Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures also known in Japan as Pac-World, is a computer-animated television series produced by 41 Entertainment, Arad Productions, a partnership between Sprite Animation Studios and OLM, Inc., and Bandai Namco Entertainment for Tokyo MX (stereo version), BS11 (stereo version) and Disney XD (bilingual version). Based on Bandai Namco's Pac-Man video game franchise, it is the second animated series to be based upon the game franchise, following the 1982 TV series. The show aired from June 15, 2013, to May 25, 2015, running for two seasons and 52 episodes.
Various games and merchandise were produced based on the series, including two video games and several mobile apps.
On the planet Pac-World, Pac-Man and his friends Cylindria and Spiral help to protect Pacopolis from the threat of Ghosts
- Pac-Man
- Spiral
- Cylindria
- Betrayus