Prunus japonica (also Cerasus japonica) is a shrub in the genusPrunus. It is also called Korean cherry, Flowering almond or Oriental bush cherry. It is used for ornamental use. Its range goes from Central China through to the Korean peninsula. P. maximowiczii, the Miyama cherry is also often called Korean cherry.[1]
The shrub reaches 1.5 m by 1.5 m. Its flowers are hermaphrodite. They are pollinated by insects. The plant blossoms in May. Its fruit reaches about 14 mm. It is used in making pies.
Every fruit has one seed. The plant usually grows from seed.
Other uses
The leaves of this plant procure a green dye, while the fruit procures a greenish to grayish dye.
There are several varieties:
P. japonica eujaponica
P. japonica gracillima
P. kerii
P. japonica nakaii, originated from Manchuria, which gives bigger plums (up to 50 mm in diameter).