Regulatory signs give instructions to motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. Signs including Stop, Yield, No Turns, No Trucks, No Parking, No Stopping, Minimum Speed, Right Turn Only, Do Not Enter, Weight Limit, and Speed Limit are considered regulatory signs. Some have special shapes, such as the octagon for the Stop sign and the crossbuck for railroad crossings. Some signs can be localized, such as No Parking, and some are found only in state and local jurisdictions, as they are based on state or local laws, such as New York City's "Don't Block the Box" signs. These signs are in the R series of signs in the MUTCD and typically in the R series in most state supplements or state MUTCDs.
R1 series: Stop and yield
The MUTCD's R1 series is for Stop and Yield. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The 4-WAY and 3-WAY plaques (R1-3) were deprecated in the 2009 Edition of the MUTCD in favor of the ALL WAY plaque (R1-3P).
The MUTCD's R2 series is for speed limit signs. Some state supplements and state MUTCDs place various speed limit signs in other series. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. Speed limits in the United States are always in miles per hour. Metric speed limit signs in kilometers per hour used to be authorized but extremely rare, usually seen near the borders with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system.[1] They have been discontinued as of 2012. Many states, however, disallow the use of metric signs on state-maintained roads due to MUTCD restrictions,[2] increasing the rarity of such signs.
R2-1 Speed limit
R2-1 Speed limit (metric)
R2-2P Truck speed limit (plaque)
R2-2P Truck speed limit (metric)
R2-3P Night speed limit (plaque)
R2-3P Night speed limit (metric)
R2-4P Minimum speed limit (plaque)
R2-4P Minimum speed limit (metric)
R2-4a Combined speed limit
R2-5P Unless otherwise posted (plaque)
R2-6bP $XX fine (plaque)
R2-10 Begin higher/double fines
R2-11 End double/higher fines
R3 series: Lane usage and turns
The MUTCD's R3 series of signs is for lane usage and turn signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R3-1 No right turn
R3-1a No right turn across tracks
R3-2 No left turn
R3-2a No left turn across tracks
R3-3 No turns
R3-4 No U-turn
R3-5L Left turn only
R3-5R Right turn only
R3-5a Straight through only
R3-5b Left lane (plaque)
R3-5e Center lane (plaque)
R3-5f Right lane (plaque)
R3-5g Bus lane (plaque)
R3-6L Optional movement lane control, straight through and left turn
R3-6R Optional movement lane control, straight through and right turn
R3-7L Left lane must turn left
R3-7R Right lane must turn right
R3-8 Advance intersection lane control (two lanes)
R3-8a Advance intersection lane control (three lanes)
R3-8b Advance intersection lane control (three lanes)
R3-9a Two-way left turn only (overhead)
R3-9b Two-way left turn only (post-mounted)
R3-9e Reversible lane control (overhead)
R3-9f Reversible lane control (post-mounted)
R3-9g Advance reversible lane control transition
R3-9h Advance reversible lane control transition
R3-9i End reverse lane
R3-10 Preferential lane vehicle occupancy definition (post-mounted)
R3-10a Preferential lane vehicle occupancy definition (post-mounted)
R3-11 Preferential lane operation, high-occupancy vehicles (post-mounted)
R3-11a Preferential lane operation, high-occupancy vehicles (post-mounted)
R3-11d Preferential lane operation (post-mounted)
R3-11b Preferential lane operation, high-occupancy vehicles, full-time (post-mounted)
R3-12 Preferential lane ahead, high-occupancy vehicles (post-mounted)
R3-12a Preferential lane ends, high-occupancy vehicles (post-mounted)
R3-12 Preferential lane ends, high-occupancy vehicles (post-mounted)
