Life of the Party is a 2018 American comedy movie directed by Ben Falcone and written by Falcone and Melissa McCarthy. It is the third movie directed by Falcone and co-written by the pair, following Tammy (2014) and The Boss (2016).
The movie, starring McCarthy, Molly Gordon, Gillian Jacobs, Maya Rudolph, Julie Bowen, Matt Walsh, Debby Ryan, Adria Arjona, Jessie Ennis, Stephen Root, and Jacki Weaver.
It is about a newly divorced mother who returns to college to complete her degree, and ends up bonding with her daughter's friends.
It is produced by On the Day Productions and New Line Cinema. The movie was released on May 11, 2018, by Warner Bros. Pictures. It has made $49 million worldwide and received mixed reviews from critics.[1]