Krishnadevaraya Invaded Kalinga which was under the Gajapati Kingdom under his general Appaji Saluva (also known as Timma or Timmarusu Saluva) defeated Gajapatis initially capturing Virbhadra the Gajapati Prince and later forcing Prataprudra Deva to surrender and marrying his daughter to Krishnadevaraya.[1][2]
The Vijayangara Army under the Command of Appaji Saluva laid siege to Udayagiri Fort in 1512 which lasted for a year. Both Army fought vigorously but due to starvation and lack of resources the Gajapati army was forced to retreat.Later both Armies clashed again at Kondaveedu Fort.[3] Initially Vijaynagara army began to retreat due to heavy casualties on them by Gajapati army but Appaji cleverly identified the weak and less defended a location of the Fort and carried a night attack defeating the Gajapati army, capturing the Fort as well as the Gajapati Prince Virbhadra.[4]
Krishnadevaraya planned an invasion of Kalinga but Prataprudra got the news and planned to attack Vijayangara Army first but due to Appaji cleverly bribing an Gajapati General got the news and the army Invaded Kalinga forcing Prataprudra to flee. He eventually surrendered and offered his daughter to Krishnadevaraya.[5]