The movie premiered in 1984 and follows the same plot as the manga, but it is less developed. It has several famous English actors, including Patrick Stewart, Uma Thurman, Shia LaBeouf and Mark Hamill. It sold more than 1 million tickets when it came out, and it first came out in North America in the 1980s, but was called Warriors of the Wind. It was a cut version of the movie, losing 30 minutes of the movie that the editors called "slow-moving", and the voice actors were never told the plot of the movie. The emphasis that the movie had on environmentalism was diluted because of the cuts, and there was next to no character development. Miyazaki dislikes this version of the movie a lot, and made a "no cuts" clause to make sure this doesn't happen again. The uncut version of the movie was re-released in 2005 on DVD, and won a set of 3 film awards in 1985.[2]