Luis Alberto "Lucho" Arce Catacora (born 28 September 1963) is a Bolivian politician. In November 2020, he became the President of Bolivia.[1]
He served as the Minister of Economy and Public Finance (2006–2017, 2019) under president Evo Morales.[2]
In January 2020, he was elected candidate for the presidency of Bolivia for the October 2020 national elections by the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party, along with former chancellor David Choquehuanca as a candidate for vice presidency.[1] The elections happened on October 18, 2020 and according the country's election commission, Arce was elected president with an absolute majority of 55.1%.[3][4]
Minister of Economy
On January 23, 2006, Arce was chosen by President Evo Morales to be Minister of Finance. Three years later, in 2009, he took charge of the new Ministry of Economy and Public Finance.[5] Arce watch over the nationalization of hydrocarbon, telecommunications and mining companies in Bolivia. During his ministry, Bolivian GDP increased by 344% and extreme poorness dropped from 38% to 15%.[6][7]
The first thing Arce did when he swore into the presidency is revert the recognition of the Venezuelan president to Maduro.[8]
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Luis Arce.