R3-13 Preferential lane vehicle occupancy definition (overhead)
R3-13a Preferential lane vehicle occupancy definition (overhead)
R3-14 HOV lane operation (overhead)
R3-14a HOV lane operation (overhead)
R3-14b HOV lane operation (overhead)
R3-15 HOV lane ahead (overhead)
R3-15a HOV lane begins XX miles (overhead)
R3-17 Bike lane
R3-18 No U or left turn
R3-23 All turns from right lane (used at jughandles)
R3-24 All turns (diagonal right arrow) (used at jughandles)
R3-24a U and left turns (diagonal right arrow) (used at jughandles)
R3-27 No straight through
R3-29P Pay toll (plaque)
R3-33R Right lane must exit
R4 series: Regulation of movement
The MUTCD's R4 series of signs is for the regulation of movement signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R4-1 Do not pass
R4-2 Pass with care
R4-3 Slower traffic keep right
R4-4 Begin right turn lane yield to bikes
R4-5 Trucks use right lane
R4-6 Truck lane 500 feet
R4-7 Keep right
R4-7a Keep right
R4-7b Keep right
R4-7c Keep right of obstacle
R4-8 Keep left
R4-8a Keep left
R4-8b Keep left
R4-8c Keep left of obstacle
R4-9 Stay in lane
R4-10 Runaway vehicles only
R4-11 Cyclists may use full lane
R4-12 Slow vehicles with five or more following vehicles must use turn-out
R4-13 Slow vehicles must use turn-out ahead
R4-14 Slow vehicles must turn out
R4-16 Keep right except to pass
R4-17 Do not drive on shoulder
R4-18 Do not pass on shoulder
R5 series: Exclusionary
The MUTCD's R5 series of signs is for exclusionary signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The most common of these signs is the do not enter sign.
R5-1 Do not enter
R5-1a Wrong way
R5-1b Wrong way for bicycles
R5-2 No trucks
R5-3 No motorized vehicles
R5-4 No commercial vehicles
R5-5 No lugged vehicles
R5-6 No bicycles
R5-7 No non-motorized traffic
R5-8 No motor driven cycles
R5-10 No pedestrians, bicycles or motor driven cycles
R5-10a No pedestrians, bicycles or motor driven cycles on freeway
R5-10b No pedestrians or bicycles
R5-10c No pedestrians
R5-11 No unauthorized vehicles
R5-12 No thru traffic
R6 series: One way and divided highway
The MUTCD's R6 series of signs is for one way and divided highway signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. The most common of these signs is the One Way sign.
The MUTCD allows for three types of parking signs: permissive, No Parking, and No Standing. However, in most states, there is an additional more restrictive one, No Stopping. These signs are found in the R7 series of signs in the MUTCD. As all situations are not covered, several states and local governments have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD. Permissive parking signs allow for parking for either an unlimited or varied amount of time. They are often used in conjunction with parking meters and parking permits. They are specified by the MUTCD to be green on white. Local variations occur with additional information and slightly different designs. No Parking signs indicate that loading or unloading while temporarily stopped is permitted, but the driver must not leave the vicinity of the vehicle.[3] Some No Parking signs display time restrictions, while others are permanent restrictions. There are also temporary versions of the signs, often of similar design to the permanent ones. These signs are specified by the MUTCD to be red on white, although local variations occur. No Standing signs indicate that stopping temporarily to load or unload passengers is allowed, but vehicles cannot be stopped at the location for longer periods of time, even if the driver remains with the vehicle.[3] As with no parking signs, some restrictions displayed on the signs are permanent, and some are time-based.
