disclosure, and it can create some friction when people do try to do such a thing. The individual in question themselves can have a huge effect on self-disclosure. Some people are not so quick to open up, and some are much quicker than others.