The montane Pinocchio frog (Litoria vivissimia) is a frog from the island of New Guinea. Scientists saw it on Hides Ridge in the Southern Fold Mountains in Papua New Guinea.[1] Like the Pinocchio frog, it has a point on its nose that can grow or shrink.[2][3]
The male adult frog is about 28.6 mm long from nose to rear end. It is light yellow-brown in color with light green patches and more yellow on its legs. It has a spike on its nose, and all of its toes are webbed.[4]
As of 2019, scientists only saw Litoria vivissimia once,[3] in Central Cordillera. The scientists used DNA barcoding to examine Litoria vivissimia and its relatives, the parachuting frog and the Pinocchio frog.[5]
The Latin name of this frog, vivissimia, means "cheeky monkey."[6]