R7-1 No parking any time
R7-2 No parking from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
R7-2a No parking from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (alternative)
R7-3 No parking except Sundays and Holidays
R7-4 No standing any time
R7-5 One hour parking time
R7-108 Two hour parking time
R7-6 No parking, loading zone
R7-20 Parking fee station
R7-8 Reserved parking (wheelchair)
R7-8aP Van accessible
R7-107 No parking, bus stop
R7-22 Parking pay parking
R7-200a No parking and one hour parking time (combined)
R7-201P Tow away zone
R8 series: Parking and emergency restrictions
The MUTCD's R8 series of signs is for parking restriction and emergency restriction signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R8-1 No parking on pavement
R8-2 No parking except on shoulder
R8-3 No parking
R8-3a No parking (text)
R8-3bP Exception of Sundays and holidays
R8-3c On pavement
R8-3d On bridge
R8-3eP On tracks plaque
R8-3fP Except on shoulder plaque
R8-3gP Loading zone
R8-4 Emergency parking only
R8-5 No stopping on pavement
R8-6 No stopping except on shoulder
R8-7 Emergency stopping only
R8-8 Do not stop on tracks
R8-9 Tracks out of service
R8-10a Stop here when flashing
R9 series: Bicycles and pedestrians
The MUTCD's R9 series of signs is for bicycle and pedestrian signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R9-1 Walk on left facing traffic
R9-2 Cross only at cross walks
R9-3 No pedestrians crossing (symbol)
R9-3a No pedestrians crossing
R9-3b Use crosswalk (plaque)
R9-4 No hitchhiking (symbol)
R9-4a No hitchhiking
R9-7 Bicycles left pedestrians right
R9-10 Sidewalk Closed Use Other Side
R9-13 No skaters
R9-14 No equestrians
R9-15 No snowmobiles
R9-16 No all-terrain vehicles
R9-19P Except on shoulder (plaque)
R10 series: Traffic signal
The MUTCD's R10 series of signs is for traffic signal related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R10-1 Cross only on green
R10-2 Cross only on pedestrian signal
R10-3 Push button for walk signal
R10-3a Push button to cross street, wait for pedestrian signal
R10-3b Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3c Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3d Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3e Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3f Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3g Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3h Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-3i Crosswalk signal instructions
R10-4 Push button for green
R10-4a Push button to cross street, wait for green
R10-5 Left on green arrow only
R10-6 Stop here on red
R10-6a Stop here on red (alternate)
R10-7 Do not block intersection
R10-8 Use lane with green arrow
R10-10L Left turn signal
R10-10R Right turn signal
R10-11 No turn on red
R10-11a No turn on circular red
R10-12 Left turn yield on green
R10-12a Left turn yield on flashing yellow arrow
R10-12b Left turn yield to bicycle
R10-13 Emergency signal
R10-14 Emergency signal - stop on flashing red
R10-14a Emergency signal - stop on flashing red (overhead)
R10-20aP Days & times (plaque) (for use with R10-11 series) (2 lines)
R10-20aP Days & times (plaque) (for use with R10-11 series) (3 lines)
R10-22 Bicycles to request green wait on line
R10-23 Crosswalk - stop on red
R10-23a Stop on red - yield on flashing red after stop
R10-25 Push button to turn on warning lights
R10-27 Left turn yield on flashing red arrow after stop
Left turn yield on flashing yellow arrow, version 1
Left turn yield on flashing arrow, version 2
R10-28 XX vehicles per green
R10-29 XX vehicles per green each lane
R10-30 Right turn on red must yield to U-turn
R10-31P At signal (plaque)
R10-32P Push button for 2 seconds for extra crossing time
R11 series: Road closed
The MUTCD's R11 series of signs is for road closure-related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R11-1 Keep off median
R11-2 Road closed
R11-2a Street closed
R11-2b Bridge out
R11-2c Path closed
R11-3 Road closed XX miles ahead, local traffic only
R11-3a Street closed XX miles ahead, local traffic only
R11-3b Bridge out XX miles ahead, local traffic only
R11-4 Road closed to thru traffic
R12 series: Weight limits
The MUTCD's R12 series of signs is for weight limit-related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R12-1 Weight limit
R12-2 Axle weight limit
R12-3 Truck weight limit
R12-4 Weight limit with per axle and gross
R12-5 Weight limit with truck symbols
R13 series: Weigh stations
The MUTCD's R13 series of signs is for weigh station related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R13-1 Trucks over X tons must enter weigh station next right
R14 series: Truck routes
The MUTCD's R14 series of signs is for truck route-related signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's R15 series of signs is for rail- and light rail-related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's R16 series of signs is for seat belt and headlight use-related signs. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
R16-1 Wear seat belt
R16-4 Fender bender
R16-6 Lights on when raining
R16-8 Turn on headlights
R16-9 Check headlights
Warning signs
Warning signs are found in the W series of the national MUTCD. They highlight existing conditions, such as a curve, school, dead end street, or traffic signal. They can also warn of possible danger such as bumps, bicycles, low flying aircraft, or emergency vehicles. They are either yellow or fluorescent yellow in color and, with a few exceptions, are usually diamond-shaped and sometimes have square or rectangular smaller signs or plaques associated with them. Most W series signs can also be found with orange backgrounds for temporary use in situations such as construction zones. Some of the temporary-use signs are for use only in temporary situations.
