The Kingpin (Wilson Grant Fisk) is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe. The character first appears in The Amazing Spider-Man #50 (July 1967), and was created by writer Stan Lee and artist John Romita, Sr. The Kingpin often appears as an adversary of Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Punisher.
- Spider-Man
- Daredevil
- Punisher
- Police Academy: The Animated Series (1988 - 1989) - Kingpin appears in some episodes with the crimes gang.
- Spider-Man (1994)
- Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
- The Spectacular Spider-Man
Kingpin is the main antagonist of both the 2003 movie Daredevil played by Michael Clarke Duncan and the 2015 Netflix original television series Daredevil set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in which he is played by Vincent D'Onofrio. D'Onofrio played Kingpin in the 2021 Disney+ series Hawkeye, the 2024 series Echo, and will reprised the role in the upcoming television series Daredevil: Born Again. Kingpin is also the villain of the animated movie Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.