Helen Antoniadis-Bibicou (21 July 1923 – 12 or 13 June 2017) was a Greek MarxistByzantinescholar. She studied Byzantine history, and modern Greek studies. She was an active member of the Greek Communist Party in France.[1]
In May 1947, she left to study in France. She studied at the French Institute of Athens, with Octave Merlier. In Paris, she continued her political activity; in 1949, she organized the visit of Paul Éluard to Grammos, to meet with the Hellenic Democratic Army. [3]
She studied with Paul Lemerl, and Fernand Brundel. She worked as a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research of France (CENRS). During the Regime of the Colonels, she organized resistance in France. She was general secretary of the Hellenic-French Movement for a Free Greece. She was vice-president of the Pierre Belon Interdisciplinary Society.
She was awarded the Medal of the National Resistance, Golden Cross of the Order of Mercy, [2]