W1 series: Horizontal alignment
The MUTCD's W1 series of signs is for warning signs relating to horizontal alignment. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W1-1R Turn (right)
W1-1L Turn (left)
W1-2R Curve (right)
W1-2L Curve (left)
W1-3R Reverse turn (right)
W1-3L Reverse turn (left)
W1-4R Reverse curve (right)
W1-4L Reverse curve (right)
CW1-4R Single lane shift (left to right)
CW1-4L Single lane shift (right to left)
CW1-4bR Double lane shift (left to right)
CW1-4bL Double lane shift (right to left)
CW1-4cR Triple lane shift (left to right)
CW1-4cL Triple lane shift (right to left)
W1-5R Winding road (right)
W1-5L Winding road (left)
W1-6R Arrow (right)
W1-6L Arrow (left)
W1-7 Two-direction large arrow
W1-8R Chevron (right)
W1-8L Chevron (left)
W1-10R Curve with side road (right)
W1-10L Curve with side road (left)
W1-10aR Intersection in curve (right)
W1-10aL Intersection in curve (left)
W1-10bR Intersection in curve (right)
W1-10bL Intersection in curve (left)
W1-10cR Intersection in curve (right)
W1-10cL Intersection in curve (left)
W1-10dR Intersection in curve (right)
W1-10dL Intersection in curve (left)
W1-10eR Intersection in curve (right)
W1-10eL Intersection in curve (left)
W1-11R Hairpin curve (right)
W1-11L Hairpin curve (left)
W1-13R Truck rollover warning (right)
W1-13L Truck rollover warning (left)
W1-15R 270 degree loop curve (right)
W1-15L 270 degree loop curve (left)
W2 series: Intersections
The MUTCD's W2 series of signs is for warning signs relating to intersections. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's W3 series of signs is for warning signs relating to advance traffic controls. The MUTCD provides options for graphic and text signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's W4 series of signs is for warning signs relating to lane merges and added lanes, as well as lane endings. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W4-1R Merge (right)
W4-1L Merge (left)
W4-2R Lane ends (right)
W4-2L Lane ends (right)
W4-3R Added right lane
W4-3L Added left lane
W4-4P Cross traffic does not stop (plaque)
W4-5R Merge right (entering roadway)
W4-5L Merge left (entering roadway)
W4-5aP No merge area (plaque)
W4-6R Added right lane (entering roadway)
W4-6L Added left lane (entering roadway)
W5 series: Road width restrictions
The MUTCD's W5 series of signs is for warning signs relating to road width restrictions. The MUTCD provides options for graphic and text signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W5-1 Road narrows
W5-2 Narrow bridge
W5-3 One lane bridge
W5-4a Path narrows
W5-4A Bikeway narrows
W6 series: Divided highway
The MUTCD's W6 series of signs is for warning signs relating to divided highways. The MUTCD provides options for graphic and text signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W6-1 Divided highway starts
W6-2 Divided highway ends
W6-3 Two-way traffic
W7 series: Hills
The MUTCD's W7 series of signs is for warning signs relating to hills. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's W8 series of signs is for warning signs relating to pavement and roadway conditions. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W8-1 Bump
W8-2 Dip
W8-3 Pavement ends
W8-4 Soft shoulder
W8-5 Slippery when wet ahead
W8-7 Loose gravel
W8-8 Rough road
W8-10 Bicycle slippery when wet ahead
W8-11 Uneven lanes
W8-12 No center line
W8-13 Bridge ices before road
W8-14 Fallen rocks
W8-16 Metal bridge deck
W8-18 Road may flood
W8-19 Flood gauge
W8-21 Gusty Winds Area
W8-22 Fog area
W8-23 No shoulder ahead
W8-25 Shoulder ends
W9 series: Lane transitions
The MUTCD's W9 series of signs is for warning signs relating to lane transitions. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W9-1L Left lane ends
W9-1R Right lane ends
W9-2R Lane ends merge right
W9-2L Lane ends merge left
CW9-3L Center lane closed ahead (text sign used from 2000 to 2023)
CW9-3L Center lane closed ahead (symbol sign used since 2023)
W10 series: Railroad crossings
The MUTCD's W10 series of signs is for warning signs relating to railroad crossings. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W10-1 Railroad crossing ahead
W10-1aP Exempt (plaque)
