Girls Aloud was a British girl group created by an ITV television show named Popstars: The Rivals in 2002.[1] The group's members were Cheryl Cole (née Tweedy), Nadine Coyle, Sarah Harding, Nicola Roberts and Kimberley Walsh.[1] Girls Aloud have become one of the most successful British pop groups of the 2000s, with a record-breaking twenty consecutive Top 10 singles (including four number ones), six platinum albums (including two number ones) and record sales of more than 4.3 million in the UK.[2][3][4] They have also been nominated for five BRIT Awards, winning Best Single in 2009 for The Promise.[2][3] The Guinness Book of World Records list them as "the most successful reality TV group of all time".[5] In March 2013, the group announced that they were splitting up.[3]
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