The Nomenclature des niveaux de formation (in English national classification of levels of training) is used, notably for statistical purposes, to measure the training completed by somebody. Two classifications are commonly used in France:[1] The nomenclature des niveaux de formation (national classification of levels of training),[2] established in 1969 by the Commission statistique nationale (national statistical commission), and the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), validated by UNESCO in 1997 and used for international comparisons.
The first one is used by the French Ministry of National Education, but also by the French employment agency, to classify jobseekers by education level, and by INSEE for the census,[3] ...
National classification of levels of training (1969)
Built in reference to the one of 1967, this classification refers to a skill level (responsibility in employment).[4]
Level V
Staff with a job normally requiring a level of training equivalent to the brevet d'études professionnelles (BEP) or the certificat d'aptitude professionnelle (CAP), and by equivalence, of the certificat de formation professionnelle des adultes (CFPA).
This level corresponds to a full qualification for the practice of a specific activity, with the ability to use instruments and techniques relating thereto. This activity involves chiefly the performance of a work which may be independently conduct within the limits of the techniques related thereto.
Level IV
Staff with a jobs of control or highly skilled worker and can attest a level of training equivalent to that of the brevet professionel (BP), the brevet de technicien (BT), a Baccalauréat professionel or a Baccalauréat technologique.
A degree of level IV requires more theoretical knowledge than the previous level. This activity involves chiefly technical work which can be performed independently and/or entail executive coaching (control).
Level III
Staff with a jobs that normally requires a Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT) or a Brevet de technician supérieur (BTS) or end of undergraduate higher education.
A degree of Level III corresponds to the knowledge and skills level, though lacking the knowledge of the scientific basis of the areas concerned. Capabilities and knowledge required ensure to be able to work autonomously or independently responsibilities of design and/or coaching and/or management.
Level II
Staff with a middle management job that normally requires a training of a Bachelor's degree level or a first-year Master's degree level.
At this level, the practice of an employment contract or independent means knowing the scientific foundations of the job, generally leading to autonomy in carrying out this activity.
Level I
Staff with a middle management job that normally requires a training above the first-year Master's degree level.
In addition to strong knowledge of scientific basis of the job, a level I requires knowledge of process design and research.