W10-2R Crossroads with parallel tracks (right)
W10-2L Crossroads with parallel tracks (left)
W10-3R Side road with parallel tracks (right)
W10-3L Side road with parallel tracks (left)
W10-4R T intersection with parallel tracks (right)
W10-4L T intersection with parallel tracks (left)
W10-5 Low ground clearance railroad crossing
W10-5P Low ground clearance plaque
W10-7 Light rail activated sign
W10-8 Trains may exceed XX mph
W10-9 No train horn warning
W10-9P No train horn plaque
W10-11 Storage space symbol
W10-11a XX feet between tracks and highway
W10-11b XX feet between highway and tracks behind you
W10-12R Skewed crossing ahead
W10-13P No gates or lights (plaque)
W10-14P Next crossing (plaque)
W10-14aP Use next crossing (plaque)
W10-15P Rough crossing (plaque)
W11 series: Advance warnings
The MUTCD's W11 series of signs is for warning signs relating to advance warnings. The MUTCD allows use of a fluorescent yellow-green background color for signs relating to non-motorized vehicles crossing the road.[4] As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's W12 series of signs is for warning signs relating to low clearance. Metric low bridge signs in meters used to be authorized but extremely rare, usually seen near the borders with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system.[1] They have been discontinued as of 2012. Many states, however, disallowed the use of metric signs on state-maintained roads due to system restrictions, increasing the rarity of such signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W12-1 Double arrow
W12-2 Low clearance
W12-2 Low clearance (metric)
W12-2a Sign displays height of bridge
W13 series: Advisory speeds
The MUTCD's W13 series of signs is for warning signs relating to advisory speeds. Speed limits in the United States are always in miles per hour. Metric advisory speed signs in kilometers per hour used to be authorized but extremely rare, usually seen near the borders with Canada and Mexico, both of which use the metric system.[1] They have been discontinued as of 2012. Many states, however, disallowed the use of metric signs on state-maintained roads due to system restrictions, increasing the rarity of such signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W13-1P Speed advisory
W13-1 Speed advisory metric
W13-2 Exit speed advisory
W13-3 Ramp speed advisory
W13-6 Exit speed advisory (270 degree loop curve)
W13-7 Ramp speed advisory (270 degree loop curve)
W14 series: Dead end streets and no passing zones
The MUTCD's W14 series of signs is for warning signs relating to dead-end streets and no-passing zones. As all situations are not covered, several states and local governments have additional signs for other types of situations not covered by the MUTCD. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W14-1 Dead end
W14-1aR Dead end on the right
W14-1aL Dead end on the left
W14-2 No outlet
W14-2aR No outlet on the right
W14-2aL No outlet on the left
W14-3 No passing zone
W15 series: Playgrounds
The MUTCD's W15 series of signs is for warning signs relating to playgrounds. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
The MUTCD's W16 series of signs is for supplemental plaques for warning signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W16-2P XX feet
W16-2aP XX feet
W16-3P X miles
W16-3aP X miles
W16-4P Next XX feet
W16-18P Notice
W16-5PR Supplemental arrow to the right (plaque)[d]
W16-5PL Supplemental arrow to the left (plaque)[d]
W16-6PR Supplemental arrow to the right (plaque)[d]
W16-6PL Supplemental arrow to the left (plaque)[d]
W16-7PR Downward diagonal arrow to the right (plaque)[d]
W16-7PL Downward diagonal arrow to the left (plaque)[d]
W16-8P Advance Street Name Plaque
W16-8aP Advance Street Name Plaque (double arrow)
W16-9P Ahead
W16-10aP Photo enforced
W16-11 HOV
W16-12 Roundabout junction plaque
W16-13P When flashing
W16-15P New
W16-17P Toll (plaque)
W17 series: Speed humps
The MUTCD's W17 series of signs is for warnings relating to speed humps. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W17-1 Speed hump
W18 series: No traffic signs
The MUTCD's W18 series of signs is for warnings relating to no further traffic signs. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W18-1 No traffic signs
