Nokia 6300 is a GSMsmartphone developed by the Nokia Corporation. It was released in January 2007. At the time, it had smaller memory, at around 30MB. The Nokia 6300 was the basis for the Nokia 6233 and Nokia 3510, and its successor to the Nokia 6300 4G.
The Nokia 6300 is a glossy white color, and it has 17MB of storage. The Nokia Hand was also first added to the Nokia 6300. It is based on the Nokia 3510. In 2007, Nokia improved the phone, which now includes 4G access, Bluetooth, 1 SD card port and a SIM card that can connect to the Internet using Wi-Fi or Mobile Broadband. The battery capacity for Nokia 6300 is 860mAh.[2]
In January 2007, Nokia released the new Nokia 6300, which is also called the Nokia 6300 4G, and introduced a SIM card to the franchise, developed by Nokia. The Nokia 6300 first launched in December of 2006, at the Mobile World Congress. it was made in the United States and United Kingdom, with an option of either black, red, white or brown cases. Nokia 6300 can use Mobile Broadband using its SIM card. It contains a SD card and more hardware, and it has 17MB in it's system memory.
In March 2008, Nokia released version RM 217 for the Nokia 6300, also called the Nokia 6300 Gold. It is light yellow. The Nokia 6300 also has Web, Calendar, Game apps and more. In May 2008, this phone reached global popularity.