Joiner lives in Cumming, Georgia with his wife Debbie, where they raised four children into adulthood: Reggie Paul, Hannah, Sarah, and Rebekah.[2]
Reggie was the Youth Pastor at Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, GA during the 1980's.
Authored books
Lead Small: Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know. Orange, 2012. ISBN978-0985411626.
It's Just a Phase-So Don't Miss It: Why Every Life Stage of a Kid Matters and at Least 13 Things Your Church Should Do About It. Orange, 2015. ISBN978-1941259436
A New Kind of Leader: What You Believe Can Open a Door for a Kid or Teenager's Future. Orange, 2016. ISBN978-1941259726.
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity: Connect Your Family to a Wider Community. Orange, 2015. ISBN978-1941259191.
Don't Miss It: Parent Every Week Like It Counts. Orange, 2016. ISBN978-1941259689.