Heather [ heth-er ][1] is a female first name. It is based around "heather", the English word for a variety of shrubs having pink and white flowers. The name Heather has a simple meaning, which is "a plant that always blooms and stays green." It comes from the Old English word "haeth," which means "an area with no trees or plants" or "a deserted land." This plant is famous for its ability to survive in tough conditions, and people often connect it with toughness and endurance. Additionally, the name Heather is related to the color purple, which is the same color as the flowers of the plant. Purple is commonly linked with richness, extravagance, and refinement.[2] There are many famous people having the name. They include Heather Locklear, Heather Tom, Heather Thomas and Heather Matarazzo.