The Game Boy Sound System, also named GBS, is a file format made to play music made for the Game Boy. Like the Game Boy, four sounds can be played at the same time: two pulse waves, one 4-bit PCM (32 repeating samples in stereo) and one noise (sounds like static).
GBS music files can be ripped and played with special players and Game Boy emulators.
- Kobarin Media Player - GBS and many more chiptune formats can be played. A Winamp plugin converter is included.
- Audacious - A *nix player that can play GBS.
- Chipamp - A Winamp plug-in bundle by OverClocked ReMix that allows more than 40 chiptune and tracker formats to be played.
- gbsplay - An open source player for Linux and *nix. The player was also a XMMS plugin in older versions.[1]
- NEZPlug++ - A Winamp plug-in that can play the latest version of GBS.
- Audio Overload - A media player that can play many audio formats from old consoles and computers.
- Noise Entertainment System - A NSF/e (NES Sound File), GBS, VGM and SPC player for the iPhone and iPod touch.
- VLC Media Player - It can play many audio and video formats.