Justin Hammer is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), portrayed by actor Sam Rockwell. Based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, he first appears in the movie Iron Man 2, released in 2010. Hammer is a businessman and the CEO of Hammer Industries, a weapons manufacturing company that serves as a rival to Tony Stark's Stark Industries.
In Iron Man 2, Hammer is depicted as an opportunistic and somewhat shady character who seeks to regain prominence in the defense industry following Tony Stark's decision to cease producing weapons. He attempts to create a new line of armored suits and showcases his technology at a government weapons expo. However, his plans are undermined by the machinations of the villain Ivan Vanko (Whiplash), leading to chaos and confrontation.
Hammer's character is noted for his charisma and humor, often providing comic relief amidst the film's more serious moments. Despite his ambitious aspirations, his lack of technological expertise compared to Stark ultimately leads to his downfall.
There have been no further appearances of Justin Hammer in the MCU, but the character remains a memorable part of Tony Stark's story and the larger narrative of the franchise. Rockwell's portrayal of Hammer has garnered a following, and there is speculation among fans about a potential return in future projects.