Pidgin (or pidgin language) is a simplified language that evolves to make communication easier between groups with no common language. Pidgin uses a combination of different languages, simplified grammar, and reduced vocabulary. This makes it easier to learn and use.
Usually, pidgin languages develop for a specific purpose, like trade. They often emerge through slavery and/or colonization. When people speak a pidgin as their first language, it evolves naturally into a Creole language.
The term "pidgin" originates from the Chinese word pídīng, meaning "business" or "trading."
To make communication easier, pidgin languages often have elements (like vocabulary and basic grammar) that come from from multiple languages.
Pidgins are typically used in specific situations (like trade), and not as first languages. Pidgin speakers usually maintain their native, non-pidgin languages. For this reason, pidgins are not as complex or stable as fully developed languages.[1][2][3]
Pidgin languages are simplified so it is easier to learn and use them. They have:
Simplified grammar
Reduced vocabulary
Elements from multiple languages
Over time, as pidgin languages become more stable and are passed on to the next generation as a native language, they can evolve into creole languages.
Creoles are fully developed languages with their own grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. They often include elements from the pidgin's parent languages, but they also have their own unique features.
Creole languages arise when children speak pidgin as their first language and use it for all purposes - not just its original purpose (like trade). Thus, pidgin languages serve as simplified contact languages for immediate communication. However,
Pidgins become Creole languages when they become more stable, and when there are native speakers who use pidgin as their first language.
As pidgin languages are passed down through generations, they undergo a process of creolization. This means they develop more complex grammatical structures, expanded vocabulary, and clearer phonological features.
This process of creolization often occurs over generations as children learn the pidgin as their first language. As it is used regularly, the language evolves naturally.[4]
English sailors and traders in the 18th century used pidgin to communicate with Chinese merchants.
As colonial powers expanded their influence, pidgin languages emerged around the world, including the Pacific Islands, Africa, and the Caribbean. They often developed as a result of interactions between indigenous peoples, Europeans, and enslavedAfricans. Pidgin languages made it possible for these people to communicate with each other without first learning each other's languages.
Bakker, Peter (1994), "Pidgins", in Arends, Jacques; Muijsken, Pieter; Smith, Norval (eds.), Pidgins and Creoles: An Introduction, John Benjamins, pp. 26–39, ISBN978-1556191695
Thomason, Sarah; Kaufman, Terrence (1988), Language Contact, Creolization, and Genetic Linguistics (first ed.), Berkeley: University of California Press, ISBN978-0520078932