Homo sacer (Latin for the ‘sacred man’ or ‘accursed man’) is a phrase taken from Roman law. It is
used to describe someone who is banished, and may be killed by anybody but not used in a religious killing
(sacrifice). Described by Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben in his book Homo Sacer; ‘sovereign
power and bare life’ as a person who is living a ‘naked life’ and is an outcast of society.
Someone becomes Homo Sacer by breaking a legal agreement or oath; people who
illegally cross the borders between countries have often been referred to and treated as Homo
Sacer. In Shahram Khosravi’s book Illegal traveller he talks about how someone
forced to leave their country to find a better life elsewhere can become ‘homo sacer’, which can
lead to a feeling of separation from the rest of society.
This makes the person an outlaw; they have no civil rights and lose their protection
from the state. They are often victims of abuse and unfair treatment both through this loss of rights
but also from everyday citizens.