W19 series: Freeway or expressway end signs
The MUTCD's W19 series of signs is for warning signs relating to the end of a freeway or expressway. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W19-1 Freeway ends XX mile
W19-2 Expressway ends XX mile
W19-3 Freeway ends
W19-4 Expressway ends
W19-5 All traffic must exit
W20 series: Work zones
The MUTCD's W20 series of signs is for warning signs relating to work zones. These signs are typically orange background ones used for temporary situations. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
G20-1 Road work next 5 miles
G20-2 End road work
G20-5aP Work zone plaque (usually under an R2 speed limit sign)
CW20-1 Road work 1000 feet ahead
CW20-3 Road closed ahead
CW20-3 Road is closed 1000 feet ahead
M4-8a End detour
M4-8b End (if a road work blocked road)
M4-9R Detour (right)
M4-9L Detour (left)
CW20-7 Flagger ahead (symbol sign)
CW20-7a Flagger ahead (text sign)
W21 series: Road work
The MUTCD's W21 series of signs is for warning signs relating to road work. They typically have orange backgrounds and are used for temporary situations. As all situations are not covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
CW20-4 One lane road XXXX feet ahead
CW3-4 Be prepared to stop
CW21-1 Men working
CW21-2 Fresh oil
CW21-7 Utility work ahead
W22 series: Blasting zones
The MUTCD's W22 series of signs is for warning signs relating to blasting zones. They typically have orange backgrounds and are used for temporary situations. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
CW22-1 Blasting zone ahead
R22-2 Turn off 2-way radios and cell phones
CW22-3 End blasting zone
W23 series: Slow traffic
The MUTCD's W23 series of signs is for warning signs relating to slow traffic. They typically have orange backgrounds and are used for temporary situations. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
CW23-1 Slow traffic ahead
CW23-2 New traffic pattern ahead
W24 series: Lane shifts
The MUTCD's W24 series of signs is for warning signs relating to lane shifts, where traffic is diverted slightly toward the left or right of the roadway, but the route is otherwise unchanged. These signs typically have orange background and are used for temporary situations. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
CW24-1R Single reverse curve (right)
CW24-1L Single reverse curve (left)
CW24-aR Double reverse curve (right)
CW24-aL Double reverse curve (left)
CW24-1bL Triple reverse curve (right)
CW24-1bL Triple reverse curve (left)
CW24-1cP All lanes
W25 series: Oncoming traffic has extended green
The MUTCD's W25 series of signs is for signs warning that oncoming traffic has an extended green signal at a traffic light. As not all situations are covered, several states have their own standards in addition to the MUTCD.
W25-1 Extended green
W25-2 Possible extended green
Guide signs
Guide signs include highway route markers (shields), which are reassurance markers, interchange signs, including advance guide and exit signs, and mile markers. Advance guide and exit signs usually feature control cities or other locations to help direct drivers toward their destinations. The position of the exit number plaque indicates right or left exit[5] (and should indicate center lane exit).
Interchange signs
Interchange Advance Guide Sign
E6-1a Pull-through sign
E5-1a Exit number sign
E5-1 Exit sign
E5-1a and E13-1P Exit number sign with speed advisory
The S series of signs are specially designated by the MUTCD for use around schools. Some states have additional school warning-related signs in the S series, the W series of warning signs, and/or the R series of regulatory signs of the state supplement or state MUTCD. The adoption of the 2009 MUTCD required school warning signs to have fluorescent yellow-green backgrounds.[6]
S1-1 School zone ahead (also used for pedestrian crosswalks near schools) since 1998
↑ 3.03.1Staff (October 2011). "Chapter 7: Parallel Parking". Driver's Manual and Study Guide. New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Archived from the original on October 30, 2013. Retrieved March 16, 2012.