Goitres are classified in different ways (put into different categories):
A diffuse goitre is a goitre that has spread through all of the thyroid. A diffuse goitre can be a "simple goitre" or a "multi nodular goitre."
Toxic goiter is a goitre with hyperthyroidism. These most commonly caused by Graves disease, but they can also be caused by inflammation or a multinodular goitre.
Any other type of goitre is called a non-toxic goitre. These may be caused by lithium, some kinds of autoimmune diseases, or other problems. People with non-toxic goiters have low thyroid levels (hypothyroidism) or normal thyroid levels.
New research says that some people may be more vulnerable to goitre (more likely to have goiters) because they inherited that vulnerability (it was passed down to them from their parents).