Harold "Happy" Hogan is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) portrayed by Jon Favreau. Based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, he first appears in Iron Man (2008) and has since become a recurring character in the franchise. Happy originally serves as the bodyguard and chauffeur to Tony Stark (Iron Man) but grows into a more significant role as a friend and ally.
Throughout the MCU, Happy is characterized by his loyalty to Tony Stark and his blend of humor and seriousness in various situations. He has been involved in several key moments across different films, contributing to the storylines surrounding the Avengers and the Stark legacy.
After Tony's death in Avengers: Endgame (2019), Happy's character is seen grappling with the loss and trying to support Stark's legacy, particularly through his relationship with Peter Parker (Spider-Man). In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), he plays a significant role as a mentor figure to Peter, further solidifying his connection to Tony's world.
Happy Hogan's character exemplifies themes of loyalty, friendship, and the challenges of moving on after loss, making him a relatable and supportive presence in the MCU.