The Ranita Dorada Reserve, Ranita Dorada Amphibian Reserve, or Reserva Ranita Dorada is a place in Colombia. It is a piece of cloud forest where people may only use some of the trees and other things people could need so that the animals there can live without people.[1][2][3][4]
Three groups, IUCN Netherlands, Dendrobatidae Nederland, and Conservation International and Netherlands Postcode Lottery, asked the government of Colombia to make the place into a reserve. They made the reserve in 2008. They asked so that two frog species would have a place to live: Andinobates doriswainsonae and Andinobates tolimense.[1][2]
Many plants and animals live in the reserve, for example birds, mammals, snakes, and frogs.[1]
These are some of the animals that live in the reserve:
This reserve is in Tolima, Colombia (5º 01'N 75º 02'W) between 1580 and 1900 meters above sea level. It is 284 acres in size. It is a lower montane wet forest, or cloud forest. It rains between 2,000 and 2,500 mm each year. The temperature is between 15 and 22°C.[1]