Everyone has his friend. Fair words can buy a horse on credit. New broom does sweep clean, but old broom knows all de corners. Not all useful knowledge comes from books or formal learning. Well to do people offer words of consolation only to the needy, but never any tangible assistance. Carry your own burdens. Chop in water leave no mark. People never recognise their own faults. Monkey knows what tree to climb. All skin teeth eh laugh. People with certain inabilities are not free to act. Bush has ears. The thing that makes you happy may also hurt you. Conversation is the food of the ears. The race is not for the swift, slow and steady wins. Blood is thicker than water.
†Physiographically, these are continental islands not a part of the volcanic Windward Islands arc. However, based on proximity, these islands are sometimes grouped with the Windward Islands culturally and politically.
# Physiographically, Bermuda is an isolated oceanic island in the North Atlantic Ocean, not a part of the Antilles, West Indies, Caribbean, North American continental mainland or South American continental mainland. Usually grouped with Northern American countries based on proximity; occasionally grouped with the Caribbean region culturally.