Most hylids have forward-facing eyes that gives them binocularvision. These hylids are arborealspecies, meaning they live in trees. Non-arboreal species do not have any of these advantages. The Cyclorana species are burrowing frogs.[1] They spend most of their time underground. Hylids will eat insects and other invertebrates. Larger species can eat small vertebrates.
Hylids lay their eggs in ponds. Some lay their eggs in puddles that in holes inside trees. Others lay their eggs on plants, if water is near. The tadpoles will drop from the plants and into the pond when they hatch. In South America, female hylids carry the eggs on their backs until they hatch.[1]
The word "tree frog" is a popular term for many Hylidae. For example, Hyla versicolor is the name of the changeable tree frog, Trachycephalus lichenatus is the name of the lichened tree frog, and Trachycephalus marmoratus is the marbled tree frog. However, the name "tree frog" is not unique to this family. "Tree frog" is used more often for many species in Rhacophoridae.
The Hylidae family is divided into the following subfamilies and genera: